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Accepted Lawyer Application | Champ1onships


Level 6

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Eastern Standard - NY (United States)

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
JSL Replacement - ACCEPTED
JSL Application - ACCEPTED

JSL Application - REJECTED
Professor Application - ACCEPTED
Italian Application - ACCEPTED
3rd Language Authorization - ACCEPTED
Korean Application - ACCEPTED

3rd Language Authorization - ACCEPTED
Korean Application - REJECTED
Russian Application - ACCEPTED
Italian Application - ACCEPTED

(Apologies, it won't let me spoiler it correctly for some odd reason)

Describe your activity on the server:
Daily activity usually roleplaying along with friends on my other accounts as one is a professor, and the other a college student. I always tend to find myself logging into the server and roleplaying for a borderline unhealthy amount of hours in the day. Most of which fall towards the later hours of the day, towards the night.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have many reasons. One, the lore of the entire family story involves how Romanio and his brother leaving Italy and the Mafia to pursue a better life. Given that government is a faction I've really wanted to get into, I felt this would match perfectly. Those who I have met within the government factions out of character are very kind and I've had nothing but positive experiences with them. In character, they've displayed professionalism that is expected from said positions along with being very helpful. My motivation to join is to show others that there are very kind faces in each part of the server, so that when I take my leave, there is a good mark and taste leftover for those to write the very same thing I am now. That someone gave them a reason to want to carry a legacy of those before them. For me, this is another position I've waited a while for to open up and given now there is a slot and it would be great to get more roleplay experience in a new faction. On top of my own personal knowledge of this position, my motivation comes with being able to meet, apply and do the job perfectly so that I may be able to some day outside the server in an actual law firm.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Indeed I do! Protection of the rights of every citizen in the town. Ensuring that all who walk the streets will not be discriminated against by anyone in any position. Maintaining order and using small articles to deliver a powerful message that you will not, by any means, be seen differently because of an appearance, expression or accent by those in any form of services, but also laying out that punishments can be as severe as death. This is a list of 17 items detailing how each citizen should see the justice and legal systems within the limits of Karakura.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I have the goal of making this character a name for himself outside the lore I've already created. I strongly believe in character development and I know my character can get around to that. Coming to a completely new culture from his previous Italian and Korean lifestyle will surely do just that. Being he has experience in Law with two different nations, what's the harm in one more. Karakura's government faction I feel would be a great place for him to come to given the amount of diversity in the town, along with cultures currently that already match his along with the hard working mentality and work first ethic. All these together I hope to give him experience outside the lore and actually have him in action.

Mostly to serve justice in what some have said to be an otherwise corrupt system and assist in elimination towards bias. Being able to fight for the innocence and guarantee the rights of those convicted are protected as everyone has the right to a fair trial. Assessment, and proper handling of the situation. Such will take time and is a slower process, but I know this character will do just that and maintain justice for all! Eventually I want this character to shift to other government positions and eventually serve as a right hand man to any future elected officials. This is because his personality is very professional and hardworking. Given his nature, Romanio will never turn his back to the people and wants nothing more than to give his all to the town.

Most importantly, I want for him to get to the position of Attorney General. I know to some this may seem like a far fetched dream, but to me I know that hard work and dedication to this will get me there in due time. One step at a time mentality. Given his personality, and previous positions held, I believe that Romanio will one day excel and get to this position. Being the right hand man to the people in the end IS my main goal with him. With my experience doing internships and taking classes on law, I have a decent idea of what I am walking into and how I can get him there. He's a very knowledgeable person and is not afraid to admit when he is wrong or does not know something.

Romanio was born and raised by the one of the most powerful mafia don's in Italy. Seeing the damages it has done to his family turned his heart sore and forced him into a position where he could ensure the people of any nation and eventually the world could feel safer. Knowing the tendencies of his brother, he always wanted to look out for his family, however not promote their criminal empire. Him coming to Karakura is more than to just defend the innocent, but take every case as if it could be his last one. He lived in luxury previously and this bit of character development in a town where safety is a utopian ideology. A city riddled with crime sounds perfect for Romanio to get new experiences to his personality and even twist himself to realizing what his father was running and why the importance of peaking every corner before turning means.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Protect and serve the rights of those convicted. Giving them the best possible outcome possible through negotiation and reasoning. Lawyers are to preform research and deep ****ysis of each case presented to them from a legal standpoint. This goes in line with interpretation of laws, rules and all regulations imposed for individuals, governments, businesses and corporations, so that when there are court appearances, the lawyer can present all facts in writing, after a brief verbal description after consolidating with their client, in which the lawyer would have gathered all legal documents relevant to the case such as any appeals, lawsuits, wills/deeds, contracts and all other appropriate legal documentation, thus speaking on behalf of the client before courts, government agencies, judges, juries and/or any others involved in the case.

In addition to the basics, Lawyers are to see to it there are fair trials and corrective measures placed so that punishments are not overkill, while keeping professional and understanding that there are times where the fight takes more than just talks and requires all forms of proof to be given in defense. Add in the assistance in legal documentation and help those coming to them understanding laws and regulations in place so that communication can easily be established and there is a mutual understanding to the situation at hand. This can be for all sorts of things regarding towards divorces, suing, conviction, defense and overall maintaining all legal documents and safe keeping their clients to the best of their ability without showing any form of corruption, keeping true faith, confidentiality at the clients request, and complete transparency between both the client and whomever being represented by the opposing side.

On the other side, it is to be sure Courts enforce the constitution and maintain their own standards. I myself am in this field of study and understand that in every case, there is something to be understood. And as a lawyer, that in itself, means open mindedness and a righteous defense.

The Term Lawyer is very general as there are subdivisions to the job. Here are a few examples:
- Tax Lawyers handle tax related issues for both individuals and corporate affiliated clients. This is to ensure the government regulations on taxes are met.

- Family Lawyers handle all legal issues that are derived from a specific family such as divorce, child support, child custody, or any proceedings.

- Personal Lawyers are somewhat similar to the "Guardian Angel" aspect. They can pertain to a certain person, or be recommended to an entire family, but handle legal issues more extreme than a basic family lawyer. This can include being granted power of attorney.

- Environmental Lawyers handle all matters in regards to the environment- i.e. waste management, government regulations about agriculture and parks, and can even boil down to groups of advocacy in the environment.

- Security Lawyers are usually affiliated with anything to do with stocks and crypto currency. These lawyers ensure there is a decent understanding of how stocks work.

All in all, lawyers perform many specific jobs. They can be referred to attorneys, and are meant to do what is best of the client that is currently being represented. Whether lawyers work for a corporation, an individual or government organization. Their jobs are specifically to tailor the needs of their client to the best of their abilities. From being a legal secretary, to a law interpreter, their jobs are very important to the judicial system.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes. This is a position to be taken seriously as toxicity is not something to be in a professional setting such as government.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Indeed. I am already dedicated to the server as my playtime is borderline ridiculous. This is more to increase my time into another faction.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Just as my character would say, bias is a poison. Regardless of who I come across, nothing in character will be taken to out of character and vice versa, and understand punishment is well deserved to anyone who violates that rule. There will be no bias from out of character whatsoever from me, or from whomever I work with. I will do my best!

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Of course I have, and of course I do. These rules and regulations are set in place to ensure that there is no chaos or disorder. I respect the rules and will follow them closely.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
There MAY be conflictions when I start working, however as for now there should not be too much resistance and I should be able to make as many as possible. But you have my word I will do as best as I can to be around for any events that come up.


Full name:
Romanio DeRici Santaromania-Buono
(Romanio D. R. Sanbuono)

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. / Dr.

Current age:

Date of birth:
June 24th, 1988

Male (He/Him/His)

Academic Degree:
Associates in Political Science and International Affairs - University of Milan (2007 In Person)
GPA: 3.8/4

Bachelor's in Business Law - Sapienza University of Rome (2011 In Person)
GPA: 3.7/4

Bachelor's in Criminal Justice and Law - Dongguk University of Seoul (2011 Online)
GPA: 3.9/4

Master's in History of Civil Justice - Dongguk University of Seoul (2013 In Person)
GPA: 3.5/4

Korean Judiciary Exam Certificate of Excellence ~ Sasi Siheom (2013 In Person)
Final Grade: 295/280

Doctorates in Law and Civil Justice - Concentration in Criminal and Defense - Dongguk University of Seoul (2015 In Person)
GPA: 4.0

Dissertation Project - Corruption in the Political Spectrum///Statistics and Past Social justice Reformation - Dongguk University of Seoul (2015 In Person)
~ Project Score - 79/85 (A-)

\History of Civil Justice
Political Science and International Affairs

Business Law

Criminal Justice

Criminal Psychology

Work experience:


~ 4 Years - Personal Lawyer ~ Siracusa, Sicily-Italy ~ Internships & First Law Firm ~ 2009 - 2013 ~

~Served against many false accusations to the Yu-Li and Sanbuono families keeping their status and rapport in good standing~
- In my early days as an intern, I was appointed to two families seeking legal assistance from defamation from local officials. Given the history of the Yu-Li and Santamania families, I had my work cut out for me. My first case was a court date had me found that the families were facing backlash from those spreading political propaganda. This is was proven derived from rival families seeking to keep their competitors out of office and in economic depression. Upon winning the case, I was appointed to their personal lawyer and given status of partial power of attorney. This comes with a learning experience about how cruel the political world can truly be and motivated me to go further.

~Maintained good standing with court and client~

- Never once have I failed to show up to court, or lack the proper evidence. During any hearing, case or date, I made the appropriate notions and moves with 110% cliental transparency. This is a professional necessity in my opinion. Not so much to keep my own appearance, but to allow them to know I am trustworthy and do not believe failure to be an option. The court understands I am solely doing what is best for those I was hired for, however, I always kept in line to regulations, remained courteous and respectful to anyone I spoke to or came before in the court.

~Saved the Yu-Li family from bankruptcy~
- During the defamation cases, the family was more so worried about being able to cover fees given their income was less that steady. To me it was more important the family that needed me received the appropriate care and defenses necessary. I am perfectly akin to receiving later payment if meant the family would be able to place food on the table that night. Everyone involved with the case was granted a delayed payment, and in the event that all were to fail due to bias or discriminatory response, I did not wish a penny from them. But I vowed to fight to all my ability.

~Assisted with candidates running for local and provincial positions~
- During the running for governor, I assisted with Gov. Santamania in her campaign. Given her age, she was a younger candidate coming from a less than fortunate family and in need of political advice. Hearing of my previous devotions, I was granted a personal lawyer for her campaign sitting alongside acting as the family lawyer and campaign manager. On par with my court appearances, it was quite easy for me to stand before a crowd on her behalf and speak to the people ushering her positivity and accolades that I believed to be appropriate along with answering any questions on her behalf if requested to do so.

Laurena H'vinvi Santamania Won the election by a land slide vote that year.


~ 6 Years - Criminal Lawyer ~ Defense in The Supreme Court ~ Seoul, South Korea ~ 2013 - 2019 ~

~Served and saved many wrongful convictions between the Korean border~
- During my first years in South Korea, I learned a lot about the nations history and how the neighbors in North Korea displayed countless hostility. This comes with my first case, in which I had to defend a client that was kidnapped into and taken across the border, then tried for trespass and illegal border crossing. As this case slid across my desk, I referred to all possible surveillance including witnesses and cameras. All of which would note men in all black arrived at the border coming into South Korea and abducting the individual, then taking him back into the North Korean border. With this evidence I was able to arrange a re-trial and the defendant was thus found, not guilty. I did not care that this placed an enormous target on my back. I cared more for the individual and their family more than whatever can happen to myself.

~Reduced many sentences from those being sent to prison for more than what they should be~
- There were many cases that arrived on my desk that involved someone in possession to minor amounts of contraband. However admitted guilt, I found that sentences came off to be decades at a time. I did not believe that someone caught with a minor trace of contraband after have all their personals seized deserve the same amount of time in prison as those who have committed great atrocities such as murder and treason to the state. Out of the forty-seven cases, there was not one I could not get reduced if the felony did not amount to the time being demanded.

~ Provided adequate defense to ensure clients would not be punished for actions not committed and defended numerous cases in which prosecutors planted fake evidence ~
- Example would be a case in which officers placed a firearm in the possession of an individual via routine traffic stops. A case with Client A came across my desk as a citizen was detained for possession of a firearm without proper licensing to carry a weapon of that caliber. First, I met with the client to hear their side before meeting with the detaining officers. The only hole in the story I could find is the weapon itself, and the actions the officers had taken once its discovery. Background checks reveal Client A has no criminal record or history of substance abuse or mental illnesses. After interviews with others the client frequently came in contact with, pulling their records and bank statements, I found nothing that could point to suspicious activity. And as a final check up, the serial number to the firearm found, was that of one belonging to the respective cities police department of Seoul, South Korea.
The client walked free and was able to sleep well knowing not everyone had given up on them.

~Never missed a court date or lacked proper evidence to support claims~
- One of the many compliments I received was that I do tight and efficient work. No matter who I defended or stood for, I never for an instant went back on my word and made each date with all the appropriate evidence provided. All claims I made were backed up by evidence that spoke louder than anything I could say myself. Courts were surprised with my ethic and plaintiffs would often scoff in my direction.


~ 3 Years - Attorney General ~ South Korea Supreme Court ~ Seoul, South Korea ~ Current Occupation ~ 2019 - Present ~

~ Assisted in the Seoul Council Trials ~
- After my time moved me into the attorney general spot, I was presented a case in which a series of crimes had been committed and seemed to benefit a political party. The Supreme Court had reason to believe there was someone amongst the ranks in the Chairman Council that was running a criminal organization. Sadly, their suspicions were correct. The Vice Chairman was planning to run for the President of South Korea in 2022, and needed an investigation. During this time, the acting attorney general was also under investigation which had led to myself filling the role, and maintaining the role until the next presidential elections which had taken place this year. My first act as attorney general was to gain a better understanding of who I was having investigated. The Vice Chairman's and Current Attorney General's frequent contacts were first. All warrants were court ordered under suspicion of treason and espionage. With all warrants in place, I moved into phase two, which involved the police seizing their assets and going through them all. Phase three was coming into affect. It turns out, evidence was found that there were orders on hits and connections to precious murders dots came together just in time. The Vice Chairman and current Attorney General were planning to run as President and Vice President of South Korea. How you may ask? Eliminate the competition by removing them from the race all together. With approval from the court, they two were arrested and tried. Myself speaking on behalf of the people of South Korea. 17 counts of Manslaughter, 45 counts of murder, Treason, Espionage, Conspiracy and Gang Affiliation. The two were placed into life without possibility of parole following the court hearing with very little defense. Not once did I display bias, however I simply presented the case and evidence. I currently sit as the acting Attorney General, and hold the The Attorney General's Award for Exceptional Heroism for assisting with that case and putting them away. Soon after I ran background checks on all those sitting in office and found there were many who conspired with the previous Vice Chairman, seeing to it they are removed from their positions of power as well. I enacted the Zero Shadows Council where all who are placed into government positions under my watch are to be closely monitored so there are no more instances of this case. Of course privacy is respected, however, we can never be too safe. With my work ethic being considered top of the line, I was invited back for the Attorney General position, however I am currently looking for a fresh start.


Political background:
Myself I have truly studied heavily of the Ancient Romans Court system of innocent until proven otherwise along with Samuel Adams and the ways that trials should stand non-bias leading me to believe everyone deserves to stand a fair trial. All political matters that are tied towards the interest of the public, should be handled where the public is given transparency to the situation as their votes were casted for those who the people trusted. I've worked closely with those in office in both Rome and Seoul to give not only guidance, but all forms of political assistance that fell within current policies and laws in place. It is important for any candidates running for office that crime and safety of the public is taken into account and expressed when delivering vision for the future of the people.

Whether arguments ensue, I wish all to be in a proper state in order to have fairness when running, while remaining professional and not showing any political bias, rather keeping a median in order to protect those who can be the future of our governments. All citizens alike deserve to feel safe and protected while walking the streets, and knowing that there those like myself working close with the government for their benefit, so that the government does not in turn, violate any conducts without attempts of rejection, or appropriate consequence. This was for the safety of my past clients, so that there is common knowledge that there will be no issues or fears when stepping into the courtroom by my side.

As an example: Gov. Laurena H. Santamania of the Sicilian Province of Italy. A hard fought case that ended with her benefit. Mrs. Santamania was arrested on the accounts of gang affiliation and obstruction of justice, June 19th, 2019. She was enjoying a peaceful day at home with her family when the local authorities rushed into her villa without proof of warrant and arrested her and her husband, a Alonzo G. Santamania, who was indeed, an amateur mafia leader. Given their marital status, Mrs. Santamania was charged along side him without proper proof and this case landed on my desk. The prosecution presented evidence and photographs of her husband committing various crimes such as murder and grand larceny. Mrs. Santamania and myself sat in the courtroom as I presented all evidence that she had no affiliation, given there were documents in her office that were in fact signed by her, allowing the police to investigate not only her husband out of suspicion, but to crack down on crime through the Island of Sicily. I assured her that all I needed was appropriate documentation, and all would be handled. Presenting this to the court not only solidified the inditement and proper punishment to her husband, but granted her own immunity and witness protection. She is not retired and living well with her children protected by the current Province of Sicily's governors' witness protection program so that those who served under her ex-husband would not be able to exact revenge.

Nationality & born location:
Italian /// Born in Siracusa, Sicily-Italy

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Italian, Japanese, Korean

Criminal record:


What makes you a good candidate for this job?
With all that I know I believe I am a candidate with the right and true intention. This town needs another hand and I would be quite foolish to ignore that. I have family here who have already made a difference as my own brother works as a professor at the Community College of Karakura, and I want to jump on that train. Not to make a name, but to establish a friendly smile the people can trust within the government to take their sides. With all that I have done both in South Korea and Italy, I know for a fact I can bring my light and candle here. I may be a younger gentleman in the eyes of lady justice, however, I have studied the greats and still continue to learn soaking up all that I can. Any and every client that lands on my radar will not be regarded as just another paycheck, unlike others who have been in this profession, but a life to save, or a fairness to ensure. I know I can bring a lot to the table and give all that is necessary and possible.

I love my profession and all that I have done for anyone in the past. I hold no regrets besides not getting within this field sooner to help more individuals and families out of the darkened hole of misfortune. Karakura needs a man of truth. One that will not fall into the corrupt hands and lead down a dark path. From the bottom of my heart, I want nothing but the best for everyone and anyone possible. Everyone deserves a fair assessment and a fair punishment if found guilty. There should be no bias to a person based on experiences with the individual, only to each of their own, the extend of evidence provided to the court to determine guilt, and the following proceedings should dictate how the case to be handled. I have witnessed my fair share of court corruption, with clients being placed into custody and indited without any supporting evidence, in which I have sued the courts on my clients behalf. Of the 13 cases and clients that have fallen to this saddening bit, only 1 case was not overturned, solely due to the ill relations between the client and government (Which I will not name for confidential reasons).

I want the best for this town, and I want to be part of that greater mission. I give my life to this position. And I would absolutely do it again without a doubt. Wherever I have worked, I was never anything short of efficient, professional and open-minded. I understand that I am not perfect as any human is, however, I never fail to take into account what I may not know. In this case, whenever there is an issue at hand that I cannot answer on the spot, I will always refer to documents that will better help myself understand the situation at hand, and the best method of attack for said situation. I understand and evaluate my flaws and from each client, a learning experience is developed. As the greats once said, There is nothing worse to life than not learning from your own mistakes, or the mistakes of others.

As an end result, I believe my expertise to come in handy for those seeking political information, and seeking justice. I take ever case as if it were life and death for the client, given in some circumstances, it may be just that. What we see in the court is not always the only case the client may be facing, but can be deep rooted to their own private lives. When fighting cases for them, there is a lot more to it than just a win or loss. What becomes of their families? Their homes? Their lives? What happens to the person after the case is closed? How is there any way to benefit those who were found not guilty? How is there any way to ensure those who are guilty receive a fair and justified punishment? These must be taken into account given for some, all can be lost by the simple word of "guilty" regardless if their client is guilty or not. Everyone has the right to a fair trial regardless the crime. However, I do believe that those who are found guilty, those who are indeed guilty, will receive their fair punishment.

This is all coming from the heart. And as a wise man once said, “Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain. suffering and futility. Listen, everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace initiates war. and hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses causal relationships that cannot be separated - Madara Uchiha.” I want nothing more than to change this mindset. Remove it even. I want to one day retire knowing that this is no longer applicable to the present, but to the past. I want nothing more than for the next generation to pick up where I leave off. And coming to this town, I know I can make that possible. One step at a time.
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Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

I've decided to ACCEPT this application, Congratulations.

Thank you for applying for the Government faction, Please DM me at oZinth#0001 to get started or @me in the Karakura Town's Discord.

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