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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Un-Painting The Town


Level 154

*The feed would flash to life. Mookie was on the move, walking through the streets of Karakura. Though the camera focused on him, there was clearly other sets of footsteps accompanying his off camera*

“Hey guys, long time no see eh? Missed me? Yeahhh I’m sure ya did~. Anyway! I’m back with another report! So, as you all know, Karakura is an- interesting place, to say the least! One thing I’ve noticed lately is all the tagging- or for those of you unaware, the graffiti that has been sprayed on buildings and in alleyways- Like this!”

*He’d turn the camera, briefly you could see the other figures accompanying him, before the camera was met with the view of a wall*

“Not too shabby, not too shabby at all- However, beautiful as it may be, it’s also kinda like- illegal? Or sum’ also it’s like damage to property! But- why whine over spilled milk instead of doing something about it? I’m glad you asked, faithful viewer, ‘cuz that’s what we’re talkin’ about today!”

*He’d turn the camera back towards him*

“Can we get a drumroll please? Nooooow introducing, double trouble- wait for ittttttt, Saeko Koji and Raika Miki!”

*As he turned the camera to the pair of young girls, he’d fire off a confetti popper to the slight annoyance of his guests*

“What? Too much? Okay- well- we gotta have some fun! Anyway! Miki here has been working with several people to help clean up our streets; ain’t that right?”

Raika: “Just the bowling alley..”

“Yeah! Speakinawhich, why don’t we get over there?”

*The feed would cut, giving way to a cartoonish transition akin to an old Batman scene change. The feed would pick up again. On full display was the side of the bowling alley with Raika and Mookie standing at its base*

“So, your team did all this? Impressive!”

Fujimori: “No, most of the team wasn’t there. I wasn’t there. It was just Raika and some other randos, a lot of them weren’t a part of us.”

Saeko: *Gasping dramatically, she’d place her palm over her chest before stumbling back in shock and offense*“Randos”?! I’ll have you know that I just so happen to be an ex member of your team!”

*Suddenly, Mazaki Celestial entered from stage right*

Fujimori: “I have absolutely no idea who you are nor do I have any desire to recall and or learn.”

Raika: “Yeah.. just some friends and friends of friends really.”

Saeko: “And keep your mouth shut about me being a “rando”

Raika: “Enough, stop being rude to each other!”

Mazaki: “Hey Sae- uh, I’m sorry for earlier by the way..”

Saeko: “Uh huh..”

Fujimori: “Wouldn’t me not knowing you make you a rando?” *She snicker, to add insult to injury, she’d cover her giggling mouth with the back of her palm; slightly snobbishly*“Keep your mouth shut” about being correct in what I say? Lol okay.”

Saeko: “I don’t care? I was telling you not to talk about me?”

Fujimori: *She’d stick her tongue out, blowing a raspberry at the girl*

Saeko: *Only laughed in response*

“Easy there ladies, let’s get back on topic, shall we? First question, why would you clean up the graffiti?”

Raika: “Uh duh.. It’s because it looked ugly! Also, it was taking this Bobcat v. Spartan thing waaaay too far. But uh- mostly cuz it was ugly.”

Saeko: “Well, the only reason I showed up was that Raika gave me a call asking for a hand- so you know..”

Mazaki: “Yeah, I’d want to get rid of it too if I were you, Raika.”

“Well is there something you hope to gain out of it? A reward maybe?”

Raika: “No.”

Saeko: “Not at all.”

Mazaki: “Honestly, I don’t want anything.”

Raika: “Actually, I offered candy for those who helped, but that was about it.”

“Are you planning on doing even more for the community?”

Raika: “You see, I knew this was done by sports teams. In the rest of the town, the taggings could be done by gangs for all we know and that’s dangerous. I know better than to mess with them.”

“Pity, ya know, you could try to partner with KPD! It could be like- community service? Cleanin’ up the streets n’ what not, but I digress.”

“To finalize, any words of encouragement or any remarks you’d like to share with the community?”

Raika: “No, can I go now?”

Saeko: “Yeah, no.”

Mazaki: “I got nothing.”

“Ah.. okay then, well this has been your ever-charming host, I’ll cya next time! Thank you and good night!”

*As the group looked at the camera, the feed cut*


Level 70
mazaki is just your average passing-through girl, remember that
by the way, mazaki will disappear soon

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