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Level 72

Umeda Kame, Senior Reporter

Alright. It's time for another report, from yours truly of course. It won’t be anything like the last one, instead, this time I got to sit down with Hiroto Akihito. The current commissioner of the KPD station. We were having small talk, discussing events and everything, when all of the sudden he spoke of a person who used to be in the KPD. This obviously made me more interested, and he told me to record it. So here I present to you, the infamous Marshall Santiago.


Key :
Dark Blue - Umeda Kame
Mint Green - Hiroto Akihito

Alright, so say as much as you'd like on the topic, I won't interrupt.

Alright. So, first off, let me talk a bit about him. Marshall Santiago or Detective Santiago as was formerly known as part of the police department's detective division. There wasn't much about him that I could highlight, though he was the type of person you'd find in a place where we psychologically interact with other individuals

Psychologically interact? Before we go further, can you give some more light on that topic?

Well, it is commonly known that to make individuals say the truth, we gotta play with their minds. Not in a malicious way, of course. Torturing or other sorts of inhumane stuff is out of the table. However, more often than not, we have to end up having to deceive them. Yeah, that's the word. I guess you could put it like that.

Deceive them in a way that makes you get what you want out of them. Or... for them to tell the truth.

Let's just say . . . It's a bit of the two.

So even if they're not in the wrong... Do you still attempt to get them to say what you want them to?

It's a bit hard to explain. There's no way for us to tell for sure if someone's innocent or not. That's what lawyers are for. They're there for those who are actually innocent and need legal advice so that we don't think they're guilty. And even if they do end up arrested from an interrogation, they always have the option to plead not guilty and schedule a criminal trial. There are tons of measures put in place so that we don't arrest innocent people. We may not be perfect, but we make up for it.

Ah, I see. Continue with the topic of Santiago, please.

Alright. Anyhow, to put you in context, all of this took place a bit before the ********* group known as Kishi started getting popularity. I myself wasn't here, but from what I could hear in conversations I overheard, Santiago was quite the sketchy guy I don't think he actually hung around anyone, really. The force is known for having our own little friend groups, one could say. However, he always seemed to be that lone wolf.

So, he was a loner... Did anyone report any type of conversation with him?

Yeah. That is until he left the force. At first, the commissioner and the DSI at the time, Reizo Tokushima and Ernesto Martinez were still chill with them. However, it wasn't too long until things started to go south. By this point, Kishi had already gained a lot of reputation to the point where officers were desperate to catch their leader, Metagarou Tachitsu. After some confrontations here and there, he was eventually arrested, but he managed to escape due to Ernesto's behavior during the situation at the time. Although I can't blame him for what he did, I'm glad he's no longer in the force. I wouldn't want this story to repeat itself.

Ah, yes. Ernesto. I vaguely remember a report about him. What did Santiago have to do about this?

That's where I wanted to go with this. After he escaped for the first time, he was injured and shot in the arm. If I were Metagarou myself, I would've avoided the hospital since they all work with us, so his only option was to pray that he wouldn't bleed out. That is until a mysterious figure appeared. Marshall. By this point, he had resigned but was right in front of quite possibly the most wanted man in Karakura at the time. One would expect that he'd report it to us, but it was quite the opposite. Instead of doing so, he medically aided him and failed to report this to us. What's worse is that Marshall turned out to also join the infamous Kishi.

Do you think that there could of been some... silent communication with former Kishi lead Metagarou and Santiago? Maybe feeding of information while he was on the force, or being friends behind Reizo's and Ernesto's backs?

Most likely. However, he refused to let us know more than what I'm already telling you. When he decided to go to the 'dark side' is currently unknown. Who knows if he was originally a gang member who infiltrated in the police force.

Is there any other details you can give me on him? Possibly what happened after the breach of the Kishi base where Malachi was held captive?

That's the next part. So, after he helped him, he managed to go into the sewers where he remained for a biiig while. Up to this day, we have no idea where he went. During this manhunt, though, we were able to trace Santiago's steps. I'm still not quite sure how it went, but I think it had something to do with him using a piece of his clothing for the medical assistance I talked about before. Anyhow, he ended up getting arrested some moments before the whole guerrilla war took place behind block C.

Guerilla war? Do induldge!

Ah, right. I don't think these terms are commonly known out of the military. To summarize, and from the perspective of someone who's been in the Japanese national force, it's basically a type of mini-war that happens when a group of paramilitary, aka, the unofficial army goes to war against a generally bigger opponent. This usually happens when groups of civilians rebel against the government, which is what Kishi did.

So, what kind of war happened behind the C block

That's... quite something I can't describe. Simply because I wasn't there. You're better off asking officers who were there to witness it.

Ah.. I see. Do you have anything further to add on Marshall Santiago?

To conclude the story, he was locked up and confessed to his crimes. I personally didn't get to meet him, though I'm pretty sure he has his own point of view. Our detectives have tried to interrogate him over his reasoning, but they were met with a shut-mouth. He's still under our custody and will be until someone bails them out.

I'm really glad you got to share this story with us, and maybe one day Marshall will open up more.

Good luck with that, anyhow. Thanks for listening

Personally, I have no idea who this Marshall guy is, but I'm sure there's more to this story than police files. I'll do a bit more digging in the future, but for now, what are your thoughts on all of this? I'd love to hear them! Stay safe.


Level 86
Community Team
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with an opening like that i was thinking it was gonna be valentinus or sasha, you knnow, because sasha left sayumi for valentinus

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