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ShuGamingg | College Professor Application #5


Level 80
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:
I have three accounts as of the moment.
I pay equal attention to all three.
I will be applying on the account, “ShuGamingg” for this position.

Frankses | ShuGamingg | Goodusernamexd

How old are you?:
I am fourteen.

Do you have any previous bans?:
I was banned for Major OOC Toxicity last May 2020 by former Admin, Aania. In the incident, I said some insensitive and inappropriate things however when things calmed down and the situation was handled, it was just a troller whom I lashed out on. I waited three days before appealing, in those three days I realized and got a grasp of what may come out of my mouth and properly express my emotions in a calm way. I very much regret what I said and I do not want to make the same mistakes once more.

What Country are you from?:
I am Asian, I currently live near the equator in a country called, Philippines.
My timezone is GMT+8 which is rather far from BST and EST and even PST. Hence, why I cannot go to sports tryouts/events in general.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, My discord is shu#2310.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
On both platforms, I am active as most people see me online every day just at a later time.
School has occupied me as of this year and I am an honor student, So I would like to maintain my title before anything else.
Furthermore, I am quite active on the server and have been known by many since 2019. Sometimes too often that people have started a fan club about me, I have no connection to it personally.

On the forums, I do pay attention to all the regulations that have been made by Samra and Duckings, as well as other staff members as well. I tend to post a lot of News Reports, comments, ratings, and over all biographies on the forums.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
I have applied for a professor on this account about four times? I have been accepted twice and denied twice, I cannot find the link for it as it was back in... May-June. When former Mod, vice-dean Doughlah was in charge.
Other applications would be



Are the only one’s I remember as of the moment, Both have been reviewed by Minobu, Eli.

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?:
The account I am applying for is currently, College Bachelors.


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
The same as it always been, it’s sort of nostalgic to be fair. Teaching College students In my opinion is more organized rather than High School. But both divisions go through the same progress and system. Applying for the fifth time wouldn’t really change my motivation that much, let’s just say, I’m more motivated to become a professor once more and would like to come back stronger than ever.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
Yes, of course. Since 2019, I’ve gradually self-improved my way of roleplaying ever since Gab introduced me to the server. Was one hell of a rollercoaster if I’m honest. Additionally, I do have an actor side in me, and I fully express my actions within that side to give more depth and deep-meaning to my style of roleplaying, since everyone has similar/the exact same way, but there are also people who roleplay differently, uniquely, I, am a few people who apart of that group. I know many others as well, and It makes me happy to see that the server is growing gradually every single day.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
As stated in the Professor Information etc, classroom logs are highly mandatory as it does identify whether you are active, inactive, as well as showing valid proof that you have/are teaching the class that you are supposed to be teaching.

In connection to this, your paycheck at the end of each month is connected to your logs, without your logs, you will not be paid. Simple as that.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Before, I just used all the stereotypical rules. (e.g no eating, no sleeping)
But now... I suppose different rules for different times.

- Do not speak when the teacher is talking. It’s self-explanatory really if you are talking whilst the teaching is talking you are simply being disrespectful, nonetheless you are disturbing half of the class.

- Do not attempt to give superiority to yourself. This rule is one I experience, if you think you are the boss in this classroom, you are to earn it. But obviously, that won’t be taken lightly. Attempting to give yourself clout/power within classroom perimeters makes you look like an idiot, instead, sit tight and listen.

- The final rule would be number 3. Every session I will be hosting there will be a slight reward, it gradually gets higher when the class is more behaved. If it has not behaved well and is chaotic to the max, you will all be sent out with no reward and instead, homework. Also, that one famous saying, “One for all, all for one” something along those lines, if ONE student in the class disrupts, disrespects, etc, all of you will have the same punishments.

To me, these rules are applied to my current class, and I can really see the discipline in them. I, too, follow these rules regularly and whole-heartedly.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
Lots and lots of Detailed Roleplay, inmost sense, that’s the point of Roleplaying, expressive and descriptive. That is what my Roleplay experiences have always been. Past Roleplay, would be... Just, the typical school cliche’ scenes you see in Anime, Cartoons, shows.

But now, I’ve given more depth and more thoughts to my roleplaying, I’ve changed gradually and am close to the perfect Roleplay.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete? What is a College-Professor's salary?
College Professors Out of Character-wise would be the strict, old, wrinkled professors but are extremely intelligent and provide sufficient knowledge in order for you to go through adulthood, but we all know school is completely useless. Hence why, in SchoolRP, College Professors are known to be slightly different, same in most sense, different in unique sense. The tasks given ICly for Professors to complete are their classes, and obviously they’re supposed to teach what course they learned throughout IC college, passing on knowledge onto students who are capable of passing it to their future students as well.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

Kirari is a middle-aged woman who has hair that peaks the color of darkness. And the skin of pure snow, pale, and slender. She stands at a rather tall height. (5’9), since her college days, she has grown maturely and professionally, as she walks towards her classroom, she is seen wearing rather expensive looking glasses, and a black ring around her index finger. Hearing her heels click onto the wooden floor as she walks at a slow pace. She would be waving at students who stared as she opened her classroom door with her keys. She speaks monotonously regardless of what she is doing, the only time she gets excited is when she gets to drink off school perimeters. She is very approachable to students and will help each one of them graduate just like she did, once she is introduced fully to the team she will get along just fine with the other professors and school staff.
Her personality differs from the different types of people she is with, whether it be a student or another adult, she is still the same person. She would give a cold atmosphere due to her appearance, however, her heart is slightly open towards others. She says things straight out of her mouth.

She has no idea what the future has planned for her, so for her, at this moment, she will go with the flow and continue to strive for her desire, her desire is unknown still to her, but she will get it when she is given the opportunity to.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
I would obviously pause my class, asking them to do whatever they want in the meantime while I deal with the jocks. Seeing as now that sport-teams are now on strict surveillance, I will calmly approach them, asking them to gather around as I will only say it once. “Children, It seems you are disturbing my class, could you tone it down a bit? If you do, you’ll be given a reward.” I always seem to bribe them into giving them a reward for them to move on and do other things, if this does not work I will have no other choice but to call another school staff as it is not worth it to call the Vice Dean over something very minor.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
I would keep an eye on them for a little, if they still do not listen, I will pause my class as I call out to that particular student. “You there, with the black hair.” If they look towards me and question why I am calling out to them. “Oh? You can just hear just fine, so, were you listening/” I will simply ask them this question, and if they respond with the typical “Oh, I was just daydreaming” line, I will tell them to sit at the front, keep a more further eye on them and talk to them after my session.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me She would let out a deep sigh, before looking up at the class. “Good morning children, I am Miss Kirari. I will be teaching Criminology till the end of the year, let’s hope. Make sure to have a notebook ready just in case of a sudden pop quiz. I’m just playing.”

She then opened the roll call attendance book that was right in front of her, flipping through each page as she wrote with her left hand, ‘2021’ would be written at the top.

/me She would then take a few steps downwards as she held a notebook in her hand, lowering her glasses down as she scans the class while they were answering. She then caught a glimpse of a student’s answers, one of them was incorrect. +

/me “Hey, so, This is a bit unfair, but this question is incorrect, It was [redacted] who killed [redacted] during [redacted] at the time. Don’t tell anyone else, It was an easy question. Study more next time.” She said as she straightened her posture, faintly smiling at them as she walked towards the back of the class, continuing to roam around.

/me She would open the cabinet underneath her desk as she took out about 15 strawberry flavored KitKat boxes. She then placed them on the table for the students to see. “If you all behave, and pass my exams, you will take three of these to your home, and share them with your friends, family or even give them to another student who didn’t get any. I want all of you to have fun during my classes, so I don’t get fired for being too “Strict”, nonetheless, the exams will be soon and I will be training all of you in order to pass my topic. Let’s have a strong year everyone.”

/me She would turn to the green board right behind her, picking up white chalk and an orange one, indicating there will be two situations. She started writing the first with the white chalk, highlighting keywords with the orange chalk. As she got slight dust on her sleeve she didn’t mind, she continued to write on the board, side-eyeing the class as she saw many students taking notes. She smiled, as she continued to write before finishing. Placing the chalk back down onto the mini table, she then faced the class. “This” Pointing to the board. “Is what Criminology is. That is the point of Law and Justice studies, criminals out there were citizens too.”

Kinda defeats the purpose of a /me with it going over the 256 character limit, but oh well.


Kirari Hijisho was born in Kyoto, Japan. She was a small girl, in her generation, her family was rather wealthy, known, famous. As Kirari was the only female born into the Hijisho family, she was looked down upon, she was degraded, she had backlashes. People thought of her as a slave, her family tried their best to let her live a normal Japanese life. However, they didn't try hard enough. As a result, her family was hunted down and killed. Leaving Kirari a stray child, nowhere to go, no family.

This made her a homeless little girl, that, until a tall man with rather long hair, saw her and took her into his own family household. Whilst scared for her life, she felt safe and comfortable in a warm place rather than in a cold alleyway. She then was given her own room, a new name, and a new lifestyle. As if she was given a second chance, granted to her by the gods up above. Fast forward to when she moved to a different part of Kyoto, she was a high school student in the Debate club, she wasn't really known until she started dressing up for herself, not for some boys or girls, just for herself. She started getting recognized by many as the "Girl with the Black hair".

She then got herself a scholarship, which led her to graduate Highschool and move on to College. Kirari Matsuzaki, a college student that had the top of her grades, strived for the top, she had longed for the attention she wanted when no one paid attention to her. After graduating from College in 1986, she wanted to research more about Justice and Law, nothing special, she was just interested. After 7 years of continuing to study Criminology, she came back to Karakura to pursue that job. She applied to become a Professor.. Coming back strong, she was introduced to students who were just like her, learning, striving for the top. She felt happy. And so, that is the story of Kirari Matsuzaki. From a homeless girl to a professor. She will bring justice and honor to her family, and give her utmost gratitude to those who saved her.

When she came to Karakura, she first met a cop, who she quickly fell in love with, to this day, since then, they have been married. She is deeply in love with Yoshi.


In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Kirari Matsuzaki Utsunoa

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Kirari, Kira.

Preferred Name:
Mrs Kirari.



Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:
She is married to Yoshi Utsunoa.

Pure blooded Japanese.

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):
2 years.

Working Experience (# of years):
6 years of working part-time at Kyoto.
5 years of working as a Lawyer back in Kyoto.
Overall years, 11.

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:
Age 18.



Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
I do not.

Preferred Teaching subject:


Additional notes about your application (if any):

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 132

Congratulations your application as been accepted!
DM Alcidies#6666 for further information.

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