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Denied sleepiibee Shopkeeper Application | Kissako


Level 8

Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
I’m applying on my alt sleepiibee.
My main is Zoey159.

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do! My discord is bee#2172.

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am, quite literally, on all the time. I always make time for SRP, despite my personal side projects in life! Personally, I rate my activity a solid 8. Like I said before, I am on all the time. But there’s certainly times where I’m off for a weekend, or on holiday.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have not, and I plan to keep it that way.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course, I absolutely acknowledge that.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: - DENIED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Zoey159 - HS Councillor, Grade 12
Sleepiibee - Grade 9

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:


Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
To start off, shopkeeping has always just seemed fun to me. I’ll be celebrating my one year of SRP this month, and I remember first seeing and interacting with the shopkeepers at the time when I first joined. I’ve got to be honest, it was spectacular. The role itself was just so interesting to me; the amount of creativity, and the vision somebody has to have to gain that role, and then steadily keep up with it is absolutely insane. To be quite frank, I want that. I want to be able to hold that shopkeeper's position. I have the vision, and I have the hardworking personality it takes to withhold the role.
Not only that, but I absolutely love working in player-ran shops. Kissako was the first shop I ever applied for, and the first shop I was ever accepted into. I’ve been working there since September, and by steadily attending shifts and working, I’ve gotten myself to the manager role I hold today. With the old owner resigning, I want to push myself up to take that owner position – rise through the shop ranks, if you will – and offer the same opportunities to players that were once offered to me. I didn’t come up with the idea of Kissako, it’s not my creation. But I still love the shop, as cheesy as it sounds. It really is a great place, and I believe that I can continue making it great. I want to carry on the legacy that it’s set, and continue to provide the server, and the citizens of Karakura, the Kissako they all know and love.
Along with my other reasonings, I want to put the skills I’ve learned through my shop experiences to use. I’ve worked at various different shops, both retail and restaurants, and boy. . Have I learned a set of skills! I work well within customer service, I always keep that good attitude needed to succeed. Working at shops uncovered my hardworking side – A side I always knew I had, but one that wasn’t really put to a lot of use. I know I can keep the shop up and running, and running well. I can also guarantee a surge of shop-related activity! I don’t mean to completely revamp Kissako, but more.. Refrwsh it. I plan to open up the doors to brand new employees, and give everybody a shot at working. But I also want active employees. Life happens, and so I’m not asking for 100%-dedicate-your-entire-life-to-this-shop activity, but I will keep my employees active. . Which leads into my next answer!

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Okay, I know this is going to sound boring, but. . Hear me out! I plan to keep Kissako nearly the exact same that it currently is, with just a little bit of a refresh! Kissako, as it already is, is the only traditional shop here on the server, and in Karakura itself. And I’d like to keep that! The shop also has a lot of history, it’s been around for, what. . Two years, now? Maybe even three! Tons of players have gone in, and out, of it, and hundreds have enjoyed the shop for what it is. I, personally, think that’s what makes it so incredibly unique as is.
And I want to continue that! I want to be able to carry on the legacy that the previous owner is leaving behind, and continue to provide the server, and citizens of Karakura, the Kissako that they all know and love.
Okay! That being said – Kissako! Kissako is a traditional Japanese tea and coffee shop, something I plan to keep! To match the theme, I want both the interior, and the exterior, of the shop to have that traditional Japanese style and architecture. I want the place to feel cozy, and give you that warm feeling in your tum when you walk in! Someplace that just feels like home.
The shop’s main colors will be green and gold, a pair that I feel matches the vibe wonderfully! These colors will pair nicely with wood accents,

⟡ Interior ⟡

I would like to keep the overall layout of the inside the same, as I feel it just. . Makes sense! The current layout is fairly simple, and I personally like it. But, I would like to tweak it slightly!
Kissako has bar seating, which is usually used to seat individual customers. Opposite the bar happens to be some decor, and two smaller tables. . I’d like to, if possible, place in a communal table there! One of those long ones, so that more space is available for individual customers. I’ve personally faced the issue of not having enough seats for these people, so. . Let’s fix that!
I’d also like to fix some of the doorways. It’s not a major issue, but there are plenty of times people have gotten stuck in two of the entry doorways, so I’d like to tweak that too.
Oh! And for the interior, I’d love to have some music playing while people relax! I’d pick out a nice set of calming music, and place it on a watch2gether for people to enjoy.

⟡ Exterior ⟡

As for the exterior. . I’m happy with how it is! I don’t think that needs to change. It fits the overall vibe of the shop well, and it’s, well, iconic. Why change it? The exterior fits the traditional vibe, and it’s absolutely stunning as is!

⟡ Uniform ⟡

Now onto uniforms. . I like the style of the current Kissako uniforms! But. . I’d also like to tweak them.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the current uniforms! I think they’re adorable! But with every worker, no matter their role, wearing the same basic uniforms, it gets a bit. . Boring, and it’s hard to distinguish between roles. SO! To combat this, I’d like to have managers have a separate uniform! I want them to match, of course, but I’d like the dress of the feminine uniform and the vest of the masculine uniform to be GREEN! Not an icky green, no. Ew. I’d like it to be a soft, almost sage-y green.
I would also be updating the uniforms as a whole! Just a simple reshade, so that it matches the current SRP shading style.


Here’s an example of the newer, feminine management uniform, and a potential reshade! It’s just a rough idea, I may change the color around. . But this was what I was thinking!

Now. . Shop events! Everybody loves a good event, right? I want to have special flash events, or themes for shop openings. I’d like to have these happen at least once a month, maybe twice! I feel these are a good way to keep the server active and interested, and maybe even a good way to make a little extra cash, for employees!

⟡ Trivia/Karaoke Nights ⟡
Okay, this event is a lot, but I think we could make it work! It’s also pretty straightforward. We’d occasionally host a night, or a day – time isn’t important, where we open, and have something set up for people to either participate in a trivia game, or a karaoke night! The OOC mechanics would be using something like kahoot or quizlet for the trivia games, and a watch2gether for the karaoke aspect. Trivia will be whatever I pick that day, and for karaoke, we’d have people sign up as they come in, so that we can have songs lined up!

⟡ Dress Up Days ⟡
Ah, who doesn’t love themed dress up days? These will be random days where, as you can guess, customers will be invited to dress up to a certain theme! Themes could include dressing in certain colors, like team spirit colors, or colors of the shop. It could also be something more in depth, like dressing up in a Halloween costume when it gets closer to that season, or a traditional dress day, where customers would be invited to dress up in the traditional attire of their homes! Something fun, and interactive with the public.

Alongside shop events, I’d like to do similar things with the shop’s employees, too! Bonding things, you know? I feel like a lot of places struggle with having workers that are relatively close, and that don’t really know each other. I’d like to change that! Like the shop events, I’d like to have a night once a month where my employees would get together, and just do something fun! Something that grows a good bond between everybody. It won’t be something that’s forced, obviously, everybody's free to come and go as they please. But I would like that opportunity to be given!

What will you sell in your shop?:
Like I said, Kissako is a traditional tea and coffee shop. So, that’s precisely what I’ll be selling! I want to keep the shop’s current menu, as I feel it fits the shop fairly well. I am open to adjusting the menu a tad bit! If things go well, I’d like

⟡ Drinks: ⟡
The ‘Cub’uccino
Totoro’s Latte
Iced Coffee
Matcha Green Tea
Sakura Tea Cup
Kissako Sakura Speaciality Boba
Pink Boba
Hot Chocolate
Water Bottle

⟡ Alcohol: ⟡

⟡ Foods: ⟡
Mochi Icecream
Chocolate Swiss-Roll Cake
Sushi Box
Bento Box
Dango Stick
Checkerboard cookie

How many employees do you plan to have?:
Employees – A crucial part of any sort of shop! For Kissako, I’d like to have roughly 20-25 employees. Enough to keep the shop running, even if I’m not immediately available to open, and a decent number to keep in check!

⟡ Owner - 1 ⟡
If the application is accepted, this would be me. This is, quite frankly, the most crucial role of a shop. The owner’s job is to handle the affairs of the shop, and make sure it’s running smoothly! They handle restocks, and tend to be the heads of inventorying, and handle the application process.

⟡ Manager - 2-4 ⟡
Managers! This is a role nearly as crucial as the owner – They’re sort of like. . Mini-owners, in a way! I would prefer to have anywhere from two, to four managers, as that seems to be a happy-medium for numbers. The role of a manager is to oversee shifts, and make sure employees are doing their jobs. These are the people that will step in to open the shop when the owner will be unavailable, and help the owner out with any tasks that need done. These people would be in charge of helping train new employees, and reporting any good or bad behaviors. During shifts, I would like to have one manager available to help run things!

⟡ Waiters/Waitresses - 16-21 ⟡
As a role that deals with customers the most, waiters/waitresses are important, too! These people are the body of a shop, they help to serve and provide goods to customers, and maintain good attitudes that will keep business booming! During shifts, I would like to have anywhere from 3-5 employees working. One or two will work the bar, providing goods to single customers, while the others work around the shop to serve bigger groups.
I would also like this group to have a couple sub-groups. New Employees will be, well, new employees! These will be the folks that are still in training, and learning the hang of things. When they’re deemed ready enough to fully become a part of the team, they’ll become Employees. I’m sue you can guess what this role is. . They’re our basic employees! They’ll be the ones working around the shop, alternating between the bar and floor. The last sub-group will be Seasoned Employees – People who have been at Kissako for a while. This will be a small group, full of only the oldest employees. It’s not meant to be a perk, please don’t think that! These are simply the people who fully know the ropes of the store. The people newer employees can go to for questions, or help if a manager, or the owner isn’t available.


I appreciate the time going in to review my application! Have a lovely day. <3​


Level 121

Thank you for applying but all slots have been filled for this shop as of right now. Your application is amazing, though.
Feel free to re-apply when applications are next open.​

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