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Denied Rip_Fluccss | Counselor application


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Describe your activity on the server:
I am on for at least 3 hours a day, almost everyday it is rare for a day to go by and I'm not on, I try to get on as much as I can.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The counselors job is to make sure that the students are comfortable within the school by helping with problems they may have, for example them getting bullied or self-esteem problems, the counselors are also there for the students if are having any hardships at home, but most importantly to help guide the students in their educational journey, they are also a person who students need to talk to.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I started roleplaying in around mid 2018 on fivem what I loved and kept playing until my friend introduced me to SRP at the end of 2022-start of 2023. What I loved when I joined, I made an amazing friend group and then soon joined gang rp in mid 2023, I then took a short break and came back in the october of 2023 till now.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I would like to join the school employee faction as I have been apart of SRP for over a year now and I would like to expand my roleplay experience within the server, I also want to help other players within the school and I feel like the best way to do so is being apart of the school faculty. Also because I have never been a part of the school faculty so it will be a fresh start and a new experience for me.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
JSL Language Application (Accepted)
Romanian Language Application (Denied)
Romanian Language Application (Accepted)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[Grade-12] Riku Yagami
[Cat] ‘Strife’ Huxley
[College(B)] Ren Jett
[Grade-12] Keisuke Katayama
[Grade-12] Asahi Hashimoto{To be Counselor}



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Asahi would turn to the student to before speaking in a calm tone “Please do not use that language” Giving the student their warning if they stop after his first warning he would thank them before walking away, although if they did not stop he would once again warn them again he would then tell the student to walk away from the area to go calm, if the student decides to stay and keep cursing after both warning he would write a detention slip before handing it to the student.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Asahi would go over to the students with his radio out letting the other faculty know that a fight has broke out and telling them the location, as he gets to the students he would raise his voice telling them to back up from one another, as the students back up he would ask both students what was happening and why they were fighting, while waiting for another faculty member to get to the situation, once he gets both their sides of the story’s he would ask the faculty member to look over one student while he looks over the other for injuries, once the students have been checked he would look over both sides of the story’s, he would warn both the students for fighting, he would then go back watching the halls if he finds them fighting again he would once break the fight up handing them both a detention slip as he has already warned them.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
As Asahi sees the faculty members he would call on the radio asking for some more faculty members to remove the students from the classroom as the teacher is putting the students at risk of safety, once the students has been removed he would pull the teacher to the side telling them that they were being inappropriate and being a risk to the students, He would warn them while saying that he will inform SLT about their actions.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Asahi would walk into the employee break room going straight over to the coffee machine to get his first drink of the day he would then sit down and start a conversation with some of the other faculty members by asking how they are doing or how their weekend was, he then stand up clipping his radio onto his belt to get ready for the day ahead, he would then turn to the other faculty members asking if they need anything done or if need a drink.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Asahi would open the to the counseling room to turn to the student, saying “Come on in” He would walk in behind the student, shutting the door behind him before to then go over to the other side of the table sitting down looking at the student with a smile on his face “I see that you are going through a hard time right now so whenever you are ready you can tell me what is going on, so I can help you with the problem” He would place his hands down on the table with a smile on his face while listening to what they have to say.

Asahi would sit down in the chair, looking at the two students who have been fighting “Okay before we start I want to tell both of you that this is a safe space, and you can feel free to speak whenever you like, if you don't feel like speaking that is okay” he would look at the students once again seeing that they are both annoyed at each other he would offer one of them to start speaking so they can get the situation dealt with.

Asahi would yawn after having a long day to then rub his eye’s as he opens them he would see the student standing there looking anxious “Oh sorry I didn't see you there” He would stand up pulling moving to the other side of the table pulling the chair out for the student before sitting back down in his own chair “You can sit down if you want, or you can stay standing that is up to you. I can see by the look on your face that something is bothering you if you want to talk about it, you can, although that is fully up to you, if you want you can stay here for a little bit to cool down” he would smile at the student to then point over at some books and some paper “If you don't feel like speaking you can always read a book, or you can write how you are feeling” He would smile once again at the student waiting for a response.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Asahi Hashimoto

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Asahi or Mr Hashimoto

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:


Social Science


Known Languages:
Romanian, JSL


Asahi Hashimoto is a 28 year old male who was born in Tokyo, Japan. While growing up he was an only child with his mother and father, He was always a smart kid while growing up being at the top of his classes all the way throughout his school life. While he was in high school, he would always love to stay behind after class helping the teachers clean up the classroom if there was a mess, always trying his best to help whenever he can. After he finished high school he would get into college he would spend 4 years in college Social Science and Business, whenever he had free time he would be helping the teachers with whatever they needed after the four years he stopped his Education getting a Master's Degree.

Asahi would spend the next 3 years as a teacher's assistant, helping the teachers with whatever they needed. He would find out that he loves to help other as well, he would then go on to leave his job to move out to Romania helping within the schools at Romania with whatever they need with the students within the school also teaching him how to speak Romanian, He would then move to become a full class teacher within one of the small schools in Romania as he loved being around them and loved to teach them every so often he would have some fun with the class to teach them how life is living in Japan with them in return teaching him how it is like to grow up living in Romania, he would stay in Romania for a few years before realising that his visa is coming to an end feel sad that he had to leave his students and go back home to Tokyo.

When he arrived back home in Tokyo he would stay off work for a few months feeling happy that he was back home with his family, knowing that he would need to start working again he once again moved to the small city of Karakura to live out his life helping people within the city.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
Asahi would love to join the faction as he moved to Karakure to start a life and to find a job that he can help people within, he has also worked within school in his early 20s so he knows that he is good around students and loves to help them with anything that is wrong, he also wants to help guide the students through their high school and college life to become great adults.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I feel like I should be accepted over other applicants as I have had a lot of experience within roleplay as I have been roleplaying for almost 6 years now, I have also been spending a lot of time on around some of the caretakers on the server to find out what their routine is like and how to play the role within the school.



Additional notes about your application:


Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Unfortunately we have come to a decision to deny your application, this could be based on several factors:
- Activity
- Content
- Previous Punishment History

Due to the volume of applicants we have, we cannot go further in depth on these, however we encourage you to re-apply in the future.

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