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Professor Application


Level 0
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: sunfaeriie

How old are you?: I am fourteen years old.

Do you have any previous bans?: I have a single ban.

What Country are you from?: Australia.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): etiquette#9821

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I completely acknowledge and understand that. It’s very reasonable actually- since you need the professors to actually TEACH regularly.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: I'm online on SRP nearly everyday for at least 5-6 hours or more. I'm not regularly on forums, though I don't mind checking on more often if needed!

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

Item request | SchoolRP | Item request | Accepted

College Application | SchoolRP | College application | Accepted

Italian application | SchoolRP | Italian application | Accepted


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
I'm passionate about Roleplay, meaning that the experiences are important to me. I’d love to be an educator in Karakura because of the environment, It would connect me with more fellow Roleplayer’s. And it would challenge me, ever since I found SRP I haven't been able to stay away, I’ve met so many kind people and it’s truly changed my life. I know some would say Minecraft is just a game, but games bring people together- and make things fun.
I want to become a more professional Roleplayer, it’s something that's been sitting in my heart for so long. I have had many doubts, but now I'm finally deciding to push past them- my motivation includes proving something to myself. Proving that I can take on more than I used to believe I could, I think this possible opportunity can be my beginning to a further representation of my skill. If I became a professor, another motivation of mine would be to do my best to keep a good reputation for college students. For as college students, they are role models for high school attendees. It’s a professors job to keep them in shape and order- making sure they know disrespectful behavior is not appropriate and very punishable. I thought and think to myself that it would be fun to have that type of responsibility and be able to prove to my fellow staff that I'm serious about this job and roleplaying in a good manner.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?: I do indeed have Roleplay experience, I’ve been roleplaying for years of my life- though in SRP it’s much different, since the whole setting of the server is REVOLVED around Roleplay. So I’d probably say I have near 4 months of experience and in that time I have logged on basically everyday, for many joyful hours.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?: It’s important so I can keep track of how many classes I’ve done and so SRP staff know I'm actually doing my job. How could somebody simply just do classes and not keep track of how much they’ve done, or how much they need to do? I would always keep my logs updated.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

- Once you enter the classroom you must be prepared to pay attention to the lesson.

- If you want to ask a question or make a comment, you must raise your hand first- I assure you you’ll be able to speak after I’ve finished my sentences.

- Stay seated at all times, unless quickly moving to a better spot for yourself.

- Aim to finish your work, you're here to be educated and hopefully have fun but your work is important.

- Follow my directions throughout the classes session.

- Be respectful and kind to your peers.

- Tell me if you have any suggestions on how I teach or speak to you, I'm always willing to improve in ways I’m needed and appreciate the input.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
When I joined SRP people encouraged me to try GangRP, but I’ve found over time that this Roleplay genre isn't for me and that I’d rather enjoy other experiences. I’ve also just been a general student and hung out with my ICly and OOCly friends. They honestly taught me so much about how to Roleplay better and to have fun while doing so, I'm seriously grateful for this server.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?: A college professor has to finish 15 classes in between one OOC month, at the end of this month they are expected to receive 300k. Though if you do more classes on top of the required amount, you can earn up to 400k or so.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?:
Taeyang is a Asian girl, standing tall at the height of 5’6 and weighing roughly 137lbs. Her hair is a light and calming looking purple, with a silky texture. The length of her hair would move down to under her chest, sitting nicely in front of her. Her complexion is a light brown blessed from her Brazilian side of the family.

You’d always see her wearing something nerdy and creative- carrying around her small sketchbook. She is an imaginative person, which is why her life led her to wanting to teach Creative writing. As anyone looks into her eyes, they’d drown in the deep blue- her beauty generally shines all around.

Taeyang is a very kind and welcoming person with a sarcastic edge, if anyone can take a joke it’s her. Though she knows the right time and place for proper goofing around, since she takes a lot of what she does seriously when needed or expected too. She is good at talking to people, even if she isn't constantly around anyone else but her best friend Nikolai. She sees the world as some type of story, so instead of joining in on conversations she observes them and tries to write an ending of what could happen in her head. She adores teaching people, but especially the older youth of Karakura- it doesn't matter how many times a student doesn't understand something. As long as she can see they're really trying, she will do her best to help the work be understood. Taeyang would get along with the other professors nicely, she admires others who commit a part of their lives to teach people and help them. Supporting her students for a while of her life is a major goal she has, but she’s also preparing for her further future as well. She wants to get a lovely apartment, find a lover, settle down and hopefully have some children.

You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?:

I’d first memorize their faces, while walking over to them swiftly. Once over I’d have a stern look on my face, giving them a straight warning and talk down. Though If they didn't comply, I’d place them under detention for a period or two and look out for more bad behavior- alerting other teachers of it.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?: I would walk up to their desk and get down to their level, talking them down and giving them an only and final warning- kicking them from the class if they continue to being distracted and distracting.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me: *She’d walk to the front of the class and smile brightly at her students, taking a light bow before going forwards to begin passing out booklets.*

/me: *Slowly Taeyang writes on the board, drawing out a title stating “Poetry” she’d then go below the title and jot down some dots underneath each other. Turning back towards the class and smiling softly at them.*

/me: *She’d walk around the classroom slowly, looking out at the students- watching for any type of struggle. Suddenly she stops at a desk and looks down to see what her student is presenting in their work.*

/me: *Taeyang would sit at her desk, writing down some notes in her sketchbook- looking up every now and then to check on her class.*

/me: *She closes the door and walks around the classroom a bit, waiting for her students to be seated. Smiling with passion as she makes it to the front of everybody’s desks.*

Young Taeyang was born in the location of South Korea, with her mother and father present at the birth. As she grew older it came a time that her father was deployed to San Francisco, leaving his wife and two daughters in Korea. Her father ended up dying due to a weapons testing experiment, ceasing money coming into the Kim household. Taeyang’s sister ended up learning about culture and teaching her sister overtime of the Japanese, Korean and Brazilian languages, along with Korean dialects and slight accents. Later the two Kim sisters found out that their mother was dying from a development of bone marrow disease. The treatment that could have saved their mothers life was too expensive to pay for and they couldn't find any family at the time for assistance. As her mother was dying, Taeyang and her sister had to look after her everyday at the age of just 17.
Taeyang and her sister got closer to the age of eighteen, but in that time Miss Kim sadly passed away. After all the suffering, Taeyang and her sister lived together and got decent jobs- keeping a roof over their heads. Little time passed by and Taeyang wanted to aim for her dreams and turn herself into a better type of story. For even through all her troubles- she constantly craved light and had full motivation to keep living on due to looking after her sister and supporting her close friends. She went into college and studied hard, finishing her majors and minor- pouring constant types of Creative education into her brain. Words can't express how much she enjoys putting her emotions into her work. She couldn't wait to one day be a teacher or professor, helping other students to express themselves as well. This was the life she desired.

In-Character Information

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Taeyang Kim.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss Kim.

Given Name(s): Tae tae.

Preferred Name: Tae.

Age: 29

Gender: Female.

Religious Denomination: N/A

Marital Status: Single.

Nationality: Korean and Brazilian.

Current Location: Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): Taeyang has 5 years of teaching experience.

Working Experience (# of years): Taeyang has 9 years of working experience.

Academic Degree: Literacy science.

Year of Graduation: 24.

Major(s): Writing and Literature.

Minors: Poetry.

Native Languages: (I'm planning on applying for Korean and replacing it with Italian) Korean

Other Languages: Brazilian (I’ll also be applying for Brazilian.)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: N/A.

Preferred Teaching Subject: Creative writing.

Extra: I appreciate you reading through my application!<3
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Level 132

Unfortunately your application as been denied
You have been banned rather somewhat recently, You should try applying for a different school related role before trying for a Professor role!
Highschool applications are currently open and needed.

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