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Denied Lawyer Application | filmanya


Level 17

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No bans - just warnings for mistakes I wasn't quite aware of making, others of which were quite ignorant of me, such as spamming.

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Yes, I do.

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Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
REPORTER APPLICATION | filmanya | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm typically online for hours at a time - especially during the afternoon and evening, to late hours in the night.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
In character - I have always had a dream of becoming a lawyer in Karakura. I have always been interested in politics, especially international relations. I believe that knowledge is power and that it is important to be informed about the world around us. It has always taken me a lot of effort to push myself into the legal profession, but now I am finally happy with how things are going. I'm entirely motivated to apply due to my dreams of making a difference as a politician, even if not immediately in this world. I do not regret any decisions I have made. I just want to make some changes. The changes I will eventually create can be very meaningful for both sides of the conflict and will benefit many people besides me. This is a goal I have long desired, and I am excited about the prospect of bringing it all together. There is no other reason for it than justice. And justice for humanity is what makes me who I am. So, I shall pursue these goals in life with great diligence. I may not have the answers that others have, but I know where to look for them, and that’s enough for me.

In terms of out of character, my motivation is to hope working as a lawyer in SRP will fuel my passion of working within law, and possibly push me to further my education as I get older to end up in law school. As mentioned below, my family have been within politics and law for centuries past. I'd truly love nothing more than to continue in their footsteps and do something within that same field as well. Not just my ancestors, but even my mother works within the law - and she's back in school for criminal justice. While she works at that, I want to go through Criminology to work with the court proceeding branches of Criminal Justice, leading myself to become - again - a lawyer.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I understand each of them entirely.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I truly hope it can give me the experience of being a lawyer - and maybe be my motivation to push for my secret passion outside of the ICly matters - law school. It's been quite the passion for me for years, wanting to follow my grandparents' footsteps as some of them dipped their foot into politics - especially the branches of law.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer is a professional who advises and represents individuals, businesses and government agencies on legal matters. Lawyers work in a variety of areas and may specialize in particular areas such as tax law, corporate law, criminal law, international law and family law.

Lawyers are responsible for researching relevant statutes, judicial decisions, and legal articles and for identifying precedents that can be used for their client’s case. Additionally, they must assess the merits of their client’s case and determine whether it is likely to succeed or fail. They must also draft legal documents, such as wills, contracts, pleadings and motions, as well as advise their clients on relevant regulations and how to navigate the legal system.

In the courtroom, lawyers present evidence, ****yze testimony and legal arguments, call and question witnesses, and handle the litigant’s rights. Additionally, lawyers may work with clients to negotiate a settlement between parties if litigation is not desired. They must also explain legal language to clients and make sure they understand their legal rights. This may also include explaining court proceedings so clients can make informed decisions every step of the way.

In addition to being knowledgeable and skillful in interpreting laws, lawyers must also be professional, ethical and diligent in their representation of their clients. This includes being skilled negotiators and having the ability to stand up for their clients’ rights in courthouse negotiations. Furthermore, lawyers must also be familiar with local court rules and procedures.

To sum up, a lawyer is a professional who specializes in various areas of law who provides legal services to their clients. They are responsible for researching and ****yzing laws while drafting legal documents, providing advice on relevant regulations, representing clients’ interests in court proceedings and negotiating settlements between parties. Moreover, they must also be professional and knowledgeable while adhering to ethics and local court rules.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I understand entirely.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I'd expect nothing less.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Completely and fully understand this.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Unless given a valid inactivity request, I will be to each meeting or event.


Full name:

Anita Yōko

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:
September 23rd, 1996


Academic Degree:
Master's in Criminology

Criminology and Literature

A Bachelor's of Fine Arts

Work experience:
"As an expatriate in Spain, it was an honor to serve as a judge for the Provincial Court. With my knowledge of the Spanish language and culture, along with my background in law, I strived to make fair and just decisions that reflected the values of the Spanish judicial system. During my time as a judge, I was struck by the importance placed on impartiality and due process by both the court and the public. I witnessed hundreds of cases, from minor criminal matters to complex civil disputes, and was consistently impressed with the degree of respect and civility shown by both parties involved in a dispute. At times, I worked diligently to ensure that defendants received a fair trial and that their rights were respected. I also advocated for victims of crimes, such as domestic violence and elder abuse, ensuring that their voices were heard in court. Additionally, I helped protect children's rights in adoption cases, ensuring that the best interest of the child was the priority of the court. This was particularly important to me, as I wanted to create a safe environment for young people in Spain.

There was nothing within the court that I wouldn't do - even if it did reach far out of my zone of comfort. Working within the domestic issues for people of all ages, especially, did - at times - quite affect me. In this way, the judgeship became a second home, a means to help my clients in their difficult circumstances. There is something very comforting about being able to see the good that comes out of hard work. My clientele was diverse and many of them had suffered greatly in their own lives. The judicial system seemed designed to alleviate some of their misery, but by the end of half of the cases, it didn't quite always go that way. When you're dealing with the most common causes - divorce, theft, and so forth - it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between those who truly deserve better treatment from those who seek revenge because someone else has taken away their happiness.

It's understandable why there are often instances where judges have made mistakes when they've ruled against someone whose actions reflect badly on society and society itself, as opposed to the person themselves. It seems like we are all guilty of doing bad things in our own ways, but at least, most of us strive to avoid hurting others in the process. Unfortunately for my clients, that is not always possible. Sometimes, no matter what we think or believe, somebody is going to take advantage of what we've done, even when we don't realize that they're doing so. Some people may be more willing to accept a little bit of blame than others. They may be willing to let other people think what they want to, even if there are clear consequences.

Even through it all, I really did enjoy being a judge. Even when things went wrong and when my clientele suffered, they could always count on me being there when they needed me. And they could always rely on my discretion to speak up for them. As long as I did my job properly, and was honest and trustworthy with the people around me, then everybody would know how to proceed - and get to the bottom of whatever problem it was that had happened, whether it was a real one, or an imaginary one. That's the beauty of being a judge; you can solve any problem if you keep your eyes open, even when the world seems impossible. You're always thinking ahead and ready to take action should there be problems with justice. If there wasn't, there'd be no point in the job. That's just human nature, right? And it's what I tried to preserve whenever possible. "

Political background:
"My adopted father has worked as a minister in Spain’s Council of Ministers for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I was always aware of my father’s work and how important it was to him. From a young age, I was familiar with the concept of public service and the commitment it requires. As such, my father was always a positive role model in my life, and seeing his dedication to his job made me strive for excellence in all my endeavors. My father’s job also provided us with a sense of stability as we had a reliable source of income. He was able to help us comfortably with our basic needs, as well as support ourselves with some more extras such as vacations and holidays. His career in politics was quite hectic at times and required a lot of work and determination, but it was still rewarding. Seeing my father continuously working hard during the years I was growing up taught me the value of hard work and resilience. Even when things were difficult or uncertain, he never gave up, and he always found a way to make things work. He inspired me to stay positive and believe in myself even when things weren’t going my way. Although my father is no longer part of the Council of Ministers, his legacy still stands as a reminder to me of how important it is to remain kind and diligent in one’s work. I truly admire his commitment and dedication and owe him an incredible debt of gratitude for the lessons he taught me through his career.

In addition to my father, my uncle - who moved to America - was involved within politics as well. He worked as a governor - then a lawyer - for the state of California, serving the state for a solid 20 years up until his death. He played a very integral part in my life, leaving all of his knowledge behind for me to study and eventually follow his footsteps in being a lawyer. During that time, my uncle introduced me to the intricacies of political maneuvering and politics beyond the simple matters. To me, the complexities of human nature and politics are something completely new, especially with how much more I studied while working in law school.

The knowledge of being a lawyer, or another field within the court systems, served as a significant impetus through my int****rsonal life to actually become one, here where I’ve landed in Karakura. The change was evident from Spain to Japan, especially with the large shift in politics. Of course, politics everywhere are different, but Karakura’s code of law really stood out to me. Not only do its laws define Japanese culture and language, they embody the principles laid down in the Japanese legal system. This meant I was able to fully understand what was involved when it came to legalities throughout the world - specifically here, which would prove to be crucial once I became a lawyer myself."

Nationality & born location:
Japanese-Vietnamese / Karakura, Japan - Though, lived in Valencia, Spain, my entire life.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, JSL, Spanish

Criminal record:
"I, in self defense, did help out some people within different forms of combat. For example, my brother was once attacked by a group of people, and on instinct, I jumped in to help him as best I could. Though we didn't succeed at beating them, we still weren't detained in any way - leading to myself not having a criminal record. Amongst that, I have gone alongside people who are known criminals, though I did my best not to get caught up in it. There were many times when my life depended on being able to help someone out - even if it had to do with any form of crime, and when I would contemplate jumping into the role, there wasn’t much room for hesitation.

I generally would’ve jumped straight in, especially knowing I could help someone. Usually, it did end in some pretty awful combat, but there wasn’t a single time I recall getting caught out, mostly due to the aforementioned self defense."

What makes you a good candidate for this job?:
"I believe I am an excellent candidate to become a lawyer for Karakura. My experience in the legal field and my passion for justice make me uniquely suited for this role.
My background includes experience in criminal law and civil litigation, both of which are essential to being a successful lawyer for Karakura. I have served as a prosecutor and a legal representative in criminal cases and have assisted in various civil cases ranging from divorce to debt collection. This experience provides me with a solid foundation of knowledge to be a successful lawyer.
Beyond my professional qualifications, I am also passionate about justice. I understand the complexities of the law, which requires me to think critically and look at the situation from different angles. My passion for justice drives me to fight for the rights of my clients who are often underrepresented in court proceedings. Additionally, I have strong communication and problem-solving skills which are important to effectively represent clients and present their case to the best of my ability.
Finally, I understand the importance of understanding local laws and regulations in order to provide the best legal advice for those in Karakura. My sense of responsibility to uphold justice means that I am willing to go the extra mile to ensure that each client’s case is properly addressed and represented before the court system.
Overall, I believe that my qualifications, passions, and commitment to justice make me an excellent candidate to become a lawyer for Karakura. I am confident that I have the necessary skills and experience to be an asset to your team. Thank you for considering my application for this position."​
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Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for applying for the Government Faction, after careful review, the higher ups and I have decided to DENY this application as we felt other applicants stood out to us a little more. You are welcome to re-apply for the Government faction in 14 days.

Thank you for applying, feel free to DM me at oZinth#0001 if you have any questions/concerns.

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