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KPD Application | goegrieveeur


Level 11


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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

goegrieveeur (Applying with)
Plutophilia (Surgeon)
aslaniy (College-B)

Discord Name & Tag:

Previous bans:
No previous bans on any of my accounts.

Describe your activity on the server:
I have upwards of 30 weeks of playtime across my accounts. I joined in mid-June of last year and I have played consistently on the server ever since. I am frequently online, as I have a lot of free time that usually gets dedicated to the server. I’m able to spend around 2-7 hours daily on the server, which fluctuates depending on my availability and real-life priorities. However, with my excess amount of free time, I’m confident that I’ll be able to fill both my EMS and KPD quotas each month.

My main account, aslaniy, currently holds a college role at the bachelor level. I’ve spent the majority of my time on this account playing with friends. My earlier days were spent making friends and experiencing the novelty of SchoolRP, before I began delving into the criminal underworld of Karakura. Although I spent some time familiarizing myself with various gangs, I found myself gravitating towards roleplay-based crime and interesting interactions rather than what seemed to be the quota/perm-centric ways of many gangs. As of late, I’ve enjoyed playing the antagonist of my friends’ characters, and embarking on what I view as neat missions that open up interactions with other players. My current goal for this account is to progress through the college grading system!

My alt account, Plutophilia, currently holds a surgeon role. I am currently stationed as a senior surgeon within the EMS faction, after joining at the beginning of January 2023. I’ve spent my time on this account filling monthly quotas and having interesting interactions with other players that I might never have had, if not for joining. I’ve had the opportunity to experience another perspective in Karakura, testing my writing skills and occasionally researching when necessary, and branching out my horizons.

Finally, the account that I am applying with: goegrieveeur. This account currently holds a Grade-9 role, though I am working towards grading up and leveling the various attributes. Not much can be said, as it is still new. However, interacting with others in a fresh, new light is interesting.

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Accepted - Surgeon Application

What is your motivation for applying?:
The promise of novelty and a fresh experience in roleplay as an officer is what attracted me to the faction. I love to get a feel for what each faction is like from within, and I hope to experience every faction in due time. Apart from that, I also seek to engage in roleplay with some friends and future acquaintances in KPD. I’ve been looking to apply since my internship in November/December 2022, but the few loose ends that I had in Karakura’s criminal underworld prevented me from doing so initially. I look forward to experiencing a new side of the city of Karakura by applying.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
The majority of my knowledge in police work stems from my internship in November/December of last year, as well as the close-knit relationship that EMS and KPD have. I was able to get a better glimpse of the inner workings of the KPD from my time as a surgeon, such as by assisting in various duties and treating prisoners.

The main line of duty for all officers is to protect and serve the community in a lawful manner.

Within KPD, there are two respective divisions; the Main Division, and the Detective Division. To my knowledge, all officers start out in the Main Division as a cadet- a trainee, essentially, unable to leave the station without prior permission or a supervisor. Once an officer is an official part of the force after completing their informational and physical examinations successfully, they may have the opportunity to express their interest in and join the Detective Division when openings are available.

One of the many duties of an officer is to handle deskwork at the station. The main expectation for deskwork is to talk to citizens and answer their questions, whether it be legal inquiries or certain cases or arrests. Officers may also take reports from citizens and receive any evidence offered, or take bail money and bail someone out of jail after the appropriate wait time. Arrested individuals must be bailed out by a separate player. Officers may also handle CCTV, whether it be inspecting past footage for incriminating evidence such as of assault, or in the pursuit of a criminal and their pathing through the city.

Officers may also file for warrants to be given by a judge, so that they may raid the property of an individual or search the individual with probable cause (without the prerequisite of setting off a detector or being caught red-handed in illegal activities).

Another subcategory of deskwork would be the forensics that the detective division oversees. Although I am not very knowledgeable about this due to time zone differences during the internship, we were shown the fingerprint scanners and ran through a brief thought exercise regarding forensics. This might include testing weapons or items for fingerprints or investigating pieces of evidence to trace a suspect.

In the event that one of the metal detectors goes off (in the station, or another government building), officers may step out from the desks or proceed to the given location in order to pat them down, following one of the formations in the Pat-down Procedures section depending on the number of officers available and/or necessary.

Another duty required of officers is patrolling the city and routing around the hotspots in which crime often occurs. It is recommended to go in pairs or groups for safety, as officers will be scouting the city for active crime in order to keep the peace. They may question any suspicious people, or pat down masked individuals to ensure they are not in possession of illegal weaponry. To my knowledge, officers must acquire permission from the highest-ranking officer online in order to go out on patrol alone.

110 Calls/Reports
Officers are responsible for responding to appropriate reports in the 110 emergency hotline. They must radio that they are responding to the call, notify the caller that an officer is en route, as well as collect any information necessary to respond to the situation.

It is recommended to go in groups if responding to dangerous situations, and to radio EMS to be on standby if the situation requires it. If necessary, officers may also arrest individuals that misuse the hotline.

Pat-down Procedures
During the internship, we were taught some of the specific pat-down formations.

The 6 o'clock- If alone, the officer stands with their back against a wall, behind the suspect to pat them down without fear of being attacked from behind. If with a partner, the suspect stands facing the wall, the searching officer stands behind the suspect, and their partner stands behind the searching officer while facing the opposite direction.

The Ring- Multiple officers stand around the suspect and the searching officer in a ring formation; hence the name.

The Cone- Fewer officers than the Ring; similar formation to the 6 o’clock, but with two or more officers on the sides to ensure safety and prevent escape. The Cone is more spaced out than the Ring.

If the civilian has a bat or ballistic mask, it must be sprayed down with luminol to be checked for blood and for dents.

If there is blood and/or dents, the item(s) will be confiscated and the individual will be detained for questioning.
If it is clean, they must be identified with a government-issued ID card to ensure they are clear of a felonious record that deems it illegal for them to possess those items.

If they have a clean record, the items may be returned.
If they have a felony, confiscate the items and fine them 25k for illegally possessing a ballistic mask and/or metal bat.

If an individual is found to be guilty of a crime or if they have surmountable evidence against them, they may be arrested and taken to the station. If they plead guilty, then their bail will be reduced by a certain percentage. If they plead not guilty, their case may be taken and tried in court. There is also the recent addition, where repeat offenders may be arrested - either for life or for a higher bail price.

The officer(s) must take all of their possessions (ItemRP) upon arresting them. Any illegal/incriminating items will be taken from their inventory. Phones cannot be used in jail, and any masks are to be removed.

Various facts about the arrested individual will be taken, such as their name, age, place of residence, and phone number. Officers will have knowledge of all the properties that an individual has access to.

Depending on the situation, citizens may be fined for minor offenses such as jaywalking, harassment, having smoking tools or alcohol while underage, etc.
Once all the necessary procedures for an arrest are complete, the player may be unjailed and must switch to a different character before being released. The new character must have no links to their arrested one, as to prevent players from retrieving illegal items from their properties before officers can raid their properties.

A raid consists of a thorough sweep of an offender’s property. If an individual has been found to own weapons and/or officers have received a search warrant from a judge, the individual's property may be raided in search of illegal weaponry.

Inmate Care
After an arrest, an officer may provide prison care to the prisoner, consisting of community work and feeding them.

There are several 10-codes that the emergency faction employs. They are used to exchange information quickly or discreetly over the radio. There are also codenames that consist of the phonetic alphabet, only used in more dangerous situations to conceal the identities of officers in SAT/riot gear.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police force acts as a check and balance for the large portion of the SRP community that gravitates towards GangRP and CrimeRP. As dictated in a book I recently read, there needs to be a level of control to reign in the chaos that an uncivilized, unmoderated community would live in. Police officers act as the enforcers of that control, ensuring that the city of Karakura - notable for its distinctly high rates of violent crime - does not fall into a state of total anarchy. Based on the consensus of several conversations I’ve witnessed, the police force is there as a deterrent and/or to maintain the safety of the city’s inhabitants, rather than as the ‘end boss’ or a direct rival of criminals.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I acknowledge that I am subject to being demoted at any given time.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I acknowledge that I am agreeing to be wholeheartedly dedicated to the role of an officer.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge that I must be present at training if I am available at the given time.


In-Character (IC) Section

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Character's Full Name:

Jiefang Morinaga

Character's age (if accepted):

Character's gender & pronouns:
Female, She/Her

Character's Academic Background

Bachelors in Criminology and Criminal Justice

What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?
(All of these will be applied for shortly.)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Jiefang is a youthful, wide-eyed character with a firm belief in the inherent good of humanity, born with her heart on her sleeve. Her looks are fairly average, commonplace… Forgettable, almost, if not for the strawberry-tinged streaks in her dark hair and her snaggle-tooth smile.

She typically carries herself with purpose, shoulders drawn back with the optimistic confidence that could only belong to someone who hasn’t experienced many of the tragedies that life has to offer. Or, rather, it’s a front - carefully layered to disguise her misgivings and anxieties.

Jiefang bears a certain level of naïveté to go along with her bright disposition - though, this isn’t to say that she’s doltish. In fact, she’s a keen, dedicated learner, burdened by a desire for approval, which leads her to bend over backward to please and impress… In more ways than one! You see, Jiefang is a natural contortionist. Not always useful in daily life (it certainly proves to be an issue at times), but it certainly makes for an excellent party trick or conversation topic!

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Jiefang is essentially the same both on-duty and off. She’s known to be more serious and formal when the situation calls for it, though she tries her best to be friendly to every new face that she comes across! Being in this line of work, Jiefang’s world is built on her beliefs in justice, the deliverance of karma, and divine retribution (though she’s not a devout believer in any distinct religion. Merely has a nice ring to it!)

She’s the type to always need some sort of goal or mission to be working towards, something to keep her mind at work and her hands busy. Oftentimes, this results in her striking up conversation with others - co-workers, civilians, you name it. Not the best or most charismatic speaker, but boy, does she love it when an interesting conversation gets going. Jiefang tries not to be nosy or pry too much into the personal lives of others, but she’s got an intense curiosity and love of knowledge.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Jiefang, despite her otherwise bubbly personality, actually prefers to do certain tasks alone. Chalk it up to her striving for perfection (which, of course, she feels the need to perfect things by her own hand), or perhaps her struggles with being inert- in not actively assisting others or having an impact, that is.

However, she understands the necessity of teamwork. Not only does it hold value in developing a more sound and stable force, but it’s also given that they would need to work together in the police force. Of course, if Karakura’s crime could be contained single-handedly by one person, then there wouldn’t be much need for the police force.

She does recognize her own lack of experience as well, and although she’d love to prove herself as an asset through her own work… She’s more than happy to be aided by the individual experiences and expertise of her co-workers. In more situations than not, Jiefang is glad to have others to be dependent on and place her trust in.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
As much as I’d love to have the capabilities necessary to lead and direct others, I don’t believe I’m quite there yet! I’m definitely more comfortable in sitting back and allowing others to guide and instruct, though with the appropriate knowledge and experience, I’m confident that I’d be able to someday step up to the task- if needed, of course.

BACKSTORY (100+ words)
Jiefang’s childhood consisted of her nose stuck in a book, poring over the bits and pieces of literature and media available to her on her family’s generational farm - of heroes and heroines struggling through dastardly journeys and quests, fighting the big bad evil guys, and getting the love interest… Although that last one didn’t interest her as much, with the flavorless romances to be read.

That is to say, Jiefang always ran with a wild imagination and high hopes, a burning desire for something more than feeding chickens and watering the gardens. It was her escape from a dysfunctional family, despite how much she loved them. It doesn’t come as much of a surprise that she grew up to set her sights on stepping into the place of an enforcer of justice, with her love of those stories.

Always the bright student, picking up academic concepts fairly well and delving earnestly into her studies. Though not as proficient in sports, Jiefang certainly has formidable stamina and relentless drive. Being born with a certain syndrome gave her incredibly flexible joints and elastic skin, which proved to be just as much of a gift as a curse.

With the disappearance of her beloved sibling and only a footnote of a goodbye letter, Jiefang was compelled to seek them out. Juggling her private investigations of the matter, her coursework as she pursued her chosen degrees, along with her shallow and sparse social life- it all proved to be quite the challenge, but she pushed through wholeheartedly.

She was met with dead ends everywhere she looked, defeated as she sat down to leaf through one of the duo’s many well-loved novels to pass the time. And there, she found scant notes in her sibling’s handwriting, scrawled in the margins of their favorite scene… Giving her just what she needed to trace back a meager paper trail to Karakura, Japan.

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Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

Of course not. Pocket knives are illegal in Karakura, and possessing one such item would land you in jail.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol, wooden canes, eyepatches, bandaids, cough syrup, and lactulose.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
I’d turn on my body camera and intervene immediately - I don’t want the situation to worsen any more than it already has. My priority would be separating my co-worker(s) from the inmate to prevent any further harm, and attempting to de-escalate the situation and inquire about their reasoning behind the unnecessarily excessive use of force. Not that there would be any justifiable reason for the abuse, but all the more for evidence against them that can be brought to light in the pursuit of proper justice.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Call the situation over the radio, complete with a location and detailing of the number of offenders and potential dangers, such as weaponry. I’d contact a hospital staff member to be on standby for the assessment and/or treatment of injuries as well. If there are multiple assailants, I would wait for backup to arrive before I intervene. My priority would be to prevent further harm to my co-worker and to arrest the offender for their crimes.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Gather concrete evidence of their corruption, whether that be through video evidence, or perhaps even a confidential confession. I’d prefer to keep my investigations on the matter private until further information is uncovered, and reveal the hard evidence of that co-worker’s corruption to someone of the appropriate rank- preferably the commissioner himself, seeing as he would be sure to want to be informed about such a situation!

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Decline, fine them and remind them of my responsibilities as an officer. Not only is it a fineable offense to attempt to bribe an officer, but it’s a pretty low blow to imagine an intentional failure to do my job as worth whatever monetary value they’ve deemed fit to bribe me with. My duties, as always, lie solely in protecting and serving the community!
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Level 328
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!​

In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

- We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!​

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (Yonio#5112) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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