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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | ZZ Broadcast #3 - Redwoods?


Level 10

[!] A full-on ear assault would be forced onto anyone who was unfortunate to be tuned into the ZZ Broadcast frequency. Once again a staticky sound would play, followed by mismatched SFX, including but not limited to gunshots, sirens, and for some reason a cow moo…

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Hey hey hey! Welcome back to my broadcast! It’s been a while, huh? We got a good list of tunes for you today and an even better guest! Make sure to stay tuned - don’t touch that dial! If you do, I’ll literally cry or something.”

[!] The listeners of this broadcast would hear what seemed like murmuring as if somebody in the room was on their phone…

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Alrighty, let’s begin. Tell all the folks at school who you are!”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“Hey everyone! I am Hiroki Makoto Ashikaga. Yes, my dad does teach here if you were wondering! I am also the captain of my own baseball team outside of school!”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Oho? Captain of your own team, y’say? What’s the name of this team?”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“I am so glad you asked Den, it is the Redwoods. You want to know how I and the other captains figured out such an exotic team name?”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Redwoods, huh? Yeah, tell us how you came up with that name.”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“The redwood tree is one of the tallest and most valuable trees in the world. It is also one of the strongest, surviving many forest fires that have happened in the areas they are in. And, the captains and I figured it would fit teams of strong, hardworking people.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Well, that’s a real nice name! Good going! As for your reason for forming this team… why?”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“Well, you see Den, I tried out for the Bobcats Baseball team. I was one of the best, hardworking people during the tryout, trying to push the others to be the best they could so they could get on the team as well. There were five of us, and five spots on the team open.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“I see. Go on, then…”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“But, I was the only one out of the cluster who didn’t make it onto the team. So, I figured if I were to be shut out like a date on a Friday evening, why not have all the other shut-outs with me? Train them up to be the best they could be. As more people noticed, we started introducing more teams - we have two new teams.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Oh, like subteams?”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“Not really, we have one baseball team, one taekwondo team, and, of course, one cheer team.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Oho? Cool! Anyway, your teammates… how good are they?”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“They’re actually decent at the sport. Most of them I just asked and they decided to come practice, yeah.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Fair ‘nuf. How has captain life been treating ya so far? ”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“It has been really good. More people ask me what I am doing and are actually interested in this kind of stuff. I am very thankful as I used to be bullied a lot when I was younger, but that has mostly concluded since.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Ah, it's good to hear that you’re not facing that sorta stuff anymore. What did you get bullied for, if you don't mind me asking”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“You see, Den, I am bisexual.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Ohh, homophobia? …Biphobia? …Is biphobia the correct term????”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“Yeah, you can call it biphobia.”

[!] The listeners of the broadcast could hear slight chuckling from Hiroki

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“A lot of people here don’t support bisexuality all that much, especially when they don’t know what it means… And I know that, yes, my family is semi-wealthy and that we are an old-family name, but it doesn’t hurt to try something new.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Yeah, I hear you there, pal. That’s sorta like me and journalism. It’s a good hobby, passes the time.”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“I can tell. Nice set-up, as well.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Why, thank you! Anyway, let’s get back to what matters - baseball! Y’got any messages for the baseball team, Bobcat or Spartan?”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“Yes - Spartans, you guys are way more chill and worthy of playing a sport. Bobcats, specifically Subaru I am talking about, A team cannot stand together when you don’t teach them how to put 200% into the sport that they play. This is why the Spartans are so talented at what they do, because they take risks to gain the reward of winning. The bobby Bobcat has to leave the nest, the saying goes. They can’t do that without training.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Neeheehee~, do I sense some Redwood-Bobcat hostility? ‘Course, I don’t wanna stir the pot or anything. It’s good to have rivalry.”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“Yeah, it is.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“As for the students of Karakura High, y’got any messages for them?”

[!] The people tuned into this broadcast would hear… climbing noises?

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“...Hah?? Mee?”

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“Yes, don’t sit around and do nothing. Sports are a good way to meet new people and gain skills and strength for the real world. If you ever want to contact me, don’t be shy to ask me what teams are around…”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“We have a DOOR, Madeline.”

Mee-Young Jaibatsume:
“I don’t have a keyyyy!”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:

Mee-Young Jaibatsume:
“Am I interrupting something?”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
SHH! …A-anyway, how about we wrap this up? Got any song requests?”

[!] The people tuned into this broadcast would hear rustling, as if someone just jumped into the room through a window…?

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“Sure thing. I know this one will hit it out of the park - Bohemian Rhapsody. A six-minute song that still kicks.”

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Oho, A classic!”

Mee-Young Jaibatsume:

[!] The people tuned into this broadcast would hear a door unlock, and then slam.

Den “Wick” Celestiasume:
“Well, that’s all folks! Thank Hiroki for this next track we have lined up. I want to give a quick shoutout to my day-ones back in Fukui, Vinny, Kate, and Karma! Joe Jones for Mayor!”

[!] NOW PLAYING: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen



Level 37

Hiroki M. Ashikaga:
“Yes - Spartans, you guys are way more chill and worthy of playing a sport. Bobcats, specifically Subaru I am talking about, A team cannot stand together when you don’t teach them how to put 200% into the sport that they play. This is why the Spartans are so talented at what they do, because they take risks to gain the reward of winning. The bobby Bobcat has to leave the nest, the saying goes. They can’t do that without training.”

@elelmon Subaru is the best captain, wiwi?

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