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SIMPL3Z BMD APP; "The 3rd deadly sin."


Level 103
Community Team
Lore Team
IGN: (Please also list any of your alternate accounts)

[Adult] SIMPL3Z (main/applicant)
[Reporter] Z3LPMIS (alternate)

Describe your activity on the server:

A ‘description’ of what I did/do:
My activity on this server has slowly and surely been expanding. From the moment I have joined this server about a year ago to now I have involved myself with Crime and GangRP, so these two sides of SRP have been a field I am fairly experienced in (both in our all time favorite classic gangRP pvp style, and actual roleplay gangRP). Eventually I decided to expand my knowledge and experience over the different sides of SRP by applying and being accepted as a Psychiatrist in the EMS. as well as getting an alternate account (ty jay for that) on which I applied to join the News faction. As of currently I am no longer in the EMS but on my alt account I still am a reporter! After my leaving of the EMS I decided to turn back towards gangRP and CrimeRP and I’ve stuck around fully ever since. Over the course of my roleplaying experiences I managed to become a part of the Black market dealer associates, which I still am a part of and that is something I very much enjoy being a part of. As a side dish, I also involve myself more seriously in writing. Slowly having developed and expanded on my strong love for writing, I am a writer for commissions in different tailoring services, as well as having recently applied for the Lore Team, whose application still needs to be reviewed, once a spot opens up.

My practical activity on the server:
As of currently I am still on summer break, meaning my activity has increased and can be increased furthermore. But once school starts this will have to take a bit of a higher priority for obvious reasons I’d say. I’ve made an agreement with my parents a long while ago about limiting my access to my PC, so I wouldn’t just skip out on doing anything school related and sit behind my PC the entire day.

This is a rough estimate as of now, since I do not have my current school schedule yet but these are most likely the times I will be 100% available on, if other things do not interfere


4:00pm - 9:30pm

4:00pm - 9:30pm

10:00am - 9:30pm
I am allowed to ‘move’ certain days. If say I were to be needed for an event, I can move one of the past 3 days to a new and different day if needed

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:

My discord is simplezz (Simplez#2390) and I have a working microphone!

Specify your country of origin and time zone:

My country of origin is the Netherlands, and thus my timezone is GMT+1 / CEST

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:

  • - The broad expansion on roleplay as a whole
I feel like as much as this is an obvious reason, it is a big and important one for my part.
As of recently for myself, my own roleplay has been more dry and stale than it ever has kind of been and I’ve been hard at work with things to do, write and plan to try to change that up again and you know, have a bit of fun. And when Cam ‘announced’ in general chat that there was a spot open, my interest immediately peaked, just like many others, towards the fact that this is an open spot. I definitely think from what I’ve seen with my association with the Black Market Dealers that this is a very new, interesting and more engaging way to expand my roleplay as of what it currently is. It gives me a new and unique character to roleplay as, new interesting scenarios and situations I haven’t found myself in previously.

Furthermore this also opens the door to more event organizing. I know it is a bit of a goal for us as the criminal community to spice it up more with events and such, and as much as you can do from a public perspective and stand point. When it comes down to more criminal related events which are not tied towards one or two specific gangs, being in a position such as BMD would help out greatly towards organizing and setting up different events, which is something I very much enjoy doing.

Lastly: It’s just more lore, which ties in back to the more interesting and unique roleplay. I myself as many others on the BM team are a bit of lore fiends, especially me, since I am also a writer and I did apply to the Lore team for this reason and my interest in it as well. And the amount of lore contributing roleplay, which isn’t always everything, but there is definitely just a lot of cool story to make, play in and discover along the way.

  • - The personal interest in Criminal Roleplay
Criminal roleplay is a big personal interest of mine, and something I am very familiar with, since the start of my SRP career back around late February to early March of 2022. Over that time of course a lot has changed, but the real ‘goal’ of some sorts hasn’t. Mainly the goal of wanting to do interesting stuff, unique and creative ideas which involve not just myself but other people, other parts of the community or communities as a whole. Seeing how a position like this puts me in a better spot to do so, this is of course a great benefit and reason for applying: I get to try to host, help and organize the cool and interesting stuff I wanted or wish to be a part of.

For example: crime businesses. Of course our beloved ones like Club Ikigai and Fight club, but there are many more options and ideas that could be thought of or just furthermore worked on, which some of them are being worked on, I believe Street Racing is an example of that. But with me being a creative person, I always thrive to think of something unique, which helps out both parties, the creating (aka then as a whole, the black market team) and the receiving end (the players).

  • - The obvious and logical side bonus
For me, this is more of an obvious side bonus, not a main cause for wanting to apply, but I feel like we all somewhat have this reason motivating us to apply for BMD, that being the money you make from it. It’s just a nice fun little side bonus, making a lot of IC money whilst doing something you like and enjoy, who wouldn’t want that right? Although it isn’t like a main motivation for applying, I don’t apply just because of the financial benefits that I can gain from getting this job, as clearly stated in the other reasons, there are plenty of bigger reasons on why I applied for BMD.

  • - This is the money game
Only Robin gets it.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:

As much as I’d like to be humble–but still take credit where due–here is what I think makes me stand out from other applicants:

  • My involvement with the BM team as an associate
I’ve been a BMDA for a couple of months now, I’ve honestly lost track of the time but that was mainly because I have had a ton of fun, not just with the people but also with the stuff we have done and some stuff we are trying to work on. I feel like within my time as a BMDA, it’s became quite clear to a lot of people what I am kind of good at (That being stated in the rest of these things as well) but it also made me realize that, this whole ‘gig’ of how the BMD works is something I now not only am familiar with, but also find my fun and challenges in.

[TLDR] How exactly does this make me stand out?: The sheer experience with an already closer insight on how everything works around the BM team, of course not a full insight as to the many tasks a BMD has to do, but I have a good history, experience and fun working alongside the entire team.

  • My urge to create, write and make
If it had not become clear by reading through my answers as to what motivates me for applying: I am a very creative person, and I fiend to make use of this to the fullest, especially towards something I enjoy a lot. I am always looking and searching for new ideas, stories, events etc. To do on my own or with perhaps the gang I might find myself in at that current time, and with this, it would further expand towards the BM team and the Crime community. I like to dream big, but maybe settle on something a bit smaller and realistic.

[TLDR] How exactly does this make me stand out?: I will most certainly be someone to suggest and come up with a lot of stuff, not just regarding my own characters and stories, but also relating to events we could do with the BM team and stuff which might affect and–as to what I strive for–benefit the entire community.

  • Organization, Planning & Responsibility.
Dump something on me and I will take care of it, as to at will not only be beneficial for me personally with my own battles against organization, planning & responsibility–as that is something I am not the best at, but I have been improving at very much as of lately–but also will just be beneficial for whomever since: I will put in the effort. The right amount of effort towards organizing and planning whatever it is that is needed, and also taking just full responsibility for my actions, and taking responsibility when I have too. As I always try to hold up my responsibility towards things I have worked on and put much effort in. This helps me a lot with understanding something, someone or a certain situation I might find myself in. I also am accountable for well, you guessed it: my own actions. If I sadly miss out on delivering something on the deadline, or whatever it might be, it still were my actions, and my responsibility, so then I will deal with the consequences that might be given, as it’ll help me prevent mistakes in the future, and improve along the way.

[TLDR] How exactly does this make me stand out?: See it as a form of dedication, that even with a personal struggle towards this subject (organizing, planning & responsibility)the sheer motivation towards not wanting to disappoint and deliver whatever it is needed, and the effort needed to be made will be made.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:

- IC / OOC
  • My involvement with gangs
Probably one of the longest and still ongoing examples of where my experiences working in teams lie. Since the start of my SRP career I have always had an involvement with gangs, within most being able to have a higher up position or co-leading in some scenarios, as well as leading my own gang at one point as well. working in environments like this is nothing new and nothing I can’t handle. Some of my more notable gang involvements are:
Kamaitachi Higher-Up. Yamagashira Higher-Up.
Otake-Tatsu Co-Lead
Leader of Uradori
Currently a Captain in Valhalla

  • The Black Market team
Probably not too surprising this one comes up, and already stated before. To my assumption I’ve been a part of the BM team for maybe 3-4 months, I don’t know exactly, but it definitely has been a good while. In my eyes the BM team and working as an Associate really is all about working together as a team, helping out dealers, planning stuff out together etc. It should come to no surprise that this is something where experience of working in a team lies, as it is like a constant test of seeing how well everyone can work together.

  • Factions
I have been a part of not too many factions, but still a couple. I believe around January this year I had applied for the position of Psychiatrist and got accepted. Whilst not performing the best in that position I still was one to try and work with the team until my initial departure. But even after I had left the faction I still was given the chance to work as an OOH (out-of-house Psychiatrist) until this ‘job’ got removed. During my time as a Psychiatrist however I also applied and joined the News faction as a Reporter in around early March of this year, and I still am a reporter in the faction with my alternate account, and regularly active. With the new roster for the faction with 14 reporters total, much more teamwork and collaboration is wanted and needed, so this is also a very big source when it comes to my experience with working in a team

  • BM Screenworks
Currently I am also a part of BMS screenworks, an organization led by F1F4 and Springwood about making cool cinematics and small movies around the criminal side of Karakura. I’m in the position of script writer and have been tasked with working on a script for a project, which I obviously can’t say much about. However this does require in the long run a lot of working together in a team, as my script has to work with everyone involved, the editors, actors etc.


  • School
Like most teenagers, I attend public school. And it should not
come to surprise that a big part of school is learning how to work with others on many different projects. Hence why I am also stating this. I’ve had to work on countless graded and ungraded projects with other classmates throughout my highschool years (I am currently in grade 9? I’m not sure..) this of course has been very helpful improving on my skills when it comes to working in teams but also is just something where most of my experience lies, as they kind of nudge you to work together from the 5th grade already.

  • Event work
Kind of more of a broad topic, but I have done a lot of event work. What I mean with event work is voluntary work for events, participating in events myself etc. I’ve done voluntary work for about 2 years now in a specific city wide event for the city that I live in, helping with the opening of different monuments, touring people around etc. I have also participated in group events myself before, I’ve participated in a theater group where I made 3 whole shows with a group of about 40 others every year, and I have collaborated with coaches and theater makers myself to make 2 of my own theater shows which I have all performed. Within that of course teamwork and working together with others is vital to the process, especially to the 40 man shows we used to make.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:

  1. Street racing.
I think we can all agree that street racing isn’t exactly too alive or populair at the moment.
As of currently there really is only one organization which properly involves themselves with street racing, this being Rakkiyatsu. Overall there should be new ways to improve people to get drawn towards street racing or car related projects within SRP, as well as a rework of how the Black market will be involved when it comes to street racing, but I am aware that Nylu is working on something.

What I had in mind for street racing to kind of regain popularity of some sorts is actually to more so strafe away from the concept of street racing. Not fully, never fully. But I feel as though if there was more proper roleplay, events and plot twists involved in certain street races hosted by gangs, delinquent groups or us as the black market, people would like to involve themselves more, as a major hold up from what I have seen is that many people do not involve themselves with street racing as they believe a custom car is something they NEED to have. Really though, it is only necessary if you wish to race. But if there were larger scaled plots, ideas and events going on which involve street racing we wouldn’t exclude the public crowd and it would be more inviting for regular roleplayers and crime roleplayers to check out and possibly involve themselves in. I’ve tried to do this myself with The Clover Cup but that initially failed due to a lack of applications, but that does not mean we cannot do this at all. I get that straying away from the main point might not help, but you need different branches of some sorts to really make a community have a wider public. Say Fight Club was just 2 fighters, it would not be the same as it is right now with its referees, bars, security and managers hosting bets. The same could be applied with street racing.

  1. Bounty hunting
In contrast to Street racing, the bounty hunting program is also something rarely utilized and not the most alive.
There is an obvious reason for this, that being most people wish to execute permissions by themselves or with their gang mates, but I feel as though there is a solution for this which does not only tackle this problem, but also not necessarily a problem but I feel as though should also be more utilized, that being gangs their direct involvement with the Black Market.

Come with me on this rollercoaster for a bit and hear me out:
The bounty hunting aspect is something we can keep, although I feel as though it could perhaps be more widely utilized. Instead of having a direct set of bounty hunters, we can recrute 1 or 2 high ranking members from every UVG and VG and put them in a position of being a bounty hunter. People can then directly forward bounties to whoever to the Black Market as usual, but now these bounties will be distributed towards the hunters of the different gangs. Involving them more closely with working alongside the Black Market and also perhaps making this feature more appealing.

There is also another idea I thought of, that being something which is kind of an unwritten thing, and might be a far reach for some. But simply the idea of requesting / buying the help of the Black Market. A gang lead can now still directly message a BMD, Gang lead or BML, but this more so would turn towards the ICLY side of actually being involved.
The way it would work is about as simple as it can get. High ranking members of UVG’s or VG’s can contact Black Market dealers ICLY and request / offer to buy our help. It would be as simple as stating what the objective is, how many people are needed and then exchanging a way for easier communication with each other. For example: I would go to Fredtastic during one of his openings and order something, once I am there to collect my order I can I.D. myself as a high ranking member of whichever gang I might be in, it would follow me asking if “A set of 5 people could help me out, perhaps for a price, with kidnapping a government official from their home.” And thus a debate about price, time, who and so on would start.

This is a way to more directly offer help and support from a standpoint of the Black Market, but also to more directly involve ourselves with the current gangs floating around.

  1. New crime businesses
This is a broader topic, however I do name examples of things we could perhaps consider.
As of right now there are 4 crime businesses out to the public, 5 if you count the still being worked on Street racing. These are all official crime businesses which operate under the black market, but I do think there could be more. Some commonly discussed ideas for crime businesses is our all time favorite; The Dark Auction, where the BM hosts openings auctioning off (custom)weapons to whoever might be attending and such. This would obviously operate directly under the black market, but another big part of this idea is: what if a business doesn’t work fully under the name of the black market.

Say we have a restaurant for example, which is somehow affiliated with the black market through IC interaction. If they perhaps are on good terms, we can revamp a couple of systems. These shopkeepers can now inform a set of their employees or do it themselves, but once a certain passcode is said to them during an opening they can take one of their customers somewhere private to hear their order. What could they order from the Black Market that isn’t weapons? There is a number of ideas I had, but mainly the following:
  1. Fight club entry tickets
  2. Club Ikigai entry tickets
  3. Fight club merchandise
  4. Club Ikigai merchandise
  5. Fake ID’s
  6. Gasmasks
  7. Spraycans
  8. Custom masks (although this might be a bit tricky)
  9. A bounty on someone
What I further imagine with this is that perhaps this also could give the Black Market Dealer Associates a little bit more to do. As of currently we mainly provide help and protection to BMD’s during their openings, and depending on the BMD you work for you might get involved on a custom project relating to their character as well. But I imagine that us associates would for instance be the ones dropping off all of these items in a limited stock to the shopkeepers which indirectly work for us. As the main focus of a BMD is to sell and provide everyone with weapons, to me it seems fitting if we gave other trustworthy people perhaps the task to sell and distribute items like these. This would gain us a more broad involvement overall and can create interesting and new ICLY interactions and scenarios.

There are many more ideas I would like to expand, talk and still further think about and I am always still trying to think of more ideas. A couple ‘honorable mentions’ of just ideas that I had
  • A more direct ‘hire a hitman’ – Hire an associate who is present at a BMD opening for a debatable price if they agree.
  • A crime clinic addon: People can talk to a ‘psychiatrist’ and then get advice on how to reword it so they do not get arrested during their actual treatment with an EMS worker.
  • A buy-in service for the BMD’s. Say the Dark auction becomes a thing, players can directly sell their customs to a dealer via a service such as through Club Ikigai or something.
  • Club Ikigai became more like a casino with player-run gambling games. Maybe rigged, maybe not.
  • A service where gang leads can make mass orders of their gang customs in private with a BMD.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:

Yes, I am familiar with all the rules relating to weapons, combat, permissions and player conducts on the server.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:

Yes, I am familiar with that if I were to leave the black market at any given moment, the black market lead will have permanent KPS on my black market dealer character.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:

Yes, I am familiar that if my character is killed or permanently arrested twice, I will be removed from the Black market

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:

Yes, I am familiar with that I cannot reveal or leak ant OOC plans or potential additions to the black market to others.
T: “I’m here for the interview”
?: “Take a seat”
T: “Alrighty! Cut the bullshit and ask me the important things. Don’t keep me waiting longer than I have too”
?: “. .. …got it… .. .”

Full Legal Name:
Tsujii Koryusai

Criminal Alias:

Age & Occupation: (Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role)

Gender & Marital Status:
Male, single

Ethnicity & Race:
Japanese, Asian

Known Languages:

Former Associations/Occupations:
His own stock market scams & casino swindles and cheating scandals.

Highest Level of Education:
College Masters in Economics and Sales

Physical/Mental Ailments: (If inapplicable, put N/A)

Mental Ailments: Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D): Tsujii developed this over the course of his childhood due to the high stakes pressure and fear of failure and to disappoint his parents with his mistakes, his alternate identity which on a regular comes up when performing high stake high pressure tasks is a narcissistic version of himself, practically pushing whatever he does wrong off onto others, and he always wants to be right and thinks he is doing the right thing and deserves whatever [UNDIAGNOSED]

Physical Ailments: N/A

Known Family Members: (If inapplicable, put N/A)

Sakata Koryusai – Father [ARRESTED?]
“I don’t know where that horrid of a man is but once I see that asshole I’ll punch him good I can tell you that.”

Uzumaki Koryusai – Mother [ALIVE]
“No, I don't talk with my mother anymore. What are all these bullshit fucking questions about my family huh? Do you have any family or are you just a scary dude watching within the shadows's bla bla bullshit who never had family.”

Matsui Tamiyo – ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋[▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋]
“She is none of your fucking business. We are here for business aren’t we?! So ask me some good fucking questions jeez!”

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:

T: “Describe what I look like? Oh that’s easy – Handsome handsome and fucking good.”
?: “You really have to be difficult about everything, don’t you?”

Tsujii was right, he was a very handsome looking male with a nice charm to him. Even though he was 30 years old it seemed like he was just a mere 22 year old college student who stood at a comfortable height of 5 '10. With his dark brown eyes his facial structure would seemingly be in balance, his eyes being almost perfectly symmetrical towards each other and a nose fashion models could only dream of. With a not as sharp but still refined jawline he would be complemented with a nice wide middle part with his wavy black hair. Tsujii really looked like that friendly talkative guy from a first glance. but oh how looks can deceive. But who knows, people are into douchebags nowadays as well, so give him a shot.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:

T: “What do I have to do again?”
?: “Description of your personality”
T: “I get paid, right?”

Never met a stockbroker? Good. Keep it that way. Tsujii, although at first glace has a handsome and energetic charm to him, you can soon find out in the first interaction you might have with him that he acts and talks like a self-entitled #######. Some say he’s narcissistic, some say he’s egoistic, some say he’s both! But Tsujii? He blames it on the people (it’s actually just his D.I.D, but he doesn’t know). Usually when he meets with the common folk, he tends to keep a neutral tone with a decent bit of human respect, but still his warm charm and energy flows through his voice. As soon as it comes clear however that, in his opinion, the person he finds himself talking to is of ‘lower worth’, he tends to get more egoistic, braggy and overall a douchebag. If it turns out this is a person of high stakes, high reputation and respect he finds himself talking too, he’ll switch it up, being still as sporadic and all over the place, but sticks with a less outrageous opinion, attitude and look, still though, he’s quite the douchebag. Trying to win their trust and word. He won’t as obviously brag to them about his achievements, after all, who sees jail as an achievement in the higher class.​

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)

During Tsujii’s childhood, he more so got ‘royally raised’ by both of his parents. His household was one in possession of much wealth due to his father being a very successful salesman, and his mother was a lovely fashionista. Due to the extreme amount of wealth running through his family, from his early ages on up till about 7 years old, Tsujii really got anything he wanted, all he had to do was ask for what he wanted, and his parents would get. As long as it was reasonable of course. Being very spoiled, Tsujii never really wanted to pay attention in school, or do work of any kind. It is because of that from about when he turned 8 years old, and was failing in elementary, his father took a wrong turn and ‘taught’ Tsujii violently what happens if he disappoints his parents, and doesn’t live up to the successful image they have of him. This continued throughout his middle and high school years all up until he was 17. During this all however his father went on even more of a downward spiral for reasons still unknown to Tsujii. His father became a heavy drinker and started gambling away their families wealth, all the way down to the point they had to sell the house due to not being able to pay the mortgage, and downgrade to a 2 bedroom apartment in an apartment complex. This in combination with Tsujii’s fathers violent ‘lessons’, he now learned the hard way that you have to work for what you want, and nothing really is as free in life as it seems.

When Tsjuii was 17 years old, his father got arrested for attempted robbery and illegal gambling operations, sadly the abuse never came to light. Now only living with his mother, who did not have enough time nor energy to finance the both of them, Tsujii had to get an extra job to help pay with the household, for food, rent, electricity & water you name it. Trying his best to help the family be stable by working 2 minimum wage jobs in highschool did make it so Tsujii was extremely exhausted, often late or sleeping in class and his relationship with his mother started to become more and more distant.

Tsujii however was a big fan of games, card games in particular. During his break time on his jobs he always used to bring a set of cards with him to play cards, dice, blackjack or poker with his fellow workers, but not with real money of course. He didn’t want to gamble with actual money because he feared he would fall down the same rabbit hole his father fell down into. Tsujii was a lucky one though, quickly picking up the nickname ‘ace’ ‘luckstroke’ and his most commonly addressed nickname was ‘fortune’. On one particular day however a man entered the break room because all the employees were gone, they were all there playing with Tsujii. No one seemed to notice the man but he did seem to notice Tsujii’s skill and luck. After the man finally got noticed, he gave Tsujii a card with his phone number on it and the address of one of the larger casinos in Tokyo. The man said Tsujii would be a great fit as a dealer, with that energy and luck.

After coming home and, probably on another lucky streak, he saw his mother in the kitchen and discussed the job opportunity with her. His mother promptly refused because of his fathers ‘reputation’ of being a gambling addict and she did not want to see her son become one as well. After about half a year though, Tsujii was looking to go to college in Shibuya, Tokyo at the Japan University of Economics. His mother agreed on him taking up the job offer, both so he could finance for himself and possibly finance her as well. But only if Tsujii swore he would not participate in gambling himself. After finally giving a call back to the Casino, who had swiftly forgotten who Tsujii was but still remembered eventually, took him in as a poker dealer for one of their tables. Now every 4 days of the week, Tsujii hopped on the metro to go to the casino and be a dealer. His monthly pay was good, so people even left tips for the warm and fun energy he brought to the table. Although, as the cards player he is, he broke his promise and stayed late after the job with a couple of colleagues to play some poker themselves. Quickly his luck proved him right as he started to double or triple his salary on some nights, of course some low blows and not so lucky strokes but overall he made money most of the time he played with his colleagues. And at this pace it seemed like it was becoming a regular thing

As they kept on playing after shifts over the course of about 7 months, Tsujii kept earning and earning more but his losses were getting bigger as well. At times he went home dead broke because he walked away in rage because of losing so much, sporadically betting away the rest he had. Soon his mother actually found out why he kept staying hours late at the job for so long. The two fought, verbally, but it wasn’t a pretty scene either way. His mother made Tsujii realize that he was slowly becoming like his father but Tsujii kept denying, he could quit if he wanted to, but he knew he couldn’t. That feeling of making so much money, he was addicted to it. He convinced his mother he would quit, as he had enough money for college and took a step away from gambling, and looking for jobs where he could still make the money he desperately desired, but not lose as much money as he did with gambling.

During his long and boring college classes and studies, Tsujii quickly got bored of everything, not because the topics weren’t interesting or helpful, but just because it was taking too long. In a need for quick cash, some money in his pocket, Tsujii went to google what some of the best ways were to get money. All of them were hard working, high class and paid jobs, some which would take Tsujii years before he could even get. He scrolled through websites after websites and finally did something no man would ever do, and went to the second page of google. It was there that he found some more ‘unethical’ ways of how to gain money quickly. Scamming, blackmailing, all of these unethical ways to gain a whole bunch of money, but one stuck out the most; swindlers. Card trick scammers, people who sell you more than you want to buy, this seemed like something just for Tsujii. With his experience in talking people into spending money and his own quick fingers and hands with a set of cards, maybe he could make a bit of money on the side. For now though, he found possibly his dream job through all that googling; stock broking. Essentially the legal form of talking people into buying shit they didn’t want.

Later that same week Tsujii found a company called the Japanese Exchange Group. Accurately described as a wall street stock company but in Japan. Still being a young and ambitious college student the company was very convinced that Tsujii would be a great fit and learned and accepted his application after a face to face meeting with him. Finally there he was, a good earning job, his desire almost felt at ease, but not entirely yet. Taking a seat behind his desk he took a look at what he was working with. A computer, a wired telephone, stacks on stacks of notes and deal signings, and a small cup filled with pens and pencils. This was the place where he was going to spend the majority of his time. Making ever so slightly but 1% commission on blue chip stocks, the income wasn’t as grand as he thought, but still a good impact, making a couple thousand bucks a day.
One day however, Tsujii wanted to look to invest some money in himself, to later sell it for a large profit but.. He didn’t want to lose any money!
It seemed as though, soon enough the opportunity for unethical ways opened the door for him. A large investor and recurring client was called up by Tsujii. Tsujii had the task of trying to sell him a very specific automobile stock to a certain extent so it would be profitable but.. seeing as the client had enough money he turned to something he didn’t even clearly know at the time; stock manipulation. Just before the call he dumped 700.000 yen into the automobile stock, then called up the client. It was a rich guy anyway, and thought it was better if his money was in Tsujii's pocket. He sugarcoated the deal, saying the stock would rise up so much he would double his money! He talked and talked but Tsujii was mainly Tsujii convinced. He convinced the client to invest 3.230.000 yen into the stock, shooting the price from its 1.203 yen per stock up to 2.453 yen. He locked in the deal as he slammed the phone down, instantly turning to his computer as he started to sell his own shares and making a profit of around 730.000 yen. Doubling his money? He was hooked like he was addicted to nicotine in a second.

After this huge gain of money, Tsujii decided to focus more on the idiotic clients he had. Rich people who didn’t have a single clue about whatever Tsujii was saying to them and would just throw with their money like it was nothing. Tsujii told them to invest in a large number of failing stocks, to which he had bought so many of them. Instantly selling the stocks after the deal was closed. Tsujii was making millions each and every day. Tsujii became familiar with these pump-and-dump schemes and market manipulation, and soon figured out it wasn’t the smartest to commit these felony crimes in an open and public work environment. Seeing as Tsujii was one of the best brokers in the company, he figured if he asked nicely, and maybe put a bit of cash on the table, he got to work from home. And it worked! Taking his stuff back to his house he set up a designated office with a fax machine, so he could fax through the stocks he sold to the Exchange Group’s office. During the period of 2 years, Tsujii finally had made enough money and gotten so much wealth he was able to buy the family home he and his mother used to live in, but got gambled away by their dad. Now due to Tsujii his elaborate Stock Market Manipulation scams, and pump-and-dump schemes they were even wealthier than before during his childhood. His mother got to work from home again and so did Tsujii, logically hiding everything away from his mother.

about a year later, just as Tsujii had turned 22 he met a very specific someone. Her name was Matsui Tamiyo and ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋. ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋, ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋, ▋▋ ▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋. After another 5 months or so, on Tsujii 23rd birthday Matsui ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋. ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋a long while there. Although Tsujii was a bit at unease, Matsui ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋. All the memories of his past job at the casino flooded over him, how he gracefully made so much money, he couldn’t get enough, and he couldn’t get enough right now either. Him and Matsui stayed at the table for hours, until Matsui ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋, ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋, ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋? She asked. Tsujii was flabbergasted. He didn’t know what to say. He kept looking up at the stars as the wind blew through his hair. After a while a smile started growing on his face. and he replied:


That night at the casino maybe did him more harm than good however. He fell back into his habits of gambling away with his earnings, and if he lost the money? He would simply push more clients to invest more and more so it could go back into his pockets for him to gamble it away. Although it wasn’t like he was unlucky, far from actually. He always called every table of poker he sat at the ‘idiot gather’ because his luck was extraordinarily good. But when luck wasn’t there to save his ass, a couple of cards inside his sleeves would always help him out, as well as a small bribe to whoever was dealing at the table. It couldn’t hurt. Whenever he got kicked off of poker he went towards blackjack, like the scam that he is, Tsujii knew how to count cards, without assistance. This usually would get him kicked out of casinos though, so sometimes he was offered a bit of help by Matsui. After working for another year behind his PC racking up millions and millions of yen, Tsujii fiended to go where every young stockbroker ever wanted to go: Wall Street. Being so rich a private plane was a call and a drive away, Tsujii told Matsui to pack her bags as they hopped on his private jet at 8:21am in the morning, off to New york, lower Manhattan.

Once he arrived, Tsujii and Matsui found a nice apartment for them to reside in for who knows how long they were staying there, and Tsujii immediately after unpacking left to go towards Wall street, in hopes of finding a new job with even better clients and pay. There was only one problem though, Tsujii barely spoke english. But he was confident in himself, and in his skills to persuade. He confidently walked inside of 5 big stock broking firms, and only made it in the interview room of 2 of them. Being sent out at his previous interview, he realized for the next one, maybe he should use google translate. So he did, and so he got a job. But not an actual ‘job’ he was on a trial period with enrolled pay, and had to sit on a floor lower than the rest of the stock brokers at the firm. He was tasked to make about $145.000 USD gross domestic profit from selling his stocks. But who could have seen it coming, due to his absence of English he only managed to accumulate a profit of $5.625 USD in the trial week, not a lot. And a huge failure for him. He debated on learning English, but Matsui convinced him it wasn’t worth it. And if he could get rich in Japan, he’d still be rich.

As they went home Tsujii was filled with sadness, he disappointed someone yet again. What he thought he couldn’t do, he did again. The next 4 years were going to be the best of his life. The ones where he was going to make the most money out of all of them. 4 Years he spent manipulating stocks and scamming investors, every time for more and more money. And occasionally together with Matsui cheating at casinos to take desperate gamblers their money. He was addicted to seeing his back account go up and he didn’t want to stop, he wasn’t going to stop willingly. Over the 4 years he made an accumulated profit of $143 million yen, on top of his 124 yen, he finally became filthy rich. Business was booming.

Until it wasn't. Fraudulent crimes relating to the stock market and also just literal fraud kind of picked up the attention of a lot of authorities, and after already 2 years of ongoing investigations Tsujii was arrested and pleaded guilty to fraud, money laundering and crimes relating to stock market manipulation on the 22th of November. After a long hard fight, Tsujii his lawyer came to an agreement to comply and give in 257 million Yen in restitution and leave a small amount of 2 million yen coverage after he sat out his jail sentence of 20 months in Japanese federal prison.

Tsujii stepped outside of the gate, a black Nissan Altima was waiting for him just up ahead, to which his friend was standing behind the car, waiting to come pick him up and drive him home. Tsujii who was now 30 had a long and hard talk on his drive home, and quickly learned that his mother disowned him, and that he was no longer welcome in his house. As well as ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋. It was like everything crumbled down, his entire life in shambles. He got dropped off with the car at a nearby hotel in the downtown, having been given the car keys Tsujii went in and rented a room, then opened his laptop and thought. What was next. Where was he gonna live? He needs a new job, but what kind of job? Due to the agreements made in court, Tsujii was prohibited from regaining a high-paying economic job for 5 months after his release, and doubt filled his mind to see if any other jobs wanted him. All Tsujii wanted was to go back to stocks, seeing that number rise up, ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋. Tsujii took multiple days to think, just trying to wander outside but the news and press were obsessed with him ‘The man that stole 250 million’ ‘Tsujii Koryusai; The owner of Greed’. He realized not only did he want to go somewhere more calm, but also chaotic. Get a risky job, something that would make him feel alive and not just sitting behind a desk on the phone looking at a computer all day long.

Enter karakura: the place where crime is more popular than school, and actual jobs suck ass. Quickly by just looking at News Reports of the city, moving there seemed like a bad idea. A lot of violence, not enough police force to stop it. But it also got him thinking. A little bit of risk, maybe death but that was an extreme leap. But his mind was cooking, his mind was looking for booming business. And then he found it

By browsing for cheap places to live at, he found this one place that piqued his interest. Karakura: the place where crime is more popular than school, and actual jobs suck ass. Quickly by just looking at News Reports of the city, moving there seemed like a bad idea. A lot of violence, not enough police force to stop it. But it also got him thinking. A little bit of risk, maybe death but that was an extreme leap. Even though he’d only make around 400.000 yen a month working at a job in Karakura, something still interested him in the pure chaos of the town. He knew it was something that could make him feel alive. But then he found the booming business. In a news report posted by ‘Goro Tachitsu’ he realized that there are people who supply this crime-filled town with their arms to bring harm to each other, via the transcript of someone stated to be a black market dealer. That sounded exactly like the job. Something having him running around the place, dealing with a lot illegal goods and supposedly making a fuck ton of a cash. It was like the stock market all over again except this was more reliable, and illegal.

▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋, ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋, ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋. ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋, ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋?
▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋, ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋.

Only problem is, how the fuck is he gonna go there? He can’t just move to this trainwreck of an island, still technically part of Japan, all for seemingly ‘no reason’. Because remember, this is illegal. So he opted for the goodway, again one of his nice swindle moments.

There was one problem though, how was he going to go there? He can’t just move to a trainwreck of an island without the press complaining. The press loved him, and every move he tried to do a new article was posted flaming Tsujii. Everyone hated him because he stole so much money from people ‘in need’ or so the Tokyo Journal had worded it in one of the first official reports. So he decided to come up with a plan. He checked with legal authorities and lawyers if a government position for him was possible to attend, usually it wasn’t but due to Karakura’s twisted laws and regulations he didn’t have a guaranteed shot but he still was applicable. And thus he started to announce his leaving, and that he was going to Karakura due to a ‘government position’ wanting to help out wherever possible. And support the town he holds so close to him. Of course this was all a lie, all a deception. He knew exactly what he was going to Karakura for, it might’ve been a long stretch, but who knows. He certainly did it. So he had one option remaining: to actually do it.

Enter the 8th of august. Tsujii finally set foot at the Karakura airport for the first time, kinda regretting his decision, as nothing is finalized yet, but he’s here with one goal and one goal only: get filthy fucking rich.

▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)

Tapping his fingers onto the metal railing, it echoed through the empty sewer room, only being dampened by the noise of the running sewer water and rats running around through the trash. Until a set of footsteps broke the sewer ambience, and made the tapping of Tsujii’s fingers stop. He swiftly looked to his side to see an individual standing on the other side of the bridge, wearing a weird outfit which wasn’t too recognizable and one of Karakura’s own ballistic masks. The individual kept walking towards Tsujii, who under his mask kept a close look at the individual. Once the individual had walked a good enough distance towards Tsujii they stopped, and thus Tsujii began tapping his fingers on the railing.
“TCR34” The individual said with a heavy muffled voice from under their mask.

Tsujii shot up into a straight up posture, stepping away from the railing.
"Ah, finally! Jeez you assholes take a lot of time don’t you! Ha! Ha!”
Tsujii sounded happy but, really, what he said wasn’t all too positive. The masked man in front of him replied back shortly after.
“Maybe don’t have us go to such remote places.”
“Who is us? For what I can see you are just as alone as always.” Tsujii snapped back.
“Now, we are here for business. So I’ll cut to the bullshit for you”

“oh yeah, I brought a friend.” Another individual, seemingly much shorter than the one Tsujii was talking to, appeared from the dark depths of the sewers. Wearing quite the opposite of what you would expect someone to wear.. very colorful.. The second person kind of stood back, seemingly too scared to approach as they made a small wave towards Tsujii. Tsujii waved back towards them before panning to the masked man in front of him, walking up to him as he lowered his tone.
“What do you think this is? Some retro Japanese game for the NES? I told you no fucking others, no fucking pets. Cause I don’t know what the hell that color bomb is supposed to be except a fucking attention point.”
“Right… sorry-”

“Yeah you better be sorry. Fucking asshole..” Tsujii dug through his pockets to find his flip phone, opening it up as he read the text displayed on the screen. Replying back to the man. “2.330.000 yen.”
“WOW! That’s really expensive- can’t you give a discount”
Tsujii deadpanned under his mask as he stared at the man in front of him, even though you couldn’t see his face. You could see how disappointed he was. He grabbed the male by the collar of their jacket as he turned around and slammed them against the railing of the bridge, pushing them slightly backwards, but not far enough for them to fall. Simply repeating himself, but in a more ‘direct’ manner.

“2.330.000 is your orders worth. Now I know you aren’t that fucking stupid to 1. Ask me for a discount 2. Order without knowing the goddamn prices. So it’s either you reach into your wallet and get out your fucking money and put it in my hand, or i’ll take it off your fucking corpse.”
“CHILL MAN CHILL-” The masked man was very panicked. Which is reasonable when you are dangling over a pit into sewer water.. which isn’t too deep.
“Trading ruins lives. I Learned that during my stock days. So I hope you invested in a ticket to heaven” Tsujii pushed him a slight bit forward.

Both Tsujii and the man looked to the side as Tsujii stopped pushing him back against the railing. And uh oh what do you see, a boy in blue, with a taser in hand. Behind him a scared someone in a very colorful outfit. Tsujii never takes long on figuring out what happened, and he’s even faster at making up excuses

“OH MY GOD OFFICER THANK YOU- THIS MAN JUST SOLD ME WEAPONS AND I TOLD MY SISTER TO CALL THE COPS AND HE TRIED RUNNING BUT I GOT HIM AGAINST THE RAILING AND AND AN-” Tsujii backed off to the other side of the bridge, talking really fast to imitate that he was nervous, scared and what not.
“ME TOO?” Tsujii yelled.
The masked man was too scared, too overwhelmed to even say anything. He tried to say something to Tsujii, as he walked up towards him. But the only words that could escape his mouth were “I hate” before he inevitably got tased by the cop.

Tsujii, being such a helpful citizen, decided to ‘catch’ him. But really all he did was take the money he needed for the order out his pocket, before he let him fall to the ground and quickly backed off so the officer could put cuffs on the man
“Alright- calm down stop yelling. Who's your dad, are they an officer?”
"Yeah, he is!" Badge number Kuuuuuhhhhh…. I forgot- fuck.. uhm OH WAIT”
"Hm?" The officer was too busy cuffing the other dude and searching him and his mask to really pay attention to Tsujii, who slowly kept backing up.
“My phone! I can call my dad myself! The dealer slapped it out of my hand though.. oh here it is!” He ran through one of the paths to exit the room, yelling back “OKAY SO HIS BADGE NUMBER IS K-KISS-MY-ASS”

The cop looked up at where Tsujii supposedly had gone, but he had already vanished. It was then finally, the other masked man got to talk.
“You’re under arrest for government disrespect”

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
fun fact: The english dub of the The Money Game II (1989) for the Nintendo Entertainment System is dubbed as 'Wallstreet kid' and was released a year later for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990.
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Level 196
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Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for applying to become a Black Market Dealer. You have been Accepted. Please DM me on discord so we can get things set up.

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