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Nichole's Police Application


Level 4
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:
None, never had them.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is me being on a daily 24/7, Most times I pull all-nighters on the server until I need to sleep otherwise it's connection issues or me needing to go to work. When there's someone to talk to on the server I'm mostly on longer or it can be when I'm doing something. Most times I can be afk on the server but still be at my computer.

Which time zone are you in?

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag

Do you have a microphone [Required]:
Yes, Use it all the time.

List your current and past applications: [Accepted]

Journalism (Discord) [Accepted]

Photography (Discord) [Accepted]

2 Job applications [Never got responses back]

What is your motivation for applying?:
I want to be able to be more active on the server, so I thought maybe joining a unit like KPD to find more fun and take in more of an experiences of a role alike of this. I've already experienced what it like of being a Grade-12 journalist along with being involved with photography but I want to take it another level and experience more of the "bigger view". I don't want to be bored of the server since I do enjoy being on here on a daily. It also seem fun to be part of a bigger environment of higher roles. I also have no use for this one character and I want to get a chance to get her involved of more active scenes.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I fully understand the Laws and Basic Conduct.

What are the Police ranks?

=In the Main Division=


[Highest rank out of all]


Police Head Lieutenant


Police Vice Lieutenant


Police Lieutenant




Police Corporal


Patrol Officer



[The very Lowest in the rank where the others KPD determines where to set you in a higher rank]

=Detective's Division=

Detective Superintendent

[Highest of the ranks]


Detective Chief Inspector


Detective Inspector


Detective Constable

[Lowest of the ranks]

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
It's not much knowledge but what I've seen when being on the server as well as heard from others is when someone wears a mask. You have to ask them to stand against the wall to search them as in pat them down front then switch to pat them from the back to make sure there's nothing illegal on hand with them. For say like if one were to have alcohol on them you would have to search them for an ID weather it fake or not. If they didn't have an ID they would have to be fined for 15K from what I'm aware of. Any weapons on hand with them is to be taken from them but it depends. If it were to be a knife, the person would be questioned of the weapon that they had in hand but I don't know too much about that.

I know KPD has to go around doing daily search arounds near plaza as well as answer to any calls when someone does call 999, 110, or 911. That's only if KPD not busy with something worse or important. They have the permission to search down people and track them down on a chase if im aware of. They can show up to any apartments if anyone calls for "complaints" or somewhat and ask everyone to come outside and stand against the wall to be pat down for legal reasons.

There's some cases where KPD will find some dead corpse or someone really injured from CombatRP or GangRP. I'm pretty sure they would have to bring it to the hospital where EMS would have to examine the dead corpse and give information to the officer or detective of who brought the body there. If the person if alive yet wounded, the officer would have to question the person for more answers and open up a case about it but I'm not sure about the rest from there but that is what I'm aware of from others. While for bailing people though, i know depending how long the character is behind bars for and what they are in for, Each one has different amount of bail but it reduces when their date to be release is.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
We have KPD as part of our schoolRP because it's a way to bring more of an action and alive for GangRp, more cases to discover. It's part of a unique role in part of the server . It's also critical to the roleplay since it is necessary to have some form of law enforcement in the game in order to maintain a well-run, safe city. Tons of ways to notice that KPD is always active within something is when people call for minors, dumb driving, and along with drunk teenagers that are out in the middle of the road just coming from a party. It's also ways to start a case for dead corpses and file reports for injure people. Karakura KPD is the major law enforcement agency in the city of Karakura, Japan. In apart of roleplaying with KPD because they are quite busy most of the time, which means they can respond quickly. It's as well when Gangs show up trying to raid the station a whole squad of KPD can be there to try to take these people out and behind bars where they should belong in.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I'm committed to the best of my abilities
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, As long as I'm aware of the training. I plan to attend at every one when I'm online.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I'm aware to not take anything OOCly when dealing with situations and training along with IC harassments when it happens.

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Nichole stands at 5ft exactly and has not grown any taller than she is now. Her body stand to be an hourglass figure, not curve around the sides of her stomach but mostly around her thighs. Somewhat of the unique thing about her were the eyes. They'd would be two different tone of colors, the left eye was a Yale blue like the ocean and her right was a semi dark forest green color and just by facing her to her left cheek she had a deep gashed scar crossing diagonally from left to right just barley marking over the corner of her lip from a bad fall. The way she spoke would have an semi accent of Irish due to her being the blood of an Irish family.

What they're like on and off the job?
On Duty, She is serious when it comes to her job however she is outgoing and friendly when people approach her. She is mostly on edge yet tries to find things to do so she would keep herself distracted. She is respectful to people yet understanding and sympathetic when she needs to be. When it comes to emotions and feelings she prefers to keep it bottled up, unless she felt it was necessary to release her emotion.

Off Duty, She is just a friendly and outgoing person who happens to have a crippling pocky addiction. She sweet and kind to everyone and depending on who the person was, she'd share her pockys with them. She is not afraid to open up to people about her opinions, yet she remains vigilant both on and off duty as habit of nature. It takes a lot to earn her trust but when you do, she treats you like family.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Outlook on them, She mostly thinks them as a team also as a secondary family even if the others hated her. She wants to be capable of trusting her co-workers. There's going to be times where she would agree to disagree with her co-workers as well as wanting to respect them as much as they respect her. She doesn't wanna see her co-workers pretending to be someone they weren't around her.
Her plans on the future is simple as it is, She just wants to fulfill her own fun memories weather they were good or bad. She wants a chance to make time for her family so she could go see them after so many years of not seeing them. She wanted to also be capable to learn new skills in the field and developed an active lifestyle.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Nichole grew up in her own world of her country Carlingford, Ireland. A family of three who she grew up with, mother, father, and herself. Her father was a semi alcoholic yet her mother was a gentle soul to everyone in town. Nichole never had siblings growing up but she did grow up with her best friend since elementary school, possibly even before then. They were like two sisters from another mother. They've grown up learning a lot of things through their life and one thing they both did learn was that some day their not always going to be there for one another. Her best friend was the one who was always caught up with something but Nichole was always around just at the exact time with somewhat of a coincidence.
They both grew up to Nichole getting into fights with some guys or gals. They would spend nights laughing about how it happened even if Nichole was in pain . She never needed anyone but her family and her bestfriend around her. She felt at peace when her best friend was close to her. It went for her parents as well but not as much as her best friend until one day, Nichole got a call from her best friend mother saying that she didn't make it pass the cancer. It hit her hard in the heart when she found out her only amazing friend didn't make it through her battle. The fact that her friend fought so hard and now wasent here anymore crushed her.
Growing up without her best friend and just her parents at her side wasent the best nor the worst. She was capable to stop fighting everyone who she fought for her best friend, everything was quiet for once in her life. Too quiet where she felt the need to keep up with her thoughts and feelings when she then found out she was soon to graduate high school so quickly. Her life was moving quicker than her as she grew up. She was in need of a job so her very first full time job was to become a nightguard at a small museum. It wasn't the most fun but it was quiet peaceful. She had the whole place to explore to herself every night, new things to see on the wall.
Of course her job got boring after awhile so she decided to switch over and apply as a security guard at a car gate to a fancy private place, once again was a night job for her due to collage classes she took during the day. She was enjoying the security guard life for a good few years until she moved out of Ireland and to the small city of Karakuro, Japan. Where she was now finding a job to join the forces with KPD, hoping for somewhat of this job.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Nichole V. Sandra
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Nicole, nic, Vodka
Preferred Name:
IC Phone number:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karukuro, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

4 years

Working Experience:
She was a nightguard for a year at a museum. She was also a security guard for a couple years of work as well.

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree

Year of Graduation:
Graduate of 2008


Cybersecurity, White Collar Crime

Native Languages:
First languages was English

Other Languages:
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