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Professor Application


Level 5
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:


How old are you?
15 years old

Do you have any previous bans?:

I do not have any previous bans.

What Country are you from?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive, you will be demoted?:

I fully understand that if I go inactive, I’ll be demoted. Fully understandable.

Describe your activity on the server & the forums?:

I usually spend around three hours per day on the server, and if I am not on the server, I am traditionally playing other games such as League of Legends, so you can DM me, and I’ll be on. As for forums, I spend around 30 minutes everyday scrolling through the threads for anything interesting that I agree with or I could apply to.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?:

College Age 20 Bachelor's Degree


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

My motivation for becoming a Professor is to experience a whole new type of SchoolRP. I’ve done plenty of High-school and College Student RP. So it would be exciting and exciting to play as the Professor, in this case, Professor, instead of the student. I also want to add another sub-subject option for College students to choose from as I feel that there isn’t as much variety in class subjects in College at the moment. It would make my class exciting but exciting at the same time. Making sure I don't bore the players, making the class as interactive as possible. But making sure I still get the lesson plan for the day done and through the players' heads quite clearly. Exposing their eyes to cultures, they have never heard of before or have very little knowledge about. I am very passionate about exploring new and strange cultures, reading deep into literature, and enjoying Journalism as a subject and class.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:

I have many experiences Roleplaying in general.

What are the class logs, and why are they important?:

Classroom logs are the way you keep track and log in your lessons. With this, you can accurately log in the number of classes you have done. Making sure you get paid the correct amount at the end of the month. A simple and easy system that helps make sure everything goes smoothly and is a way to keep an eye on your activity as a Professor.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

1. To not drift off or start a conversation with any classmates about anything that isn't related to the lesson

2. No eating and drinking in the class, exclusion being water.

3. Not have any illegal items on campus at all.

4. Insulting or just disrespecting the Professor or a classmate will lead to punishment.

5. Using or having your phone out during class is not allowed

Summarize your previous RP experience’s (both in general and on SchoolRP):

I've role-played on SchoolRP in various styles with various family/organization/school club roles. I role-played as an Anime club member. I've role-played in the Kishiko family, and I’ve also role-played in the Shinaya family. It's allowed me to develop as a role-player by an appreciable amount. I'm much more familiar with the server rules and take them into account while role-playing.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete? What is a College-Professor’s salary?

The task that a College-Professor has to complete is to meet the quota of 15 classes every month. And while teaching every one of those 15 required classes or even extra classes, they are to make sure that College Students have behaved during each lesson since College Students are expected to be more mature than Highschoolers, and the Professor is expected to be mature and professional at all times. They have to provide realistic lectures to students, but at the same time making it fun for both sides. For the standard 15 classes, they are required to do; Professors make 450,000. With an additional ten courses, they reach the max amount they can make, 500,000.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

Hayato Kentaro would be a Japanese male standing at the height of about 6 feet 1 inches. He would have a slight shine to his black hair which would be combed to the side nicely. His eyes are a soft light blue, body build would be more on the athletic side. When speaking his voice tone would come off as confident but nice at the same time. Ever since his move here to Karakura, Hayato has met many walks of people. Some of whom have become great friends of his. He is one not to judge somebody quickly by a first interaction, but by how they are to him and others.He enjoys being around the city, not sticking to one place. Getting out and taking a nice run around the city with friends or hiking even if by himself. Is willing to put his all into anything he sets himself on.

His view on students is that they are young adults soon to be out in the real world working in whatever job they are studying towards while in College. Hoping to help his students go on a successful path to their dream career, to do something possibly great after they graduate from College. Willing to go out of his way to speak and help any students he notices is in a bad situation in life at the moment. Maybe it could be crime, gangs, violence, a death in the family, etc. But he would do his very best to help and hopefully pull them out of that life. Since he knows that if he or nobody does, that type of life will not lead anywhere, well anywhere good at least. While doing a lecture he notices that a student, or students are not paying attention, slacking off, or even disturbing the peace of the class. At first he would be nice and give them a warning. Staying as kind as he can at the moment. And if they dont listen and continue, he’ll lead them to the door to exit the classroom. But his personality as a whole is nice.

He plans to be a Professor for a good while at Karakura, hopefully meeting a lady to in the future happily marry. He would like to leave the job of being a Professor with a great experience to look back on, helping many if not all of his students develop into mature and hard working adults. Maybe later on running back into them and chatting about when he was their professor and they were a student of his. Plans to make memories he will never forget.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing; what do you do?:

Firstly would walk myself to the gang/group of delinquents in the hallways of the schools building. Question them what’s with the yelling and cursing. If they don’t seem to care about me questioning them, I would then raise my voice up to grab their attention. Telling them if they do not take the warning seriously they could get in trouble, possibly kicked from College. And reminding them that as a College student they shouldn’t be acting immaturely, they should be young adults. But if the situation seems to escalate, I would call higher-ups to help deal with it.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying; what do you do?

At first, I would calmly and respectfully ask them to stop how they are currently acting—reminding them that their classmates are trying to learn and do something with their lives—giving them their first and only warning. Suppose they do not fear the sign and continue to disturb the class. I would then kindly tell them to exit the classroom. And if they don't know themselves, then I will assist them out.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me He’d rest himself on the door frame clasping his hands together fixing the pair of sunglasses on his face with his thumb. Sighing softly while he glanced around the hallway waiting for students to arrive to class.

/me He would face the other way stepping forward towards the board picking up a piece of chalk starting to write down the keywords, and definitions of them.

/me Would glance around the classroom, making sure they were paying attention to the lecture he was just giving. Then clasping his hands together smiling before waving at them signaling that the class is now over.

/me He would rest himself on his desks chair, placing his right arm behind the chair with his other hand scratching the back of his head. He’d then sit up running his fingers through the plenty full of assignments done the past few periods.

/me While slowly walking around the classroom looking over each and every student's shoulders checking up on their work.


He was born in Tokyo, Japan, on January 14, 2002. Hayato is the second oldest child born to Yasuo and Chris Kentaro . She’d have two living siblings; Yasuo being the oldest, and Chris the youngest. Unfortunately, Illaoi, Hayato's mother, had been diagnosed with pneumonia when Hayato was nine years old, eventually passing away of an overdose of acetaminophen. Yone, Hayato's father, soon became overwhelmed with taking care of the three children with financial stress and work; he put them all out for adoption. Hayato spent two years in foster care before being adopted by a lovely Korean couple, Madeline and Raphael Riven. Hayato had a tough adjustment to his new living arrangements in Korea, mostly because he didn't know Korean, and it didn't help much that he was always moving because of his adoptive father's job. Hayato eventually, after many months, got used to living with his new parents. Madeline treated Hayato like a Prince. She would call him ‘haya’ or Sweetheart and would spoil him whenever possible. Raphael, on the other hand, thought of Hayato as a pest. He would insult her by calling him names like “Dick” and “*****” behind Madeline’s back. Eventually, he got into drinking and smoking as his way of coping. A year into being with Madeline and Raphael, the family decided to get away from all the stress and work for a week. Hayato, Madeline, and Raphael went on a vacation to Karakura, Japan. Sadly, this vacation didn't end up being too great for them. A day into the seemingly lovely vacation, Madeline, along with a few innocent citizens, were killed in a terrible car accident. Madeline’s death caused Raphael to take all his pain out on Hayato, telling him things like “it's your fault he's dead” and “we should have never adopted you.” He even started to beat him, eventually leaving him in Karakura alone with nothing but a single picture of his siblings. Affected by Raphael’s words and actions, Hayato didn't know how to feel or what to do. He was alone, lost in Karakura with no friendly faces in sight. Hayato wandered the streets for what seemed like months until one day; he overheard a lady on the phone, mentioning Yasuo and Chris Kentaro’s names. Hayato, excited, ran over to the woman showing him a picture of Yasuo, Chris, and himself a few years back, asking if they were who the lady was talking about. The lady, shocked, introduced herself as Vonne Wendigo, Yasuo and Chris’s new adoptive mother, and offered to take Hayato in as well. Hayato accepted this offer and was soon brought back to see her siblings. Hayato, Chris, Yasuo, and Vonne spent hours talking about past adventures and catching up. The siblings were soon closer than ever before, always with each other, inseparable if you will. They were enrolled in the same school, Karakura High School, and put into all the same classes. They never left each other's sight, scared that they may lose each other once again. The siblings soon got over this “never letting you leave my sight” thing a little while later, yet they still have the strongest bond.

After graduating from Karakura High School he quickly moved on into College at Karakura studying towards Journilism. As it's always been a subject he's been interested in, plus he has always enjoyed writing in general. While studying at College he got an urge to become a Professor like the many Professors he looked up to and admired. He talked to quite a few of his friends and family and most agreed that he would be a good professor. So he studied with the idea of becoming a professor later on in mind. And now he's ready to become one, he's quite excited but nervous at the same time. But I hope it’ll be a great experience here at Karakura.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name:

Hayato Kentaro

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 29):




Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Japan, Karakura

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):


Working Experience (# of years):


Academic Degree:
Bachelor of Journalism degree

Year of Graduation:





Creative Writing, Linguistics

Native Languages:


Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Preferred Teaching Subject:


Additional notes about your application (if any):


Do you have any questions?:

Last edited:


Level 132

Congratulations your application as been accepted!
DM Alcidies#6666 for further information.

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