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KPD Application | CannibalismRP

lamby :3

Level 30
Community Team
Event Team


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans:
I do not have any bans on SRP.

Describe your activity on the server:
As a whole I would describe my activity as flourishing, I used to not go on SRP much but now I am on SRP at all times and Discord is always open. I can also do any timezone due to my sleep schedule being irregular.

Which timezone are you in?

Do you have Discord?
Yes, my discord is Dummmy#0001

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes, I have a working microphone which is clear.

List your current and past applications: ACCEPTED ACCEPTED ACCEPTED ACCEPTED

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying for KPD is simple and probably one of the most common answers, I want to expand on my SRP knowledge and Role play skills, being accepted into the KPD can expand that and open new doors for me. There is also the fact that I adore the other KPD members and I like what they do. I'd like to be a part of that and in the situation when it happens, I would also like to become a Cadet and rank up to become a Detective since I look into things too much, and believe I will be a good addition to the team.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?:

Yes, I understand them thoroughly.

What are the Police ranks?

The Police ranks as following:

The Police Commissioner:
{He oversees the force and makes sure all the work is finished.}

The Police Director:
{The Police Director is basically 2nd in command in the Police Officer Ranks and does the same thing as the Commissioner.}

The Police Lieutenant
{The Police Lieutenant oversees officers that can show new strategies independently, or with others}

The Police Sergeant
{The Police Sergeant keeps and Eye and Ear open for anyone who is unable to hear information needed in the Station at that moment in time}​

The Police Corporal:
{The Police Corporal is situated with making sure everyone and everything is running well, if anything came up troublesome a Corporal or higher up would handle it.}

The Patrol Officer/Police Officer:
{The Police Officer is responsible for making sure the community and peace is happy and kept.}

Police Cadet:
{ The Police Cadets are baby birds of the KPD they will go through training to make it up to Police Officer/Patrol officer and join their peers they are the newest additions}



Detective Superintendent:
{The Superintendent controls the Detective Branch of the KPD and oversees all work and progress on that part of the field.}

Detective Chief Inspector:
{The Chief Inspectors job is the 2nd highest role of the Detectives Branch they have proved they earn this by working hard through the ranks.}

Detective Inspector
{The Detective Inspector is above Constables like the Chief Inspector they prove they train to rank up}

Detective Constable.
{They do the same as other detectives but are a lower rank than the rest, but they do conclude the same work as others.}

{This may not be accurate. I got my sources from the Karakura Emergency Discord which may be outdated}

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Although I may not know the basics of Police Work as I have never worked in this section before I do know the basics of what people mostly get arrested for it may be having Illegal items on them or being caught doing something Illegal, Including fines.

I also acknowledge that this isn’t a walk in the park, they try hard to succeed and most often they do I watch their movements and actions quite a lot since I like watching the experience of other players.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Police Officer role is a major role for SchoolRP due to the fact that if we didn’t have police we wouldn’t have a law in place to stop people from doing things that are considered illegal in game, GangRP and other forms of roleplay would lack and be more easy for people to get away with things like Icly Murder to small things like J-Walking, Police Officers bring a new layer of excitement and possibilities to the table and makes players consider things more.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand I’m able to be demoted at any given time.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I acknowledge this and I agree to be 100% dedicated to this role if I am chosen.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I understand I guarantee my presence at all trainings.​

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes them unique?
Jae Hwa Eun is a Korean, 5’6 female with Long silky black hair and brown eyes, a common combination she’d have a mesomorphic build and would be very Flexible from her previous job as a contortionist.

While being young she was trained in multiple ways from Mentally to Physically by her parents for self defence due to the population of crime in Karakura.

What is she like on and off the job?
When she is in the workplace she would behave in the most professional way possible, following all the protocols and all the trainings, but above all she would impeccably follow all the orders that would be given to her by her superiors. work in a fair and just way, she must not apply favoritism , but above all she must not become corrupt and work or collaborate with the Gangs, and so on, because her goal must be to protect and defend the defenceless As for outside the workplace, she would instead behave in a normal way, like a classic adult, taking care of her family, where she had one of her, or she would make friends with other adults, hanging out with them. Always limiting himself to the knowledge of certain individuals, as mentioned above.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
- If I have not misunderstood the first question, you should place trust in your colleagues and vice versa, always behaving in a polite and professional manner, discussing with them about the job and nothing else, if they were to find themselves in the workplace. On the other hand, when they find themselves outside the workplace, during their day off, in that case they can have a non-formal, but friendly chat, getting to know each other better and more and more.

-Her plans for the future are to make the city as safe as possible and to save as many lives as possible, since Karakura is infested with criminals and gangs of all kinds. I am sure that with time, training and practice, you will undoubtedly be able to achieve your most coveted and greatest dream, which is to dedicate your life to the protection and safety of the city.


(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ word

Jae Hwa Eun was born on August 28th, 2001, in the city of Karakura, Japan. And was born in a small hospital in the city, being watched by both of her Korean parents. Jae’s parents were high class, and had a lot of money that kept them all in a stable condition. They were also able to buy many other things that they liked. Such as expensive jewellery, expensive electronics, and many more.

Being in Karakura, Jae Hwa never struggled with the Japanese language, despite being Korean, due to the fact that she was born in Karakura, Japan, learning the language came natural to her, and she adapted very quickly.

Despite her family being rich, Jae attended a normal, middle class elementary school in the city of Karakura, after telling her parents that she didn’t want to go to a prestigious, rich school, so she wouldn’t make anyone feel bad about themselves if they weren't as high class as her family was. Attending elementary was overall normal for her. She made many friends that would hang out with her everyday, to people who weren’t really friends, and were just there for Jae Hwa’s money, since they knew her family was rich.

She received straight A's, and was always one of the top students to win awards at almost every school event that would take place at her elementary school. Moving forward to middle school, Jae Hwa, continued to get straight A's and would continue to be known as one of the best students in her school.

As time went by, she would finally graduate middle school and would arrive at Karakura highschool at the age of 15. Starting highschool started off normally for Jae Hwa, until she started to notice the negatives of the school. Karakura was known to be a very dangerous place, and had a lot going on everyday. One of the most famous aspects of Karakura was the amount of gang activity that went down all the time. Jae Hwa was unaware of this until her second year of highschool. She started to notice the amount of students who would get arrested often, and the riots that would take place.

Jae Hwa Eun continued to live her life, despite knowing all of the dangerous things that go down in Karakura. Being the sensible person that she is, she ignored all of the negatives, and continued to make more friends and continue studying in hopes of graduating, to eventually move into the Karakura College. She began to study economics, and would spend a lot of her spare time alone, studying in the public library, and at home. She wasn’t quite sure about what she would want to be when she becomes a young adult, so alongside studying Law and Justice, Jae Hwa explored other pathways, just in case she changed her mind about the career pathway that she originally chose, which was economics. Jae Hwa Eun continues to study Law and Justice, and explore the many unknowns of Karakura, she hopes to get a good job that can keep her living a stable life, such as becoming a Police Officer for the city of Karakura.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:
Jae Hwa Eun.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Jae Hwa.

Preferred Name:



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:
Jae would be Atheist.

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:
0 Years of training.

Working Experience:
0 Years of Working Experience.

Academic Degree:
College, Bachelor.

Year of Graduation:

Criminology, Criminal Justice.


Native Languages:

Other Languages:


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