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Denied my way to get a job for teacher for foreign languages

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Level 2
IGN (coolkyl123):
Previous bans:
no, never.

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?:
yes I understand.

Describe your activity on the server:
i play on the server min 3 hours a day. 6/7 hours in the weekends.

Do you have TeamSpeak3?
Yes I do have a TeamSpeak3.

Do you have a microphone?
Yes I do have a microphone.

List your current and past applications:
I have had 1 but it was not that great.

What is your motivation for applying?: I really want to be a teacher because, I want to be a teacher in real live. And most of the people I talk whith are teachers/mods.

Have you read the megathread for Teachers?
yes i did read the megathread.

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise):
it is great. I’ve been on the server for quite a while now. I can't really tell everything but i play mostly t or d. and just walk around.

List the ranks of teachers, starting from the bottom leading to the top:
is there

1. Trainee

2. Newly Qualified Teacher

3. Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills

4. Head of Department

Have you read & understood the megathread that is in Roleplay Documents > Teachers?:
Yes I did.

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?
That there would be teaching. {this was made when there were never any teacher that would teach, maby it has been changed.} becouse whithout teaching why are there teacher?


Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose to they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general:
A teachers job is to teach the students . in the Netherlands they get 4.000 euro. But I think teacher on the server just get a raise. . A Teachers needs to do his jobs and teach. Give right information and, be a role model for the students. And in game they need to be formal, good roleplayers and stay in character {1 of the most importent things is that you stay in character}
and the students needs to know that teachers are people too. So at night they can go out, dance, play soccer. or sing

a teacher teaches by doing a project or just typing in a lesson. But I want to make a textbook.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server: they are like the police of the server. If they can’t take action then a mod comes in and helps/kicks the player. And thay teach the students.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

first you are trainee. You can’t make lessons and you are just in situation that you will be observed.

Qualified Teacher: is a rank where you can start a lesson whenever you want. You can’t really make mistakes. And can’t trainee new teachers.

Next you have the rank: Newly Qualified Teacher. You can now start lessons and you don’t need to do everything by the book. But You need to do the key things.

Last but not least Head of Department. I will properly never get here but you are the boss of the teachers. You train the new teachers. And make the lesson planning.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
NON on the moment maby there will be 1 later.


I’m a young teacher. That makes mistakes, lovely but clumsy. Sometimes making rookie mistakes. But he loves his student. And will do everything to make the student finish there work.

I weight 67 KG.
Don't have any injuries.
I'm 1,81 meters.
My eye colour is bleu
I dye my hair a lot.
No accent.
I'm quite thin.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Tell them to stop swearing. and if that does not work. I give them detention.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?

We will go to the ICT locals, and do a project.

When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act?
Normal and formal

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.

1. smart

2. Clumsy

3. Talks a lot

4. is very formal.

5. Can be very serious {if needed}.


I lived in the Netherlands for quite a while but, there was not a job for a teacher. So i went to the place were you can make everything. AMERICA. But nothing there too. So i moved to Germeny. I learned german there and i liked it there so i stayed for a while. Then i got my degree teacher german. In the universiteit groningen. A collage in the netherlands. Why in the netherlands? I wanted to get back to my friends. After 10 days my friends said to me: 'look a application for a teacher german'. Then i said:' cool i'm going to apply. So i did. and now i'm here IN JAPAN of all places. Living my dream.
PS. i had a great youth and, and still have friends in the Netherlands, America and Germeny.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Title (Mr): mister kyl
Given Name(s): mister kylian
Preferred Name: mister kyl

Gender: man
Religious Denomination: Cristian
Marital Status: no

Current Location: japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience:
0 years
Working Experience: 7 years

Academic Degree:
vwo next came universiteit Groningen. There I studied nederlands and duits.

Year of Graduation:
VWO- 2011
universiteit- 2016
german and dutch
bachelor : teaching and communication

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
englich, german.
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: TEFL

Preferred Teaching Subject:
foreign languages- German.

Additional notes about your application (if any):

ps: If you have annything you did not understand or, want more information. Just ask me on TS.
pps:. I'm not that great at spelling englich, so if there are mistakes. I'm really sorry.

Thanks you for reading my application.
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