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Denied S4mB34ni310 || Doctor Application


Level 10

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

S4mB34ni310 [Applying]
R4ndomBurg3rM4n [Alt Account]
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
I'm available from 1am up until 5pm, MDT, and usually log on daily, playing a minimum of 3 hours per day all the way up to 8 hours at a time. How long I play for depends on whether I am working that day or not. Which could also extend the times that I've listed as my active hours for two days each week.
What is your timezone?:
List your current and past applications:
Denied; <----(First application I made and removed due to being so new to the server)
List your current roles on the server:
For my S4mB34ni310 mc account, my played roles are; [Expelled], [Grade 11], [Grade 12], and [Raccoon]
For my Alt account, R4ndomburg3rM4n, the played role is; [Grade 11] and [Grade 7]
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
For the past year that I've been roleplaying I have became experienced in the following; detailrp, gangrp, crimerp, familyrp, romancerp, animalrp, painrp, skateboardrp, and blindrp.
What is your motivation for applying?
I've been apart of SRP for a year, and I had great opportunities to experience some of the roleplay I can do as a student. But now that I am more knowledgeable in detailrp, I'd like to branch out into different factions that usually are in high demand for players who are required to be on often and to be active. I know EMS is one of the busiest factions to join, but it also seems like it is the best faction to join if you like to remain busy.
Which role are you applying for?
I am applying for the role of Doctor.
What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Doctor prescribes medications to patients after evaluating the injuries of a patient and coming up with a recovery plan for said patient. Doctor can even do check-ups on patients who come in. The Doctors also are the ones who do the surgeries, and evaluating of any possible injuries (whether its through an MRI or asking the patient/looking at them). After treating patients, they also record their information in the medical log.

A Psychiatrist also can prescribe medications, but this is after evaluating and diagnosing a patient with a mental disorder. Psychiatrists tend to do these evaluations through therapy, where they ask a patient about their life style, and moods/feelings that they tend to experience.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if I am accepted into EMS, that I am expected to attend these mandatory training whilst I am online. Failing to attend when I am clearly available will result in a punishment and can/will lead to demotion.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Seth Midges
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Male, (He/Him)
Character’s Age (if accepted):
Character’s Academic Background:

Schools Attended;
Centre scolaire Léo-Rémillard (Grade 10)
Karakura High School (Grade 11 - Grade 12)

Karakura College
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Majors: Kinesiology and Biological Sciences
Minors: Mathematics and Foreign Language

Character’s Nationality:
Character’s Marital Status:
Character’s Religious Denomination:
Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese, French
Character Backstory:

Seth Midges was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His father came from the Ojibwe people, whilst his mother came from a francophone family who came from Quebéc. Being raised by his two parents, both of whom were from families who desperately wanted to preserve their way of life and their cultural traditions. Due to how much of a minority both cultures were within Canada. His father however, wanted to preserve his way of life for another reason. His father’s side of the family had gone through the residential schools. The Canadian government for years had restricted and outlawed the practice of Native American cultural practices, and forced many Native American families to send their kids to these residential schools to assimilate the Indigenous peoples into the European lifestyle. They had even banned the Native Americans from speaking their native language; punishing anyone who broke these rules. Sadly, many Native American tribes had lost a lot of their cultural practices due to the strict rules that were intentionally put in place to repress Native Americans. And due to the heavy influence of the Catholic Church in residential schools, Catholicism became a huge part of many Native American families. Seth’s father’s family was one of those families who ended up getting converted to Catholics due to going through the residential schools. Fortunately, not all of the cultural teachings and way of life was destroyed for the Midges family.

When Esme was pregnant with Seth, her and Julian bargained and argued on what would be taught in the household. They both agreed to follow the teachings from the Catholic church, and attended Mass weekly. However, in regards to the main language to teach Seth, Esme insisted that she'd only speak to her son in her native language; French, and that she'd appreciate it if Julian would also speak to their son in French. Julia decided to speak to Seth and Esme in English and French, but he also took Seth on many camping trips so that he could teach his son his culture’s language and share the stories that came from the Ojibwe peoples. Julian would also use these camping trips to teach survival skills to help bond with his son. Sometimes, Julian would take Seth out to Powwows to socialize with his father’s side of the family and other people of his heritage. Seth and Julian never ever spoke or told Esme what was going on during the camping trips due to how livid she’d get when she’d find out Seth wasn’t speaking or learning French. Esme was very controlling about the language that she wanted to be used in and outside of the household by the family. To the point where she insisted that they enroll Seth in a French Immersion school. Even though Seth was already using French daily. Seth attended École Saint-Norbert Immersion when he was old enough to go to Kindergarten. There he made many friends. Some of which played on his Lacrosse team. Others would play hockey during recess on the basketball court during spring and summer, and would play it on the outdoor ice rinks during winter. As Seth got older, he picked up a few more hobbies that he shared with the friends he kept throughout childhood. In grade 7, he began to learn how to play the drum set during his band electives. And in his free time he’d begun to learn how to skateboard with his friends. Falling a ton for the first few years, breaking a spraining his arms, legs, and wrists as he attempted tricks throughout the years. In the eighth grade, Seth and his friends would start to play music together biweekly. Playing cover songs of their favourite bands. When Seth got to grade 10, he’d transfer to another French Immersion school; Centre scolaire Léo-Rémillard. He’d stay in contact with the friends who’d go to different High Schools, but grew closer to the ones who went onto the same High School as him. During grade 10, there was a huge fight that has escalated between his parents. And after many months of asking and begging his mother to go across the country to finish high school, she'd finally agreed. Giving Seth a break -and a fresh start for Grade 11- away from the family drama he had endured all of his childhood.


Throughout Seth's time in Karakura, he never failed to make a phone call to his parents as he had promised when he had finally convinced his mother to say yes to studying abroad. Visiting his parents during the warm, Canadian summers; telling them about the entire school year even though he'd already been keeping them updated through the phone. He even sent them sketches he did, through the mail, despite tknowing that it'd take a long time to reach them. There was just something about giving them something physical that he did, that he enjoyed.
A bottle of champagne had been popped open, bubbles gushing like a volcano exploding, rocketing the cork over the smokey barbeque. A loud thundering of clapping coming from his extended family as they cheered and congratulated Seth. It had been a week since He'd graduated from Karakura High School. His parents had attended the ceremony, and even stayed for a few days to experience the beauty and opportunity that Japan had offered Seth. For the past two years he'd been away, avoiding the family drama. He never forgot about his parent's relationship issues, but he also didn't hold it against them. As long as no one was physically hurt, it'd be fine. They'd willingly chose to be together for decades, through thick and thin. The skirmishes just weren't something Seth wanted to be apart of, ever. The past week and a half, they'd seemed to have improve; which was great.
Everyone was enjoying the burgers and hotdogs, in the backyard. A million conversations going on at the same time. Talking over each other.
"So, Seth, what are you going to do now?" His mother asked as she sat down beside him and his father on the porch. Overlooking the others who were conversing. "Ya know something, Mère? Japan was really nice," Seth smirked, pausing as he observed his mother's reaction; who just slightly smiled as she subtly narrowed her eyes. "And I think it'd be good to return for college." Seth wasn't wrong. Japan was nice, but the town he'd been residing in during high school, was dangerous. And he knew this well, after witnessing many friends who had been severely injured by gangsters. This was not a new thing, during his college years, since it'd been a regular issue since he'd moved to Karakura. The hospital in Karakura was well known to be swarmed with tons of injured people daily. Yet, with the danger and crime that Karakura posed, the citizens still thieved. For four years, Seth attended Karakura College. Gaining his degree in Bachelor of Science. His family, celebrated his accomplishments after college graduation. Afterwards, he'd return to Japan. But instead of returning to Karakura he'd go to Kyoto, to attend a medical residency program at Kyoto University Hospital. Gaining some work experience, during the four years that he was in the program. However, falling in love with Karakura, Seth would apply to Karakura Hospital after finishing his medical residency. Hoping to get accepted so that he could help the town where he had started his new journey.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Years, after settling down into Karakura, to finish high school, Seth noticed that Karakura's hospitals were constantly being flooded by injured civilians who had required immediate help. Coming from Canada, which had a similar hospital system to Karakura, he had already set his heart on becoming a doctor. It was an impactful career that he knew the world needed. He just wasn't sure of what kind of doctor he wanted until his final year in High School. He saw how a lot of folks' injuries had required urgent care. So it inspired him to specialize in emergency medicine. Taking on the classes to gain the degrees at Karakura College, he'd achieve his bachelor of science. Majoring in kinesiology and biological sciences, whilst minoring in foreign language and mathematics.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After graduating from college, Seth temporarily moved to Kyoto, to complete his 4 years of residency in emergency medicine.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
"After bein' a resident at Kyoto University Hospital, I had the chance to work directly with patients. Tendin' to their needs and checking on their well-being, whilst managing their medical cases under supervision. I also had the opportunity to work with other health care teams and attended quite a few conferences. I'll tell ya this though. The shifts in the medical field seem to be long and fast paced. It's definitely important to keep a leveled head. Especially when dealing with patients."
Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

The smell of pine trees filled your nose as you set your eyes upon a scrawny, Métis male; who was leaning up against a wall. He stood to be 5’10” tall; his short, wavy hair was wild and untamed. Sticking up and settling down wherever it pleased. He had one particular cowlick that stuck upwards on the left side of his head. As his soft gaze met yours, you’d notice the liquefied chocolate eyes he had. He’d offer you a warm, mellow smile; where his top right teeth were noticeably missing. Leaving a goofy gap in his smile. As he waved at you, you’d notice some small scars on his palms and fingertips. All of different sizes. The man seem friendly, almost too friendly. As he stroked up a conversation about coffee, you'd notice that he had a peculiar accent. Seth’s accent exhibited ‘Canadian raising’; where he pronounced all his vowels higher than usual.
How does your character act on and off duty?
On and off duty, Seth is the type to approach anyone who looks like they're in need of help. Or simply if they look like they need a friend to talk with. When Seth's working, he's always straight to the point, yet keeps things chill and relatable; especially when working with patients. Since he knows that patients don't know the jargon that doctors use. When Seth is off duty, you'll find him wandering around town, sketching landmarks and critters. If he's not wandering around town or skateboarding; you can be sure that he took it upon himself to help whatever creature or person he came across.
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Seth midges, is a team player, and depends on his coworkers when the task requires it; but he's also good at dealing with situations and tasks himself when it's needed.
What plans does your character have for the future?
Seth's goals for the future is to settle down in Japan, becoming a permanent citizen of Japan. He's not sure if he'll stick in Karakura long-term. But he plans to stay to help in the medical industry for at least a few years. In hopes to make somewhat of a difference in Karakura. Everything else is undecided, and as Seth puts it; "Left up to God."
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Level 258
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, and we appreciate your interest in the faction. However, we have decided to deny your application, this is due to the following reasons:
Often times, we have to deny good applications as there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation, application detail, and much more.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to re-apply at a later date and keep an eye on Karakura Emergency #announcements for future waves. Additionally, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any further applications and improve your chances in future waves:
One of the main ways to impress the higher-up team is by including detail in your application.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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