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KARAKURA NEWS | Guang Feng Victim Interview


Level 43
Lore Team

[The recording started, showing a back view of an unknown individual, only Calico's face was visible.]

‘Calico’ - [She sat up straight on the couch, neatly crossing one leg over the other as she tapped the papers on the table to straighten them.] “Good evening, I hope you’re doing well today. Could you please state your name, age, and occupation for me please?”

‘Fou’ - [Avoiding any eye contact with Calico, ‘Fou’ had leaned back and sunk into the couch, tapping their foot audibly against the wooden floor.] “Call me Fou, yeah, that’s good. I’m currently thirty-seven, and as for my occupation? I run a few companies outside of Karakura, though I’d rather not disclose them.”

‘Calico’ - [She offered ‘Fou’ a warm smile as she rested her hands on the knee that was over the other, tapping her index finger against her knee.] “Pleasure to meet you, Fou. Do you mind explaining what happened before the incident, as well as what happened during the incident?”

‘Fou’ - [Their leg had settled as they fiddled with their fingers.] “Before I got injured. . . I was talking with him at the forest entrance. He asked me if I was alone and if we could go for a walk. I accepted his offer as I hadn’t particularly had anything to do, therefore, we went on a walk. Upon reaching a certain location, he began asking a flurry of random questions. I was confused so I tried to leave, then I saw the gun. He shot me twice, once in my leg, next in my arm. . . . After that, it went dark. I presume he knocked me out, as I lost consciousness.”’ [The individual had nodded to themself, seemingly confirming the story with themself.]

‘Calico’ - [She frowned at their words, listening as they spoke, she felt bad for the person sitting in front of her.] “I see, I’m very sorry that something like that had to happen to someone like you, Fou. Do you possibly know why someone would do that to you, or even just a guess?”

‘Fou’ - [They looked down at the ground, biting their lip briefly before speaking] “I’m not entirely sure. He seemed normal beforehand but went into a maniac spiral of nonsense. I assume he was crazed, looking for vengeance. . . I’m not sure. From what I concluded, he was looking for criminals in the town and was practically hunting them down. His motives? I’m unsure. Psychology was never my forte.” [Eventually, they had sat themself up, staring right at Calico… Geez.] “While I don’t know his intentions, I’m sure they weren’t good ones. If those bullets landed anywhere else, I would probably be dead; and I presume that was the intent. I’ve made my share of enemies, but I’ve never seen him once. This was not targeted.”

‘Calico’ - [Gave a small nod, humming under her breath for a few moments.] “Assuming this isn’t targeted, do you think that many others could be at risk of being harmed?

‘Fou’ - "Mmm... from this criminal?" [‘Fou’ had let out a light laugh.] "Possibly, but it won't be many more I'm assuming from what he told me when we were talking originally. I'd say you all, the public should be more afraid of falling, if you are innocent, that is. If you want to be scared of something, I heard the criminals have gotten quieter but much more gruesome in their recent attacks, it's highly concerning isn't it Reporter O'Sullivan."

‘Calico’ - [She let a sigh escape her lips as she nodded in agreement.] “Yes, it’s very concerning actually. Less gang activity and crime, though it’s worsening every day with how everything is being done to others. Before we end this, I'd like to thank you for your time, Fou, though there's one more question. Would you like to say anything else for the public, maybe a warning of some kind, or anything else?”

‘Fou’ - "Thank you for having me! I appreciate speaking about what happened to me on that unfaithful day. And there are two things I'd like to say. First, to those citizens reading. . . Please remain cautious about who you talk to in this town, there are some shady people, as I hope you've come to conclude, and anything could happen. . . I was shot by a random person! The second thing I want to say?.... Lé conduit."

‘Calico’ - “Right, stay safe Fou-” [Her eyes grew wide as she stopped mid-sentence, though she got up and quickly walked over to the camera.]

[The recorded interview suddenly stopped.]


Level 15

[The recording started, showing a back view of an unknown individual, only Calico's face was visible.]

‘Calico’ - [She sat up straight on the couch, neatly crossing one leg over the other as she tapped the papers on the table to straighten them.] “Good evening, I hope you’re doing well today. Could you please state your name, age, and occupation for me please?”

‘Fou’ - [Avoiding any eye contact with Calico, ‘Fou’ had leaned back and sunk into the couch, tapping their foot audibly against the wooden floor.] “Call me Fou, yeah, that’s good. I’m currently thirty-seven, and as for my occupation? I run a few companies outside of Karakura, though I’d rather not disclose them.”

‘Calico’ - [She offered ‘Fou’ a warm smile as she rested her hands on the knee that was over the other, tapping her index finger against her knee.] “Pleasure to meet you, Fou. Do you mind explaining what happened before the incident, as well as what happened during the incident?”

‘Fou’ - [Their leg had settled as they fiddled with their fingers.] “Before I got injured. . . I was talking with him at the forest entrance. He asked me if I was alone and if we could go for a walk. I accepted his offer as I hadn’t particularly had anything to do, therefore, we went on a walk. Upon reaching a certain location, he began asking a flurry of random questions. I was confused so I tried to leave, then I saw the gun. He shot me twice, once in my leg, next in my arm. . . . After that, it went dark. I presume he knocked me out, as I lost consciousness.”’ [The individual had nodded to themself, seemingly confirming the story with themself.]

‘Calico’ - [She frowned at their words, listening as they spoke, she felt bad for the person sitting in front of her.] “I see, I’m very sorry that something like that had to happen to someone like you, Fou. Do you possibly know why someone would do that to you, or even just a guess?”

‘Fou’ - [They looked down at the ground, biting their lip briefly before speaking] “I’m not entirely sure. He seemed normal beforehand but went into a maniac spiral of nonsense. I assume he was crazed, looking for vengeance. . . I’m not sure. From what I concluded, he was looking for criminals in the town and was practically hunting them down. His motives? I’m unsure. Psychology was never my forte.” [Eventually, they had sat themself up, staring right at Calico… Geez.] “While I don’t know his intentions, I’m sure they weren’t good ones. If those bullets landed anywhere else, I would probably be dead; and I presume that was the intent. I’ve made my share of enemies, but I’ve never seen him once. This was not targeted.”

‘Calico’ - [Gave a small nod, humming under her breath for a few moments.] “Assuming this isn’t targeted, do you think that many others could be at risk of being harmed?

‘Fou’ - "Mmm... from this criminal?" [‘Fou’ had let out a light laugh.] "Possibly, but it won't be many more I'm assuming from what he told me when we were talking originally. I'd say you all, the public should be more afraid of falling, if you are innocent, that is. If you want to be scared of something, I heard the criminals have gotten quieter but much more gruesome in their recent attacks, it's highly concerning isn't it Reporter O'Sullivan."

‘Calico’ - [She let a sigh escape her lips as she nodded in agreement.] “Yes, it’s very concerning actually. Less gang activity and crime, though it’s worsening every day with how everything is being done to others. Before we end this, I'd like to thank you for your time, Fou, though there's one more question. Would you like to say anything else for the public, maybe a warning of some kind, or anything else?”
very unknown

‘Fou’ - "Thank you for having me! I appreciate speaking about what happened to me on that unfaithful day. And there are two things I'd like to say. First, to those citizens reading. . . Please remain cautious about who you talk to in this town, there are some shady people, as I hope you've come to conclude, and anything could happen. . . I was shot by a random person! The second thing I want to say?.... Lé conduit."

‘Calico’ - “Right, stay safe Fou-” [Her eyes grew wide as she stopped mid-sentence, though she got up and quickly walked over to the camera.]



Level 68
Conduit = sewers(problably) / name of an organization we don't know about(probably).
Clearly calico realised of something when she was going to stop the recording. Whatever she understands by Conduit is something that really get the nerve of calico but Fou doesn't seem very affected, like Fou didn't mind it was heard in the audio at all, maybe it is like this because Fou doesn't have their face seen at any moment.
The connotations of this audio are VERY VERY INTERESTING...
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Level 194
Conduit = sewers(problably) / name of an organization we don't know about(probably).
Clearly calico realised of something when she was going to stop the recording. Whatever she understands by Conduit is something that really get the nerve of calico but Fou doesn't seem very affected, like Fou didn't mind it was heard in the audio at all, maybe it is like this because Fou doesn't have their face seen at any moment.
The connotations of this audio are VERY VERY INTERESTING...
So close yet so far, under which thy lay is the star


Level 68
So close yet so far, under which thy lay is the star

What the actual [cungadero] have I gotten myself into. God, poems are not my strong point. I'm starting to think that Fuo is not actually a good person. Maybe Conduit is a secret organization that messed with the wrong dude and now its time to pay the bills, The time wont save them from what they did. But then how do we insert Loki in the puzzle. Maybe Loki was inspired by Guang, or maybe they had similar objectives from the begining making it reliable for both to be colaborating with each other. I'm not saying they are both going against the same mysterious corporation but maybe.
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Level 194
What the actual [cungadero] have I gotten myself into. God, poems are not my strong point. I'm starting to think that Fuo is not actually a good person. Maybe Conduit is a secret organization that messed with the wrong dude and now its time to pay the bills, The time wont save them from what they did. But then how do we insert Loki in the puzzle. Maybe Loki was inspired by Guang, or maybe they had similar objectives from the begining making it reliable for both to be colaborating with each other. I'm not saying they are both going against the same mysterious corporation but maybe.

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