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KARAKURA NEWS | Late Night Hot Chocolate


Level 86

Jim Kaede Yasushi - December 2, 2022. - 3.5 C | 38.3 F

From evening till dawn, right near the intersection on Karakura Avenue and Komichi Road, in front of house 301, near plaza, allegedly three Spartan college students set up a hot chocolate stand that extended off sidewalks into the road. According to Eyewitnesses, an exact time of when the little pop-up stand was created is unknown, however it can be inferred it was put up at around Evening time. I'll place one of the written versions of an interview I did below that helped determine how long the stand was in place for:

[Yasushi:] “So, I heard you and Allen (the partner to the interviewee) saw the college students running the .. Hot chocolate stand, yes?”

[???:] “Well- Passed it, yes”

[Yasushi:] “I see, well what time did you pass them?”

[???:] “well yes, mainly because I live in the apartment at the end of the road”

[Yasushi:] “. . . The time, Miss Zaalate. What did you pass the stand?”

[Zaalate:] “I'm not very sure .. I believe it was late at night?”
[Zaalate:] “I wasn't paying much attention to the time ..”

[Yasushi:] “So after evening, surely?”

[Zaalate:] “Definitely”

[Yasushi:] “Splendid, thank you. Were any students there? If so, were they holding any items?”

[Zaalate:] “There was quite a few, but I wasn't paying much attention to what they were holding . . .”

[Yasushi:] “Right, Of course”
[Yasushi:] " . . . Would you say it seemed as if the stand was set up for a while due to all the business happening?”

[Zaalate:] “It seemed so . . .”

[Yasushi:] “Ah, interesting. You claimed you lived right down the street, yes? Did you see the stand earlier that day when passing by?”

[Zaalate:] “Not really, No. And when I went by in the morning, the stand was just.. Gone. As if it was never really there.”
[Zaalate:] “Astounding how quickly those kids work”

[Yasushi:] “Would you say it's a fair estimate to think the stand was put up in the evening and taken down a little after dawn?”

[Zaalate:] “I'd Assume so, based on the fact there was no trace of it. If you hadn't interviewed me today, I'd simply have thought I was hallucinating again.”

[Yasushi:] “ . . . “
[Yasushi:] “. . .Right, well, I believe this is a good place to wrap things up. I gotten all I needed, have a safe day Miss Zaalate”

As shown through the interview, it was agreed upon that the likelihood of the stand being set up passed evening or beforehand seems unlikely.. Similar can be said about the stand being taken down around dawn.

Now, As for who ran the stand? Three college students by the name of Anais Asanquez, Hunter Matsumoto and Georgia Saionji ran it til’ around 7:30 AM the following dawn. Below is a picture of the stand starting to be taken down.

While checking out the Stand initially the night it began, one of the students running it told me and others, presumably their friends, that they were selling hot chocolate for around 5k yen. Then they offered a discounted price of 3k Yen to a close buddy of theirs it seemed.
However, was that all that was being sold? Just hot chocolates as advertised? Several students walked away from the hot coco hand holding shields and others seemingly .. Spartan merchandise. When I approached to ask what it was for, simply .. I was ignored or shrugged off, which seems like the usual behavior from young adults nowadays. Not much else can be said on that specific topic.

What else came up about this stand? Well as mentioned previously, the stand extended off the sidewalk into the road, three traffic cones, fence, plus snowmen/women that resemble the three students running the stand blocked traffic on Karakura Avenue. A few Spartans helped keep the road clear of snow as well as keep the floor around the stand snow free. Right after the stand was taken down, yes traffic was no longer being disrupted.. But then the snow quickly piled up again just an hour or two later once all students were in school.

At the end of the day .. or should I say, At the start of the day, this for the most part just seemed like a surprise little pop-up stand that entertained many and helped warm up the citizens of karakura through hot chocolate. Though small, the stand did not go unnoticed. Perhaps one day Karakura Avenue will see a return of the Hot chocolate stand in the future ,, till' next time, I’m Jim Yasushi, signing out.

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