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Denied Masterman_7831's Receptionist Application | 12/24/23


Level 3
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):
Yes, Masterman40#0025

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Time Zone [GMT-5]

Describe your activity on the server:
As an active member of the SchoolRP community, I make it a point to stay engaged and involved in various events and activities. On weekends, I usually log in from as early as 7 AM and stay online until around 12 PM. On weekdays, due to my busy schedule as a student, I may not be able to get online until after 7 PM or early in the morning. Despite my limited availability during the week, I strive to make the most of my time on SchoolRP by participating in events, interacting with other players, and contributing to the community in any way I can. I believe that being an active and engaged member of the community is essential to creating a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Overall, if I had to rate my activity level on SchoolRP, I would give it a solid 8 out of 10. While I may not be online as much as some other players, I make up for it by staying engaged, participating in events, and contributing to the community whenever possible. I am committed to being an active, helpful, and positive member of the SchoolRP community, and I look forward to continuing to do so in the future.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Unfortunately, I must acknowledge that I have been banned before for Duping and Failure to Report Rule-Breaking. However, I want to assure you that I have learned from my mistakes and am committed to maintaining a positive and respectful attitude toward the rules and regulations of the server. I take full responsibility for my past actions and understand the importance of following the rules to maintain a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone. Since my ban, I have taken the time to reflect on my behavior and have made a conscious effort to improve myself. I have read through the server rules multiple times, and I now have a better understanding of what is expected of me as a member of the SchoolRP community. I am confident that I can be a valuable addition to the team, and I am committed to upholding the standards of SchoolRP.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge and completely understand this.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The role of a receptionist in a school setting is undoubtedly one of the most significant positions, as it serves as the first point of contact for students and faculty. As the school's face, the receptionist must handle a multitude of tasks, including resolving conflict and ensuring that the school's rules and regulations are adhered to. They must be able to communicate effectively with students, and staff, and have the ability to handle difficult situations with grace and professionalism. From managing the important tasks of the school, the receptionist plays a crucial role in ensuring that the school runs smoothly
Moreover, The receptionist is an essential member of the school administration team, responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning and upkeep of the school.
Hence, the receptionist has an important role in the management of the school.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been an active roleplayer on SRP for over a year now, dabbling in a variety of different play styles and genres. GangRP, where I've gained a solid reputation, has taught me the intricacies of SchoolRP, building my understanding of its complex rulesets and allowing me to become a better roleplayer overall.
Beyond that, I've also engaged in player-run scenarios, including P2L and family roleplay, allowing me to test my skills and push myself creatively. With a diverse range of experience under my belt, I am confident that I can provide quality roleplay encounters for any situation.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I have always had an interest in the School Employee Faction, and the prospect of roleplaying as a receptionist has caught my attention. The faction has brought my interest, and I want to engage myself in various roleplays. With a busy schedule, I haven't had the chance to join the faction, but now that I have some time, I want to take up this opportunity.
Secondly, I simply want to associate myself with the faculty roleplay and bring about slight changes to Karakura High School. Roleplaying as a faculty member has always intrigued me, and I want to test my skills in this field. With the knowledge I have gained from playing on this server, I'm confident that I can become an asset to the faculty faction and participate in the community.

Lastly, I believe that joining the School Employee Faction will give me the opportunity to explore various roleplays and contribute to the community. As an avid roleplayer, I welcome this chance to learn and grow as a player and a person. I look forward to meeting new people and engaging in interesting and exciting roleplays.


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Currently, I am a [GRADE-12] KHS Student


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Richard's approach to dealing with students who use curse words or disrespect teachers is to first understand the situation. He would observe the level of misconduct, considering whether it was meant in jest or not. If he deems it inappropriate, he would immediately confront the students, starting with a friendly and approachable approach, "That's not very nice buddy, why don't you respect the faculty?".

His second step in handling the situation is to ask the students why they feel the need to speak disrespectfully to their teachers. He would then gauge their response, which would determine his next course of action. If they respond in an apologetic or sorry manner, he would let the matter go, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes. However, if they continue to be disrespectful, then he would take a stricter approach, delivering a stern talking-to and eventually handing them a detention slip.
Richard is dedicated to creating a safe and respectful learning environment for all students, and he believes that enforcing these measures is necessary to do so. He takes his role as a teacher seriously and is committed to modeling appropriate behavior for his students, teaching them how to interact with others responsibly and respectfully.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Richard is a firm believer in non-violent conflict resolution, and he takes any form of physical altercation very seriously. In the event of a fight breaking out, he would quickly approach the students involved and firmly tell them to stop. He would then assess the situation and try to understand the cause of the fight, as well as any previous tensions or issues that may have led to it. He would then hand the guilty student a detention slip as a form of disciplinary action. Richard is committed to maintaining a safe and peaceful learning environment for all students, and he will not hesitate to take appropriate measures to prevent violence and promote respectful behavior.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Richard takes a collaborative approach to working with his colleagues at school. However, he recognizes that there may be times when he needs to step in and provide guidance or feedback to ensure the safety and well-being of the students. In such instances, he approaches his colleagues with a respectful and friendly demeanor, offering suggestions or suggestions for improvement, like "Hey you shouldn't do that, it could be harmful" or "Hey you should stop there"

However, if he notices that his colleagues are engaging in behavior that could put students at risk or compromise the school's mission, he approaches them in a more direct and firm manner, emphasizing the potential consequences of their actions. If necessary, he escalates the issue to higher authorities such as the Dean, Principal, or Vice Principal, ensuring the problem is addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Richard is a social person who enjoys conversing with his colleagues, whether they are teachers, students, or support staff. He often starts conversations with a simple, "Hey, how's it going?" or "How's work treating you?" before diving into more in-depth discussions. Richard is also a funny individual who loves to crack simple jokes and share funny anecdotes, doing his best to make people laugh or at least smile. He's always ready to lift the mood with his humor and positive energy, making him a joy to be around. Richard is also open to conversation, which would also make him a very nice person to be around.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me would slowly observe the person who approached him on the receptionist desk, slowly moving away from his tasks he diverted all of his attention towards them, as he gave off a friendly smile before greeting and interrogating them with,&f"Hello, how may I help you?&(Whatever color)He responded confidently with a bright, positive smile on his face.

/me slowly pulled out a slip from his pocket as he signed his signature on it, he slowly handed the student standing in front of him the detention slip with a serious face,&f"I hope you treat this as a lesson, come at detention room by 3 PM sharp."

/me cleared his throat as he pulled the mic closer to his mouth for a clearer tone,&f"(First name and Last name) please come to the receptionist desk immediately"&(Whatever color)He spoke with a simple tone and with a crystal clear tone.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Richard Johnson Woodson
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Richard J. Woodson
Preferred Name: Mr. Richard

Age (Minimum is 25): 29
Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Masters Degree
Major(s): English, Maths
Minors: Economics

Nationality: American
Known Languages: Russian and Japanese


Richard was born into a working-class family in San Francisco on December 5th, 1994. He was the middle child of three brothers, Robert and David. Their loving parents instilled a strong work ethic in Richard and his siblings from an early age.

Growing up in San Francisco, Richard's childhood was filled with joy and laughter. He fondly remembers his seventh birthday party, which was attended by all his friends and family. Robert, the eldest of the three brothers, possessed strong leadership qualities and often took charge of their games and activities. Richard and David developed a close bond over time, serving as the "workers" in Robert's elaborate role-playing scenarios.

When Robert left home at the age of 19 to pursue his own career, Richard and David remained focused on their studies. They strove to exceed their older brother's achievements and develop their own unique personalities. Together, they made their parents proud by achieving top grades and demonstrating their own sense of responsibility and drive.

After Robert settled and got married to Clara, the couple welcomed their son Andrew. Richard and David, still completing their college degrees, had different plans. Richard dreamed of becoming a school employee, but he wasn't ready for a family just yet. Robert and David never planned to settle down either, as they wanted to test their skills in different places.

Richard started out by working as a hotel receptionist in New York. Though it was a stressful job, he stuck it out until he finished at age 23, saving up for his future. Richard had to push himself away from his family to focus on his work, a decision he didn't like.

Robert's life took a turn for the worse when he moved to Japan, losing his job and eventually his life to gang members. This left Clara and Andrew struggling while Richard and David felt vulnerable and overwhelmed by the situation. Clara left the Woodson family with no contact, leaving Andrew in an unknown city. Even as they navigated their own lives, the Woodson family always held a special place in their hearts, and they never forgot the loved ones they lost along the way.
Eventually, Richard and David temporarily started working in the family business; Real estate.

The family was stunned when the doorbell suddenly rang on a summer afternoon. Richard opened the door and saw a familiar face. "It's me, Andrew," uttered the person, reaching out to give David a sudden hug. The Woodson family rushed to greet Andrew, who had been missing for five years. As they exchanged hugs and warm smiles, they had countless questions for him. However, there was one question that Andrew couldn't answer: where was his mother, Clara?

Andrew shared stories of his adventures in Karakura, where he had been raised and made new friends. He spoke of the city's top-notch school, where the campus was stunning and the facilities were first-rate. Richard and David were taken aback by this news and learned all they could about Karakura. They began to discuss the possibility of shifting themselves there for a new opportunity.

Excited by the prospect of starting new careers, Richard and David convinced their parents to move to Karakura. Andrew, who was eager to make a name for himself, agreed to stay behind in San Francisco to rebuild the Woodson legacy in the states.

With their bags packed and their hearts filled with hope, Richard and David boarded their flights to Japan. They arrived in Karakura, a city teeming with potential and the beginning of new beginnings.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
I was thrilled when my nephew first told me about KHS and the exciting new opportunities that awaited me here. Now that I have experienced it for myself, I can truly say that KHS has exceeded all of my expectations. One of my long-standing aspirations has been to work as a school receptionist, which is why I was so excited to apply for a position at KHS. I believe that working in this role would allow me to be a welcoming and supportive presence for both students and staff and help them navigate the challenges of daily school life.

In short, I am deeply motivated to work for KHS and to be a part of its dynamic and innovative community. I believe that this is a place where I can learn and grow both personally and professionally, and I am committed to staying here for as long as I can.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I feel like I should be accepted over other applicants because of my character, my character which I am applying with is a very social and active personality, which I will always keep in him. My character won't finish his job the easy way, he takes harder approaches for himself to satisfy the needs of every single student because he is committed, and so am I.

I also want to state that I have a very non-biased personality, I will support and provide help to anyone, new or old, with a good reputation or bad, I just want to do my job in the best way I can.
Moreover, I am very committed to this role.

In summary, my total reasons why I should be accepted are:
  • I will help anyone with queries
  • I have learned from my mistakes and have taken action over them.
  • I am not biased
  • I have experience for more than a year
  • I will agree to all the demands of the staff team

Additional notes about your application: If there are any doubts or queries related to my application feel free to DM me.
Do you have any questions?: No


Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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