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Accepted School Librarian application

[OOC section]
In Game Name:


School Employee Role you are Applying For:

School Librarian

How often do you log onto the server?:
During the weekend I am busy for school to 1PM until 8PM (EEST Time Zone) but when i'm free from school I play around 2 - 4 hours , but when its winter, summer break I am online between 3 - 8 hours

Do you have discord?

I do have discord, and it is SillyMiruna#9420

Do you have a microphone?

Yes, I do have a microphone.

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:

I've never been banned, I just got warned sometimes and once got kicked.

Can you ensure that you will often come on:

Yes, I ensure that I will often come on.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?:

Yes, I recognise I can be ICly fired.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee:
As School Librarian, I have to work with the Library Manager together, helping each other is essential for the kid safety and enjoyment. The Librarian helps the kid to attract them reading, but mainly the Librarian gives the book that kids wants to borrow. The Librarian is the helper of the Manager, also the Librarian cleans the shelfs and books, however they have to make sure the kids dosen't fight between them, trying to keep the peace in the Library, for others who likes and enjoys to read interesting books. Being School Librarian is essential being organized, we have to write the name of the student, the book and the date when the book was borrowed, the student can keep only 1 week, if he/she doesn't get it back on the certain date he/she have to pay.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?:

Yes, I can say I have some experience, since I was part of the Librarian School Council. The group was made by the Library Manager, we had to keep the library keep and safe. So I feel applying for Librarian to help around a bit.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I started to roleplay since I was little, around nine (9) years old on other games, I can make difference between IC situations and OOC situation. Roleplay is a good way to make your own virtual life. To be honest I just roleplayed as a high school student and now as a College Student. I can say I am very experienced in roleplay.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it:

The job gives out the books what student wants to read, or for example helps with homework. If a teacher gives homework such as reading a book, in Karakura isn't a book shop yet, so the Library is a good place borrowing some books for free, but if you keep it for too long, you'll have to pay. The Librarian keeps the place clean and attractive for High School studends. You basically wait at the counter to wait some students to borrow a book, if they want one. You need to be well organized for this job, since you might forget when some students borrow some books and so.


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:

I'll gently tell the student to stop cursing, I'll be serious towards the student if they take it as a joke, being serious will help yourself control better towards the kid, the kid might be intimidated and stop cursing, but not always works. Being mature is another option. So if the student doesn't stop after being serious and tell him/her to stop cursing I'll warn him to get out of the library since he might disturb other student that might be reading. If the kid still doesn't stop I'll take him to my Manager or the Princial (or any higher rank than me).

You are doing a hazadrous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:

I'll polite decline his request if it's too risky for me and other students, but if I can I will come along with another idea that might be better than the Principal idea, however if I won't come along with another idea I will just question about what the job does, if it isn't too risk I'll do it, but if it harmful for me or others, I'll decline it.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?:

I'll walk to him/her and tell him/her that the job is very dangerous, I'll tell him/her we are in a public High School and we might discuss about his/her problem later, out of the school grounds. I will ask why he/she is acting out of order because it has to be a reason behind all of it, however I'll try to help him/her about his/her to behaviour next time. Also I will be aware about his/her behaviour.

[IC section]
Applicant Name:

Emma Miller

Chosen Job:
School Librarian

Motivation for Joining YHS:

My motivation to join is that I truly love YHS community, I even know some part of the teacher and even some School Employee, it would help me also meet new people and make friends. Working with other adults helps me become more mature. All the High School Employee are friendly and funny sometimes. But when comes to be serious and work, you have to be serious and work hard for all your objectives


20 (If you cannot be 20, 25 is alright)

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I should be accepted because of my experience in the past with books, I saw how the Librarian Manager was doing his work, and it really attracted me, it was so well organized, it was nearly perfect, I appreciate his job. However I should be accepted because of my activity, I am really active in the weekends, and trustworthy. If I will be accepted it will be a pleasure to work will all the High School employeers.
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Level 152
Hello @SillyRainbows,
After thoroughly looking through your application, I've decided today (19/10/2018) to come with a conclusion on your application to become the School Librarian on Karakura High School. Below this said message, you'll find my view on this application and after my judgement.

- Your application has the detail of an applicant wanting to have this role
- Your application structure is quite basic.
- You've managed to show me why you should be accepted.
- Your character has to be 25.
- Evidently, you're ready to handle this role.

- You may not resign or apply on another School Employee/Teacher/Shop Owner job on this account for the next thirty (30) days, unless you really want to resign, you'll be dropped to Grade-12.
- Check your Discord Private Messages (PMs) shortly.

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