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MrWiggle's Police application


Level 30

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
[20][College][Moe “Tokyo” Ernst]
[2][Bird][Toki “Night”]

Previous bans:
Two 24 hour [Can’t Appeal]
Two 5 day bans [Appealed]

Describe your activity on the server:
My Activity on the server has lessened more and more due to oocly issues, now to my memory I am on at least 4 days a week at most.

Which time zone are you in?:

Do you have Discord?:
Yes, Mr.Wiggle | LilWiggy#0420

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes it works perfectly fine, I've been told it's quite clear.

List your current and past applications:
College [Accepted]x2
Korean application [Accepted]

What is your motivation for applying?:
From the day of 2019 December 7 to know I’ve been involved in gangRP it’s made me stress severely and also lose some friends due to going onto different paths in SRP, since the day I joined a team to when I left I was drawn and pulled back in I considered this as I decided to try something new, as in the KPD ( The complete opposite of GangRP) As a GangRPer I've sparked a interested in this due to both sides fighting a lot at times and I would love to see what the other side of School Roleplay is like especially if it were to be a cop which would be quite fun, I would take this job not only seriously but when ever I get the chance to will put 100% into it!

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?:
I Believe that I understand the rules of Laws and basic Conduct.

What are the Police ranks?:





What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
Yes, Due to being in gangRP I have had run ins with many KPD officers who have done many different things but have all depending on the issue been relatively the same, I’ve seen how Patrols are taking out where you take your individual routes following and walling anyone with a bounty mask or some sort of illegal weapon out, I understand that during your cadet stage you must go through intense training and or test that will enhance your ability in the wide range of scenarios that can happen during roleplay, During your cadet stage you are only allowed to sit at the desk to aid and help any citizens in need to bail and or ask a question to a higher officer as a cadet you are only allowed to patrol while being supervised by a higher ranking officer as this will be needed to teaching you what to do and what not, I am sure i know the basic patrolling matter on how to wall and the correct action to do and when your partner is walling the citizen you must be sure to keep guard behind them making sure that you keep a close eye for anyone attempting to interrupt or cause trouble during this giving your partner safety and the comfort of not being attacked.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
The police force of Karakura is a important job, they are implied to "Protect and Serve" they are meant to keep the city of Karakura safe and peaceful and a place everyone and all the citizens and guest by preventing crimes, give justice to all criminals who attempt to terrorize any by giving them correct penalization.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?:
Yes I understand and acknowledge the fact that I can be demoted at any time, and I completely accept that.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?:
Yes I do, 100%.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?:
Yes I acknowledge this, there should be no reason to avoid training while you are online and active.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?:
Yes I understand this and acknowledge that you should never ever take matters from O.O.C to I.C

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
My name is Moe Scarlett Ernst, My Mother and Fathers Adrien Ernst, “Mr. Faust”, and Scarlett Ernst I came from a quite complicated family but that was all the fun of it, I love going on midnight jogs and exercising in the middle of the day I love to be a friendly person and I usually have a low temper I take things quite seriously and I love to relax and take things at any pace, I have Semi Curly black hair, Light ocean blue eyes and with the slightest lazy eye with his left eye being a fake, he’d have a the smallest overbite that would be barely noticeable with a confident smile, he'd have a ripped body that would be completely jack as his arms would simply like hard "Metal", Growing up he'd used to be in sort of military camp in high school which he had learned the fighting and or marital arts techniques Hangul.

What he's like on and off the job?:
Being on duty for me means that you don’t mess around when your supposed to be working you take pride about your work and don't take it for granted and when it comes to the time where something serious is happening you don’t take it as a joke no matter what the issue, you are polite to the citizens in need and your are respectful to all those you talk to (Therefor not giving the Karakura Police force a bad reputation). Being off duty is when you get to be in your social life, hangout with friends and even relax and not act so serious about things, you can joke around with friends and family and most certainly do things that you could as a cadet or higher.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?:

Moe would treat and look at his co-workers as if he does to his mother he’d be respectful and if something were to bother him he’d tell everyone and or the person that's effecting him, he will always be respectful and look up to his co-workers like if they were his older brother.

As a young boy Moe was extremely active he had three loving caring parent figures and a nice sister and brother, he was born as a twin with his brother Conan did everything together, growing up in a small town wasn't wrong Moe had a trouble fitting in but it was alright when he could go back to his kind family which were so appreciative of him, he always was a active kid but when it came to being social Moe wasn't very good at he had trouble making friends but he always found some way to get some sort of attention by embarrassing himself or even just making random jokes, He’d love the games of sports like Baseball Basketball and American Football, in grade 1-9 Moe Excelled in school but after that his grades began to drop so he focused more on outside skills socially and sometimes even physically passing throughout the years Moe left school only to come back and apply for college after his long break, during this he had learned to be a respectful and he’d even get his teachers and peers gifts, and starting from there we get to the present NOW!

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Moe Scarlett Ernst.

Title (Mr. Mrs. Miss):
Mr. Ernst.

Given Name(s):
Moe Ernst.

Preferred Name:

Tokyo, and or Moe.



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

Working Experience:
2.5 year internship in Kaduna police force

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree

Year of Graduation:

Criminal Justice / Criminology

Physical Education / Sports Science / Mathematics

Native Languages:
Korean, and French.

Other Languages:

Last edited:


Level 135

- Due to your history revolving around GangRP on the server, your police application will be denied​

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