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LOG #1, Exploring the Underworld
By: Anonymous User

OOC NOTE: The following are a group of stories that should not be taken ICly unless you've gotten my permission, or I've started saying so in these posts. I hope to send out these little writing pieces every once in a while. They all are connected and are involved with each other, and I welcome you all to speculate what they mean. (When I'm comfortable with the amount I've posted I'll finally sum up what they mean) (The closure as to what it means probably won't be answered for a while since I'll be working on them until I'm in a position where I can fully commit time to the bigger picture of what it means connected). Enjoy!

LOG #1
Anonymous User
NAME: Exploring the Underworld
LOG STATUS: Going downhill (Odd, creepy sightings)
DATE: 11/17/1984


We knew there would be problems. At least, I knew. I'm not quite sure what the other members of our group thought. We're shooting a research documentary as of now, and apparently, I have to send out these logs to the studio so that they know our progress is going well. Anyways, I should probably get to the point. We've packed all of our cameras, and now we've packed water and some snacks. We're not expecting to be down here too long. We're going to take the route through the alley and straight down the manhole. Our mappers said there'd be a ladder there, and personally, I trust them. Oh yeah, we packed some flashlights too. Always need them flashlights.

So, we went through the alley with the cameramen close behind. When we tried to go through the manhole and down into the sewers, we were struggling to get the cameras through, and yeah, I know the studio that paid for all this is going to be mad, but one of our high-quality cameras broke while we trying to go it down. Once we got down, one camera down, and 4 more to go, we began walking in a random direction. We hoped that Tokyo sewers would provide a good enough amount of criminal activity for the documentary. If it didn't, we might have to move to a slightly more dangerous area... Anyways, continuing our experience in the entrance to hell, some rats were scampering around and one person who wasn't holding a camera was idiotic enough to feed one a Pringle. They came back, and they wanted more. We had to throw a whole backpack of Pringles into the water in the sewers to get the rats off our trail. (Believe me, they needed those Pringles, and they were willing to get Hypothermia for them).

So, it seems we've encountered our first odd, slightly PARANORMAL encounter. I know it was meant to be criminal, but I swear if the studio doesn't love this (which they will), we're all gonna be crying over some fresh vodka. So, as we're walking through the tunnels, one of the group members spots a flash of clothing in the corner of his eye. He explains it to look like some sort of gray cloth in the form of maybe the back part of a dress flowing from momentum or a breeze or something. We decided it was stranger and more paranormal than criminal.

Okay, the studio better love this, we've gone through too much to document this. We even have it on camera. So, we're already on edge and all from the last encounter, right? That's when we all know we see a part of some gray clothing flash from the shadows, and then disappear again. We were quite terrified by now and were definitely fine with opening up some vodka and pretending that hadn't happened. This is getting pretty scary, not going to lie...

Three? Maybe it's the Illuminati or something, since 3 sides of a triangle, 3 vertices of a triangle... the triangle with an eye? You know what, who am I even cracking jokes to right now? Anyways, we're sleeping, and I awake slightly, my vision blurry. But I swear, I can make out something standing over me, then realize I can see it, and walk away around the corner. You know what... I'm going to end it here and just say... this is going quite downhill...

(OOC) Thank you for reading! Feel free to speculate what is going on in this story and what it means! There will be more to come to further this story and explain what this all is about.
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