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[ -- MEMBER24'Oni' (Akira 'Kaneki' Aka) | Biography/Lore -- ]


Level 2
[OOC]: All the information below is not to be taken ICly, unless it is discovered by your character. Some parts of this bio are also subject to change.

[!] A computer is booted into a modified version of Linux Mint. Fingers dance along the keyboard, then the mouse, and a window containing the Linux terminal is opened. [!]

[!] A red USB drive is carefully plugged into the computer. It contains partially corrupt data... And said data seems to be records of sorts. [!]

> password for ASWLead: ********

> xdg-open akira-aka.png

[!] An image viewer is opened in a seperate window. [!]


> xdg-open akira-aka2.png

. . .

[!] The window containg the image viewer is closed. Back to the terminal. [!]

> cat akira-aka-contactinfo.txt


> "Watch your words, for they become actions."
> You know where to find me. If you don't, then reach me at-
. . .

> cat member24'oni'-basicinfo.txt


> Member 24, 'Oni'. He's one of our latest, yet one of our finest members. After all, he's climbing our ranks with haste. Hell, maybe he'll even take my place as-
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> His first name is Akira.
> Akira's surname is Aka.
> We don't think Akira has a preferred name, but we know he doesn't like being called-
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> Akira is most commonly referred to as his given name, but many of his friends and family members tend to call him Aki, as a nickname. Back over here in Australia, we call him the-
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> Akira is male.
> Akira is 18.
> Akira is 1.9m / 6'3" tall.
> Akira weighs 86kg / 190lbs.
> Akira is well-built, and his height allows him to tower over not just a large number of Karakura's citizens, but also the majority of us.
> Akira has no abnormalities, other than the lightning burns down one of his arms, and the scar on his other arm, shaped like an A. He got it in Shanghai, due to a job involving-
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> Race: Akira is of Japanese descent, just like both of his adoptive parents.
> Skin Colour: Akira has white skin, and no skin conditions of any sort.
> Eye Colour: Akira has heterochromatic eyes. One is a slightly darker shade of brown, and the other one would've been dark blue, if he didn't lose it when he was-
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> Hair Style: Akira has relatively straight hair, which reaches down to his shoulders. We've never seen it any shorter.
> Hair Colour: Akira dyes his hair a dark crimson, usually with a red streak in the middle. Normally, all of his hair would be brown, like his-
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> Date of Birth: Akira was born on the 7th of January. Well, we think.
> Place of Birth: Akira was born in Alice Springs, our home.
> Nationality: Akira's Australian, just like the rest of us.
> Sexual Orientation: Akira's straight. Definitely straight. We've seen him reject people before. Many people.
> Religious Beliefs: As far as we know, Akira does not follow a religion.
> Political Beliefs: We have no idea, but Akira'd probably be-
. . .

> cat member24'oni'-appearance.txt


> Akira seems like a pretty average person. He's almost always got a neutral expression on his face, and his body always appears relaxed, unless he's in pain, or he's wounded. When that happens, he tenses up like the rest of us. He's also got an A-shaped scar on his right arm, and long, lightning-shaped burn scars on his left arm. Very unlucky.
> We've never seen Akira sick or fatigued. It's quite handy, as he's always working and fighting hard.
> Akira speaks in a calm voice, topped with a light Japanese accent. Overall, he sounds similar to that Japanese utaite, Eve.
> Akira's always carrying his black and red bag, two drum sticks, that tape recorder he got in Shanghai, a Polaroid camera, a Zippo lighter, a dark umbrella, and a damaged flashlight that shouldn't still be working. When he's in combat, he loves to use that bamboo staff of his. If not, he beats his opponents down completely unarmed.
> Akira usually wears one of three things. He either wears Aces merch paired with some black pants, a jacket with an A on the back, or that dark red clothing paired with a blue prosthetic eye, which he uses for training and-
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> cat member24'oni'-personality.txt


> Akira is seen as the perfect example of a father figure. He values his family more than anything. He's also very nice, relatively understanding, and he always puts others before himself. However, he can become aggressive and overly protective in certain situations. It's one of the reasons why we value him. He also overreacts sometimes, like every single time we bring up his past, or every time we call him-
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> We know Akira loves his family more than anything. He likes pets, cooking, photography, drumming, and fishing. He may also like climbing and exploring, but we don't know for sure.
> We know Akira hates physical contact with the ocean, smoking, and drinking too much alcohol. He also dislikes being wrong or useless, failing to protect those he loves, physical contact with most others, and being called 'Oni'. We don't know why though, it's his codename.

> cat member24'oni'-attributes.txt


> Here is how we'd rank Akira in terms of stats.
> Akira's strength is an S. He's one of our strongest members, and he's knocked out many. Hell, he's even used his bare hands to-
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> Akira's endurance is a B, as he's skilled in the area, but still has room for improvement.
> Akira's intelligence is an A, as he has extensive knowledge on many things, and he can almost always think clearly and logically.
> Akira's reasoning is a B. He can talk his way out of many things, but he'll usually dig a deeper hole for himself to fall into in the future.
> Akira's perception is an S. He may only have one eye, but he's very aware, and he reacts fast. However, he's paranoid sometimes, and he isn't always well-rested.
> Akira's dexterity is a C. He can use many basic things quite well, but he lacks skill when it comes to the weaponry side of things, especially weapons with-
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> Akira's speed is a B. He's got fast movement, and he attacks quickly. However, we know a few others who are better than him.
> Akira's luck is a D, as he is always put into unfavourable situations, and always fails games that are pure chance. He only has skill.
> Akira has many problems. Some notable ones we've observed are his inability to socialise effectively, his complete disregard for other people's emotions, his risky behaviour, and his Red Cow addiction.
> Akira seems fearless, but he isn't. Two of his most notable fears are scotomaphobia and thalassophobia. Scotomaphobia is pretty obvious, since he's lost an eye before, but thalassophobia is a long story. We think it's because of that time he-
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> cat member24'oni'-relationships.txt


> We only know three of Akira's family members well, both of which are alive.
> Firstly, there's the oldest of his other siblings, Akito Aka. They grew up together, and the two are close. Very close. Akira even lost his eye for him.
> Additionally, there's also Akira's cousin, Miiko Tsukasa. They're also pretty close, and she was the one who helped him adjust to life in Karakura.
> Next, there's Junshin Aka, the youngest of Akira's siblings. They only found out they were related after a test. He may have-
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> Finally, there's Miyoko Aka, the second youngest of Akira's siblings. He found out she was his sister through a test.

> We know Akira knows many people, all of which are alive to this day.
> Firstly, there's Keiko Ito. We know her well. Very well. Akira's close with her. They knew each other in the past from a job in-
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> Next, there's Masaru Murasaki. The two are either seen being friendly with each other, or beating each other up. We don't know how they're still friends.
> Following that, there's Akemi Osiris. We know she was one of Akira's first and closest friends, and that Akira learnt a lot from her, but she vanished. A shame.
> Additionally, there's Kuro Nakunaru. They were good friends, until smoking took him down. Also a shame.
> Finally, there's the dog who bailed Akira out of jail, Atlas. They seem to respect each other a lot.

> cat member24'oni'-biography.txt

[ -- BIOGRAPHY -- ]

> Akira was born in Australia, and raised by a Japanese foster family alongside Akito, in the harsh conditions of our home, Alice Springs, in the Northern Territory. His family seemed to be barely scraping by, and we know they lived in a small, slightly run-down apartment. We know he was frequently placed into bad circumstances, and we think it's what led him down his dangerous path. We also think his foster parents spoke both English and Japanese at home, which is how he's fluent in both languages.
> We know that at age 5, he started school, and he seemed to find it hard to fit in. He didn't seem to have any friends, and we know he was always bullied for his heterochromia and quiet nature. We know he hated it, and he'd chose to retaliate in violent ways. This seemed to have given him a bad reputation amongst his peers, who started referring to him as 'Oni'. This is also how we gave him his codename. It fit him.
> We think that by age 8, Akira's resentful feelings towards his classmates had grown further, and we know just how steep the cost of living was becoming. We know he stole from his classmates. Eventually, we think he realised it wasn't enough of a payout, so he went bigger, and began to shoplift from local stores. He was caught a few times, and word of what he'd been doing spread around, and also to us.
> At age 14, Akira's financial situation was bad, and he needed work. However, no one agreed to hire him, except for us. We gave him an offer to join us, and he accepted. We gave him the duties of fighting and stealing from other gangs in the area, and splitting profits with our other members who did the same. He rose through our ranks fast, and he really stood out in terms of intelligence and skill.
> Once Akira was 16, he was changed forever. He was walking to school with his younger brother, Akito. It seemed like a completely normal day, until he turned away for a second, only to look back and see his brother being attacked by someone from another gang.
> The guy may have had a knife, but Akira still decided to defend Akito until we got within fighting range. Sadly, the guy got Akira's eye. We didn't let it slide, though. After Akira and the rest of us were done with that guy, let's just say he'll never be in our way again.
> Akira tried his best to move on from the incident, but he seemed unable to as long as he was still in Australia. He decided to use his savings to fly to Karakura, Japan. However, only Akira and Akito left the country. We think they didn't have enough money to pay for their foser parent's tickets.
> Akira left his old life with us behind, bringing only Akito along with him to Karakura. We know he had a lot of help starting out there. He has a cousin named Miiko, who happened to be staying in the area at the time. We think she introduced Akira to many people, which is how he built some much needed social skills and confidence. He also seemed to have made some friends by himself, such as a person named Akemi, who also helped him live life comfortably in Karakura. After a while, we saw how he started to rent out an apartment, which he now shares with Akito, Miiko, Miyoko, and Junshin.
> Akira also seemed to have taken interest in many hobbies, such as drumming, photography, and cooking. We think that one of these interests acted as a motive for him to plan and prepare a trip to South Korea. Over 3 months, we know he spent all his afternoons and weekends trying to learn Korean through books and websites online, and he would spend some parts of his nights earning enough money to pay for the trip.
> After all of Akira's hard studying, he seemed to have become proficient in Korean, and we know he'd amassed enough money to afford the trip.
> We saw how Akira's flight was delayed twice, but it didn't seem to stop him, as he had landed in Seoul, South Korea. We think he had arrangements to stay in a luxury hotel with a fancy kitchen. We know that he'd attend cooking classes by day, and he'd enjoy Korean cuisine by night, while practicing his language skills with the locals. However, towards the end of his trip, we saw how he got involved in some shady business with other groups. Said business was blackjack and thievery. We think he heard about the illegal gambling den near where he was staying, and it may have piqued his interest. We think he may have gambled on the last few nights of his trip, but we know he got roped back into the sort of business he did back home in Australia with us, but with some other Korean group this time. After all, he's quite a valuable person.
> By the end of his trip, Akira seemed to be fluent in Korean, and he'd significantly improved his cooking skills. He had also gone on to learn tricks which were on the shadier side of life, and he'd gained some very useful contacts along the way.
> Akira's life seemed to be changing for the better after he returned. He returned home to find that Masaru had two cats, who were now staying in his apartment. He'd also been making more and more friends as time went on.
> One day, Akira got a call from someone. We think it was a contact of his, but we don't know what he spoke about with them. However, it caused him to book a flight to Shanghai, China. Something about that place seemed to interest him, but we don't know what. As well as booking that flight, he spent 5 months trying to teach himself Shanghainese. We believe that he didn't see it as useful for only the trip, but also for communicating with his friend, Masaru. We know he learnt it through the same methods he used to learn Korean, and by practicing his language skills with Masaru. Said methods consisted of seemingly intense studying with various books and videos online for a few hours every afternoon, and for the majority of his weekends.
> After his time-consuming studying, he seemed to be fluent in speaking Shanghainese, and he was ready for his second trip.
> Akira boarded his flight, and he was gone a few weeks. We don't know what he did in Shanghai, but we think it has something to do with his South Korean contacts. And we may be right, as he returned with 250,000 yen, a tape recorder, an A-shaped scar on his right arm, and a new language under his belt.
> Once Akira returned, he met Keiko, and they seem very close with each other as of now. He'd also made many other friends after he returned, most of which he still talks with to this day.
> Soon, Akira discovered that he knew Keiko as 'Kitsune' from his time in Shanghai, but word of what he did in that country got out. Not only that, his friendship with Masaru crumbled. He changed his name, appearance, and how he spoke. We don't know why. We also saw how he took another short trip elsewhere, presumably to get away from everything.
> Not much happened after Akira returned. We know he changed his appearance back to normal, got struck by lightning, and then arrested, which destroyed his friendship with Keiko for a while. He then got bailed out of jail by his new dog friend, Atlas, rebuilt his friendships with Masaru and Keiko, told Akito they were both adopted, and he discovered that Miyoko and Junshin were his biological siblings.

> We don't know Akira's real goals, other than him wishing to earn a PhD and find his parents. We wish him the best.

> passwd
> Changing password for ASWLead.
> Current password: ********
> New password: ************
> Retype new password: ************
> passwd: password updated successfully

> exit

[!] The data is swiftly backed up to the device itself with a few clicks. The USB is then unplugged, and the device is shut down. [!]
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