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My Time on SRP


Level 106
I saw a while ago some people had decided to do this, so I have been inspired to make one myself. ( I think this is where we post these kind of things )

My original usernames are wethecreature and bethecreature, my nicknames range from wether, creature, wet h (please no), and weth. Most people refer to me as weth. I go by any pronouns. I prefer to mainly stick with she/her, he/him, or they/them, but other pronouns are okay as well. I've been playing on SRP since late 2021, if I'm correct. I cannot be fully sure.

Today I'll depict my time in SRP from the beginning to current times, I tried my best to get all the correct usernames and stories, but some of this was SO long ago, I can't be sure.

Also, have this music, it sounds nice imo.

Department of Eagles - Teenagers


When I first started the server, my character was named something like "Patricia Skylar" or something. My first friends who RPed with me then were coldweurld, and WesleyIsBlue. WesleyIsBlue is the one who plays today. I can't remember every detail, but after a while of roleplaying with them, I did something to embarrass myself and then (unrelated) took a very long break from the server.

New Beginning

I came back to SRP a bit later, roleplaying the character Siami Cosoe. I ended up befriending two players (sticking with that number) Wintah9876 and faithiee_d. Unlike coldweurld and Wesley, I didn't go inactive and they did instead. Soon after, I met a group of players who I was friendly with and often roleplayed with them. I can't find all the players, but I believe two of them were goofygoober and yyourdad. I believe that the two of them have quit the server, and I ended up moving on to my next stage.

Next Thing

Soon, I met Lazeas, who I became friends with and RPed with consistently. There wasn't much else going on at this time, other than me slowly getting into GANGRP.

Early GangRP

I jumped into GangRP early, and it was considerably cringe and weird. I ended up just being a crazy person who was known for chopping off fingers. My first gang was basically just a big friend group with a psychopath as the one calling the shots.

GangRP - 2 & Writing Time

I at one point took a long break from GangRP, before trying to start a new one called Umbra. If you research it in the search bar, it should come up with some writing I made. The gang never really took off; however, I did meet some people who told me that I was a pretty good writer. I took this to heart and began writing a bit more, using SRP as something to write about. I thank Springwood for inspiring me to make GangRP with a lot of writing and doing writing for SRP and Yume_ for cheering me on with my writing. I also met SpaceGoddess (not sure if that forums account is still active), who most of you might know as RosieBloom.


Holy crap, this is an insane one. I was inspired to join Shrine by screenshots from town discord. I was literally like "oh, that LOOKS cool, I'll apply". I got accepted to Shrine and it was an amazing experience. I made a lot of friends and met a lot of amazing people. I became friends with RexLobo , Arkk, and LozzyOzzy♥. I also met (and also befriended) some amazing people such as Xuander, DivingBlues, Sporkmoment, Yippie, Naishoten, 13ke, atkoi, HeyHey13th, DarkEclipic, and RandomlyAccepted.


For a while, I'd wanted to apply for Professor. When I left shrine, I sent out an application I'd had in store for months. I was accepted, and this led to me meeting all the faculty. Before I mention any names, I would like to say, all of the faculty are just.. extraordinary people, and I wish you all the best. I also met GINGYZ and Gin on professor faction, who are really nice people who I'm happy to have met. I also met sxcklysweet, Florida_Vibes, CanadaRP, and Guacomundo, who I am extremely thankful for.

Event Team
Event Team has always been my dream on this server, which is why I applied 4 times on my fourth try, I got accepted, and I'm so glad about that. I've met so many creative and kind people. The community team and staff members are really cool and I'm glad I'm able to work with them! Thank you, Tippie, especially for putting work into Event Team as Coordinator.

Current Time

Right now, I'm no longer part of Shrine or Professor, and I don't really participate in GangRP, and many of my friends made no longer play on the server, however, that's okay, because I'm still meeting new people and It still has affected me a lot as a writer, a roleplayer, and maybe even a little bit as a person. Thank you to everybody I mentioned on this list as well as the people who made SRP possible for everybody.

See y'all around!
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Level 134
oi! ٩(⊙‿⊙)۶
Looks like you are a pillar of this community!
Great introduction! Cheers! ╭(♡・ㅂ・)و ̑̑"


Level 71
Shrine Lead
HELL YEAH!! We love you weth! Always happy to have a chat or see you around you’ve been a good friend of mine!


Level 166
Community Team
Lore Team

Holy crap, this is an insane one. I was inspired to join Shrine by screenshots from town discord. I was literally like "oh, that LOOKS cool, I'll apply". I got accepted to Shrine and it was an amazing experience. I made a lot of friends and met a lot of amazing people. I became friends with RexLobo , Arkk, and LozzyOzzy♥. I also met (and also befriended) some amazing people such as Xuander, DivingBlues, Sporkmoment, Yippie, Naishoten, 13ke, atkoi, HeyHey13th, DarkEclipic, and RandomlyAccepted.
And I still love you Weth!!!!!!!

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