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Remus Velrosa's Biography


Level 4
R e m u s V e l r o s a
IGN: deadpotato02 (ALT)





Remus is surprisingly gentle and elegant, minus his intense exterior.
He takes pride in this composure since he was not always so "calm and collected" in the past.
Remus has a flirty side, always trying to work his charms.
He is a reliable, hardworking man with an open mind.
When Remus moved to Karakura from Busan, he took an interest in cosplay and
made his own, combining it with K-street fashion.
He takes interest in creating and feels tense when he does not have a project to work on.
Because of this, he is always finding ways to help and be productive.
Despite his razor-sharp focus on the task at hand, he has a funny side with friends.

Remus has honey-tanned skin, scarred by a few rough fights back in the day.
His mid-length dyed hair is purple with blond bangs, tied into a small ponytail.
He has eccentric, entrancing yellow eyes and a tall, athletic physique that Is well-maintained.
The scent of a sage & sandalwood perfume follows him wherever he goes.
Along his left arm is a detailed tattoo of a scene from Dante's Inferno.

Remus wears a variety of clothes, his favorite colors being black and purple.
He takes interest in Korean street styles from back home, with lots of chic layers and grunge styles.
Remus likes to dabble in androgynous clothes and cosplay.
He makes all his clothing by hand and loves customizing.
Currently, he wears a crop top and sheer tights under leather pants, a studded belt,
and a one-armed buckle halter top.
He has rows of ear piercings and a lip piercing, as well as painted nails.
Fashion is one of the few ways Remus can express his true self.

September 18th, 2004

Place of Birth:
Busan, South Korea

Spanish & Korean


Character Voice:
Remus' voice is deep yet melodic. It is flowy and has excellent clarity.
He retains a firmness in his tone but is not overbearing;
only when the situation calls for it.

Remus carries a black parasol, whether to shield others
from the rain, protect his skin from the sun, or for sheer anonymity.
He can be seen with a black coffee in hand or smoking a cigarette.
In his laptop bag, he carries binoculars, a laptop, hardcover sketchbook,
a smartphone
, and a pack of cigs.

Remus has synesthesia: he associates musical notes with colors & shapes.
Because of this, Remus is a fan of many genres and likes practicing
the guitar. He has a nice singing voice and creates
lyrics and music in his spare time.
Similar to this, Remus likes writing short stories and poetry.
He also associates colors with letters and numbers, which helps him memorize well.

Since he has synesthesia, he will sometimes comment strange remarks
about whatever music he is listening to, how individuals "look" like a certain name, etc.
He also has a habit of humming deeply when in thought.
He sometimes sleepwalks and has a vivid imagination.

Remus was born as an adopted child in Busan, South Korea after his parents had died
in an unexplained accident. His Korean mother was a reporter while his Spanish father worked
for government services. They were happily married until they"coincidentally" got murdered after leaking
details about a high-ranking politician.
He was taken in by a couple who lived quietly in the suburbs, and only found out what happened after
eavesdropping at a hosted dinner party.
Since Remus grew up without the support of his birth parents, it was difficult for him to attend the small countryside school
outside Busan city. He did not fit in well and got unnecessary attention
for being mixed race.
He worked to get good grades and prove himself and ended up being top of his class.
Because of this, he was able to get a scholarship to high school and
moved to Karakura, where he resides today.


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