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Denied SnowSnorter_ | Chef Application

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): scottishteaparty

How old are you? (Optional): I am currently thirteen.

What is your time zone?: GMT+1 / GMT+2

Describe your activity on the server: My activity on the server is around a 6/10. Mainly because I’m slowly getting back into the server and roleplaying, I know active SRP roleplayers personally.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): No, I have not been banned and do not hope to be, ever, in the future.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I do acknowledge this, yes.

School Employee Role you are applying for?: Chef.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: A chef is someone who serves food in school at Breakfast times and Lunches. They don’t just do this though, they also patrol and walk around the school in their free time to see if anyone needs a deserved detention or warnings. They’re also very capable of giving the other staff members “company” in the detention room to make sure others aren’t misbehaving in there. Chefs are able to join staff members in the faculty lounge during classes or breaks, where they aren’t working. They provide delicious and appetizing food to Karakura High School and College, notifying them on the intercom that it is time to eat.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: My experience in roleplay actually started here, on SRP, in 2018. I cannot remember the exact date I joined but my first ever character was called “Mia J. Boone”. She is now unfortunately dead, which is expected in Karakura… Sadly. But over the past five years of playing on SchoolRP, my roleplay skills and communication skills across the whole server and with people have definitely gotten better.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?: i want to join the School Employee Faction because it gives me new roleplay standards and expectations. It also gives me a new roleplay scenario and extra things to do when I’m bored. Due to the new role, it opens up to more people and extra fun.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Primary Profile:
College Bachelors
Secondary Profile:
I’m keeping my college role, so that will have to be swapped to my secondary profile if this is accepted. Therefore, my grade-12 will be my first profile but it’d be the chef.
/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Milly would look at the student, sighing before speaking softly, “Please calm down and stop swearing at me. You know it’s against school rules”. She just watched as the student continued cursing at her, “I said stop swearing, thank you.”.. She somehow had quite a bit of patience in herself.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?: (assuming they’re two males)
She looked at the two boys, raising her voice slightly as she displayed a dominant tone, “Boys! Stop this behaviour in an instant. Step from each other, now!” She ordered as she stepped in between the two, calling for an available member of faculty on the radio to come to the scene. She took one of the boys to speak to them about what had just occurred.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
She watched the other employee act how they were, sighing… Milly walked over and had taken the dangerous items off of the faculty member while smirking, she, once again, had that dominant tone in her voice but spoke quite flat, “Stop it. Mr(s). [Surname]. Stop acting like Grade-12s that don’t know what they’re doing in a cooking class, it puts a bad reputation on you and the school”. She walked off, if it were to happen again, she would take further action.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
She acts friendly with her colleagues, drinking coffee, obviously. Milly has a joke with her peers when she is in the break room, yet stays professional. It’s like friendly banter, nothing too harmful to one but still funny as a joke. She acts quite maturely with her peers, even offering one a drink of coffee at times.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me had just finished her breakfast intercom, waiting at the cafeteria for all the students to flood in… She had her… ICECREAM?!?! FOR BREAKFAST?!?! Prepared in assorted tubs and colours… Her foot tapped beneath the counter as kids started crowding around, “ALRIGHT, GET INTO A LINE! ONE BEHIND THE OTHER. NO PUSHING OR SHOVING!” She yelled out while sliding each student that came in front of her a tub of ice cream and water… “Alright, have a nice day!”.

/me was sat at the stove, waiting for the bacon to finish frying in the pan, looking at the clock every few minutes, she was conscious of the time and being late to serve lunch to hungry college and high school students… She knew how they acted when they were hungry… And that wasn’t good.

/me picked up a sponge and some dirty utensils, plates and trays. She poured dish-soap on the sponge and ran it under warm water. Milly slowly started to scrub off any dirt and left food marks off of the dishes. She whistled to herself, all quiet… The water running made a shiver go down her spine as she finished washing all the dishes, leaving them out to dry as she took a wet rag and poured soap on it, wiping down the counters and smiling, she wanted it to be clean and shiny for lunchtime.

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
“Oh? My name? Milly! Milly Beaumont!”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): “Miss, please!”
Preferred Name: “My preferred name? Milly! Oh? You mean in school? Miss. Beaumont or Miss. B.”

Age (Minimum is 25): “I am currently twenty-eight years old.”
Gender: “I’m a female, please refer to me with She/Her pronouns!”

Academic Degree: “I went to college up until my PhD!”
Major(s): “I majored in Culinary Arts and Professional cooking!”
Minors: “My minors in college were.. Let me think back to it… Baking and Pastry arts… One that isn’t related to my applying faction is criminal justice. I wanted to be a lawyer but re-decided my choice.”

Nationality: “I’m European, French to be exact.”
Known Languages: “I know Japanese and French” (applying for French after I post this)

Backstory - 303 words
“I grew up in France, Montpellier, it's a city in southern France. I really enjoyed being there, I had a great education and loved my college. Being a lawyer has always been my passion and due to wanting that job, I decided to take Criminal Justice and go to law school… I did that for a few years because that was my dream job at the time, I really did want to enjoy that job and I would've if this never happened. The only reason I stopped liking the job was because of how much time it took out of my life to learn literally everything I needed to! It was a huge struggle. I really didn't want to be a lawyer as I realised how many criminals I may be near, it was a big fear of mine and still is, although now I'm a little happier with being near them. Now to the reason why I decided to be a chef. When I was around 12 years old, my mum became a chef in France at a private school, I realised how much fun she was having and rethought back to that moment when she told me how much fun she was having… So I started off by taking culinary arts and Professional Cooking.. It became something I majored in! Then I also took Baking and Pastry Arts but that wasn’t a major since I didn’t really see the need for it as I am not a cooking teacher, but it’s still good to be there just in case for the future! I had applied for many different schools to become a chef, but for some reason, they never accepted me… I found out you, Karakura High School and College, were open for a spot so here I am applying today!”

Motivation for Joining KHS: “My motivation? Oh! Easy! I grew up around with my mother being a chef at a school… And I have the right education for it… I saw the spot was open so I had decided to apply today. I had also heard from inspectors on how much of a well-behaved school Karakura was and how students got correct punishments. It seems like a lovely work environment and I would really enjoy working here!”

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
“Me, personally? I do not. So this is Not Applicable.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“I believe I should be accepted over other applicants because of my attitude towards work and a workstyle type of life. I enjoy how some students are extremely friendly and I’m always able to put up a friendly chat with other faculty members or students of this college or school. I will also remind college students to go to their lessons if there is any open and won’t hesitate giving a detention out to an immature child.”



/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application: Applying for French after this is posted.
Do you have any questions?: N/A


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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