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KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura's Cooking Craze!


Level 85

March 27th, 2023. - 9.44C | 49.0 F

There is no surprise when it is said that the new cooking trend has taken over Karakura. From pans and spatulas being now sold at our open 24/7 shops, to shopping district locations selling ingredients no matter the theme of their store, this is everything you need to know regarding the new Karakura cooking craze.

[DuPont]: “Gooood morning Karakura! Reporter or .. today, Chef DuPont here to talk to you about the new trend that's taking Karakura by storm .. COOKING!”

[DuPont]: “I have fellow chef Yasushi here today to help me explain some of the more indepth factors when it comes to this craze that's taking the nation by storm!”

[Yasushi]: “Right .. ahem, seemingly starting by mid February, Karakura began to experience a new rise in wanting to be back in the kitchen rather than always eating out at the local shopping district restaurants. The new rise in staying home rather than eating out caused a large rise in demand for products to assist in the cooking field as well .. and now Karakura has a new market in general for cooking supplies and ingredients.”

[DuPont]: “That's right! And there's more to come speaking on that topic later .. for now, let's get cooking!”


[DuPont]: “In an oven, various meals can be cooked! Of course the options are endless, however below is a list of what we’ve seen to be the most common with the citizens of Karakura:
Bacon and Eggs Sandwich Toasted Bacon and Egg Sandwich Cake Batter Cake Cooked Chicken Rice Bowl Onigiri Beef Curry Cookie Dough Cookie Takeout Noodles Nakamura Ramen Bread Dough Margarita Pizza Vegetarian Pizza Bacon and Cheese Pizza Pepperoni Pizza Fried Chicken Sushi Pink Frosted Donut, and dozens of fish types!”1679944384910.png

[DuPont]: “As for that frying pan, even more can be done! Again some of the more common foods we’ve seen fried are Steak, Egg, and Bacon. All of which can be used in the Oven to bake and cook more complex foods.”

[Yasushi]: “Adding onto this .. Due to the nature of a lot of Karakura’s more common food items being fish, it also caused a new rise in fishing as well across Karakura, causing a bit of a fishing frenzy which will be explained more in depth in another upcoming article.”


[DuPont]: “Now when it comes to cooking, it actually isn't too hard! I'll be going in depth and showing some examples on how to do some of the more basic stuff!”

[DuPont]: “First let's learn how to use an oven, the oven is much safer and easier to use compared to the stove top! The first step in using the oven is to open up your ingredients! Surely by opening (clicking) the oven, you'll be able to figure out what you can and can't make! The easiest things to cook here are most types of fish and should only take about one minute! You also can cook various other things in the oven such as chicken, cookies, pizza and so on! Another way you can make foods is by implementing some food that was fried earlier and mixing it in with other stuff! Such as eggs to make a Bacon, egg and cheese sandwich! 1679944384950.png

[DuPont]: “Now once you have your food in the oven, it's suggested you keep an eye on it! However, unlike with using the stove top, you could simply just set a timer and come back for it later! Most foods in the oven are very hard to burn, so don't worry if you're a few minutes late!”1679944384968.png

[DuPont]: “Now onto the stove top! The stove top is MUCH more dangerous!! You must use both a frying pan and spatula when cooking on the stove top .. if you do not use a spatula, you'll be burned! Ouch! As mentioned earlier, you can cook various foods on the stove top.. Here I'll show you how to cook an egg!”


[DuPont]: “First of course, set your pan on the desired stove top. Next crack your egg into the pan. From there grab your spatula and monitor the gg. As you can see, at first it's all squiggly and gooing .. not yummy! After a while you may start to see some smoke come up, don't worry! That's totally normal! Soon you'll see your egg come together more, the yolk will be a lighter color and egg whites will seem more .. Stuck together and full, that's when you know your egg is ready!! This when you'd use your spatula and get the egg! However, if you're late .. The egg will become burnt and black .. Very not yummy!”


[DuPont]: “I'll now hand things over to ‘Jim’ so he can explain how and where to get your food and materials!”

[Yasushi]: “Correct, for starters I'll go over where to get your frying pan and spatula. The easiest place to find such items are your local 11/7 located behind Karakura High & College. Here they are priced for about 7,500 yen for a frying pan and 2,500 yen for a spatula. Here other ingredients also sold are eggs, Milk, and flour. Of course they also have other food items you can buy that can be used for cooking other foods as well. Now, what about other foods or ingredients you’d need?

[Yasushi]: “Many1679944385071.png of the shopping district shops and restaurants even sell what you'd need, however I'll be strictly mentioning two that likely will be the most straightforward and common sense. First on this list of two locations is Koribureku Bakery, which sells all the bread and milk you'd need to make and bake certain food items.

[Yasushi]: “Next on the list is a newer shop to shopping district actually. Known mostly for the sweets, chocolates, and yummy treats, we have Kiku Dokyo, also again located in the shopping district. Now is it worth mentioning that for this place, it isn't as straightforward and out in the open. To find what you'll need, you need to go towards the way back of the shop to find these items.


[Yasushi]: “When you are done cooking, especially when cooking raw materials, its important to wash both your hands and the supplies you used. That being most likely your frying pan, and your spatula.”

[DuPont]: “That's right! Let's say you didnt wash your hands or spatula and raw eggs were on it .. then you ate something and ate some of the raw egg stuff? You can get food poisoning or indigestion! Not good!”

[Yasushi]: “..Exactly why its important to wash your hands thoroughly along with your supplies.


This was Jim Yasushi and Adeline DuPont, signing out.

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