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[OUTDATED] TOWN | Holiday Calendar, Events, Seasons & More

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Level 183

SPRING [March 1st - May 31st]

March - "Outdoor Retreat!" - A town-wide day dedicated to camping, fishing, swimming and overall enjoying the beauty of nature and the things it brings to us. Main events revolving this day will take place in the Karakura Forest to then uncover the many mysteries it holds.

March - "Karakura Awards Ceremony" - During a week in the spring, students of Karakura High will be able to vote for students and teachers in categories such as “class clown” or “best club leader.” Then, a ceremony will be held by the council to announce the winners of these categories!

March - "School Festival" - The School Festival is an event involving every single person at Karakura High--clubs, sports teams--even your favorite teachers! Students can go to booths all around campus for a day of fun!

March - "Career Day" - Police officers, shop owners, doctors--you ever wonder what a day in their life looks like? During Career Day, these people and so many others will come to the school to do a presentation on their job.

April - "Spring Cleaning Day" - Is your locker overflowing with graded tests you never bothered to look at again? Does your backpack have candy wrappers at its bottom? During Spring Cleaning Day, students of Karakura High will be focusing on cleaning their personal belongings and the school itself!

April - "School Beach Cookout" - During the summer, the faculty of Karakura High will spend one day at the beach with all of their students hosting a simple cookout!

SUMMER [June 1st - August 31st]

June - "Summer Solstice Street Fair" - The Summer Solstice Street Fair is the yearly city event that takes place in the streets of Karakura. This fair is all about having fun in the Summer heat and spending all your money! Shops will be open, Clubs will be advertising and Sports Teams will be making games for you to join in on.

July - "Annual Fishing Festival" - During this day players have the chance to sell their fish and also win competitions for the biggest fish. This would work because of the current fishing plug-in which shows what type of fish and how big it is. Players can earn a series of prizes such as money, rare items, etc. There will be a set time limit (maybe an hour). This can take place at the beach or the pond near the fishing booth.

July - "Luau" - The luau and market will take place on the beach. It will consist of multiple vendors selling different kinds of foods for the residents of Karakura to have a feast with one another. Shop owners can apply to have a vendors stand where they can promote their shop and also sell things at the same time. Players will need to dress up in a Luau like attire Ex. Leaf skirts, sundresses, bathing suits, floral type clothing. A giant bonfire and DJ booth may be placed near the middle of the beach where players can gather and dance along to the music.

July - "Sports Day" - Sports day is a a school-related event where students are allowed to break into teams and play different sports around the school. they're allowed to either participate or watch on the sidelines. After a team or students win they could get special prizes of any sort. A few activities could be swimming races, A game of volleyball, soccer, tennis, going on the obstacle course, running laps, and anything else the school provides.

August - "Overnight School Retreat" - All the high school students (On a timed basis, if they aren’t there when it starts they don’t make it), stay overnight within the school and each classroom can have some sort of activity within it. Things such as Art, Dance, Volleyball games, Choir, etc.

AUTUMN [September 1st - November 30th]

September - "Cosplay Convention" - On this day you can dress up as your favourite movie, cartoon or even TV Show character or anything else fictional that comes to mind and possibly win a prize pot for having the BEST outfit.

September - "Friday The 13th" - Still a mystery..

September - "Picture Day" - Images from this will go into a Yearbook the Club is creating presenting the Class of [YEAR] here at Karakura. If you're wanting to have a 'yearbook quote' you will be given the @ of an individual to DM your quote to, on the day of the event to get it added.

October - "Karakura Fair" - Similar to the Luau, the fair would take place during the fall. There will be many vendors set up along with games that players can participate in. Each game you win, you win tickets which you can cash in for prizes. Not only would there be games but also food, drinks, and music.

October - "Fright Night Dance" - The “Fright Night” is a school dance or “prom” that allows students to dress up in a Halloween costume for the night and dance with their dates. There will be music, drinks, food, and everything else that makes up a good dance. Music can be played via Dubtrack and after every few songs you can play games that allows players to win some rewards.

October - "Halloween" - Where people dress in costumes and children go door to door asking for candy. "Trick or treat!" - Many celebrations take place on this day.. However the Adults spend most their times partying rather than 'trick of treating' per-say. More information in regards to Halloween will be released as we near it.

November - "Culture Day" - The school welcomes all cultures and prides itself in the diverse selection of students that are educated within it's walls. That's why the school will dedicate an entire day to the ever expanding cultures & communities. Stalls will be set up to better educate students about the different cultures.

WINTER [December 1st - February 28th]

December - "Christmas Day" - Christmas Day! Quite possibly the one people look forward for the most.. Spend time with friends, family and enjoy the many gifts or surprises that may appear around the map. This is fairly self explanatory.

December - "Karakura Christmas Shopping" - It's coming close to Christmas. Having to buy any last minute presents? Don't worry, the entire Shopping District will be open with multiple shops selling all of their goods. You'll be sure to find a large range of new items, toys and food.

December - "Snow Storm" - Every year Karakura prepares itself for a strong snow storm. This year will either be what Karakura civilians are used too or it could end up being a lot more dramatic than usual...

December - "SPARTAN Frat & Sorority SNOWBALL WARFARE" - The Frat & Sorority will be hosting an event in school to let the BOBCATS & SPARTANS have an all out brawl against each other, this is to let out any built anger towards each other."

December - "Bank Holiday(s)" - 'Bank Holidays' are commonly referred to as just days off. On these days nothing, not even the schools are open. These two days are for you to relax, join with friends and most importantly prepare for the new year.

January - "Japanese New Year" - It’s popular to visit shrines during the turn of the year for wishes, gratitude, and overall prayers. People also observe the first sunrise of the new year, which is another time for praying. Along with this, eating specific foods such as mochi and toshikoshi soba is a known tradition. This is why on Japanese New year, citizens of Karakura are to gather at the Shrine up top in the mountains together in order to celebrate.

January - "Teiki Kenkou Shindan" - A day where the hospital staff such as doctors and nurses come from the hospital to visit the high school and college to perform the exams on the students. The students would have their height, weight, and blood work is taken as well as their eyesight, hearing, and if they like a dietary plan created for them.

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