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Karakura's School Curse | 学校の呪い


Level 137
OOC: this whole thing is meant for IC purposes. please feel free to use it 100% ICly. also should put a disclaimer: if you don't like reading spooky stuff, or if it is passed your bedtime, please don't click on the spoiler. thank you.
its actually passed my bedtime. its 4:06 right now. please enjoy your quarantine and wash your hands, for christ's sake.

A report by Kino Mishao

Hey, guys! It's me, Kino. Now it has been a while since my last report about Karakura, but that doesn't matter. I've been looking into Karakura High School (and College's) past and found out that there are a ton of deaths every few years. Most of these are suicides or some other self-killing. Now, I'm always one for the supernatural or spooky shit so I'm definitely going to say that the school is cursed. There isn't much I can find about this school, the history of it is pretty clouded, unfortunately, but I did the best I could.

Now, according to my findings, there is at least one student who is the cause of the deaths. They, themselves, are also. . . dead, just don't realize it. There is always one extra student every few years and, if you guessed correctly, those are the years where people die. How tragic! So now every few years, people should start avoiding a certain selected student. Act as if they don't even exist. Don't talk to them, don't look at them, nothing. They don't exist. This is a temporary solution to slow the curse's process until I figure out a way to drive us away from the curse, or if I find who is the cause of it. Now, this takes a while every year. I have to see how many students are actually here, what they look like, what their names are, very difficult shena****ns.

"Now hold on, Kino. Maybe YOU'RE the dead person!"
Yes, yes. This could all be true. Maybe I am dead and I don't realize it? Who knows. But only if you find me and kill me will this curse end, at least for the year.

Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for, the person to not exist this year will be:


There ya have it, folks! I honestly don't know who this is but that's the person that doesn't exist now. If we all just pretend she doesn't exist, the curse might slow!

Actually, I think I've talked to her a couple of times. She practically doesn't exist anyways.

Just remember, this person no longer exists! Let's keep it that way. I'd hate for this school to undergo some fatal accidents, again.

Man, it's only been a few hours since this post began. I should be more elaborate.

The deaths usually are suicide, yes, but did you know they don't happen overnight? There is always a preparation for it. Like, once the person makes contact with the "cursed" student they will die over a few couples of days. Multiple events will happen in their lives. People will start hating them, harassing them, insulting them, etc, etc. Then, when the person can't handle it anymore, they die! Just like that. Suicide or something. Trying to "help" this doomed student will not work, I've tried. They die no matter what. It is sad, I know.

Just remember our non-existent student this year!! V. Joryoku. I've talked to her before, don't think she's dead. She's fucking weird, sure, but she can't be dead. Just doesn't suit her. If she was, I wouldn't be all too surprised.

I've heard someone named Jamie Lain interacted with this cursed person. So many horrible things happening to her, I can only wonder. Maybe she'll die next, who knows?
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