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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | An Interview With Murakami Miyake! - Myke "Wren" Chi


Level 135

Almost everyday, new people arrive in Karakura, or some return. Most people come to Karakura to apply for the High School or Community College, whilst others come for jobs. Today, I brought a new Professor to interview with, known as Murakami Miyake.

You’d hear a clicking sound from the voice recorder. Then a soft voice would be heard.
“Test. Test. Alright, it seems like it's working. Thank you for joining me today for this interview. My name Wren Chi. Before we go any further into the interview may I get your name?” - W.C
“Murakami Hatsumoto Miyake.” - M.M

“Murakami Miyake, now that's a catchy name! Though I’ll address you as Professor Miyake, seeing that I just heard you got hired as a Professor at the Community College, is that correct?” - W.C
“Yuup!” - M.M
“That’s great to hear! I’m sure you love the job so far, but what made you decide or give you the motivation to become a Professor here?” - W.C

“Well, to be fair my response would be that I want the students to learn about communication in a deeper meaning. For example, if Listening and Hearing are the same .. well in fact they are NOT the same. and you will soon find out in my upcoming classes! Not to mention I mostly wanted to do this for the money. I am very much a money woman.” - M.M
“Well I would say, communication is the key in today's society. You mentioned you’re a money woman, if I may ask, what do you plan on using that money for? Perhaps you have a family you need to take care of?” - W.C
“To build my empire, I recently .. lost 2 of my family members but I have an adopted son. My plan is to get rich, own a building of just strawberry milk, and die. Die being rich while owning a large compartment of strawberry milk but also spoiling my .. insanely rich child. Why is he richer than me ?? Something we may never know. Also to live up to my families' name being a Miyake. My father taught me to never bow to anyone. I was previously a psychiatrist then a shop owner and now a professor, I have nearly been able to tackle most of everything here that Karakura has to offer.” - M.M
“An empire? That sounds very interesting, you said you have an adoptive daughter and soon son. Do they attend college or high school? You also mentioned a boyfriend, not to cross lines or anything but I’m assuming you're single? Your father, he must’ve been a great gentleman to teach you his ways. To make you a strong, independent, powerful woman, that’s what I’m seeing from you.” - W.C
“My son currently attends college. I do not have a boyfriend. Currently looking for a .. NEVERMIND! .. My father is a very great influence as well as a father figure towards me. You sometimes see me wearing something that came from him. My parents are very loving and I just came back from staying with them a year and a half. That's also when I discovered my love for strawberry milk and learned a few more cuisines to cook!” - M.M
“I bet your parents were, and welcome back to Karakura I suppose. Earlier you mentioned an Empire. Do you think you’ll become the 2nd most powerful woman in Karakura? That’d be interesting to see. Also you mentioned you're only staying here for the subject you teach and the money. What subject do you teach? I’m sure the college students are curious to see what their new professor is teaching.” - W.C
“Like I mentioned earlier, I teach Interpersonal Communication. Inter Communication for short. It’s a business/sociology class. For second most powerful, it was never my aspiration but, if i focus on that then it’ll come true.” - M.M

“Ah, yes you did mention communication earlier. I guess I thought you were just speaking about it In general and not as a subject. Well then, looking at the time it seems we will have to end it here. Thank you for taking the time to sit with me today for this interview.” - W.C
Soon, a click would be heard ending the voice recording.

Well there you have it Karakura! Will Professor Miyake become the 2nd most powerful woman in Karakura? Will Kimitsu Koji have an opponent to compete with? Who knows! I do know that Professor Miyake will be staying for quite some time. What did you think about this interview? That's it for today, Karakura! Have a great day, and stay safe!​

- Wren Chi peacing out!



Level 107
old man becomes a reporter real??

also yes cult. i'm still calling wren an old man

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