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Surgeon Application


Level 193
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


(My Alternative account's are):


Previous bans:

I haven't been banned myself however my main account "Escuzme" got banned due to me losing access to that account. It was a long time ago. I have full access to the account now, So there is nothing to worry about.

Describe your activity on the server?:

I find myself an active SRP player and log on everyday surely for several hours.

Which timezone are you in?:

My timezone is CET (GMT +1)

Do you have discord? If so what is it?:

My discord is: Escuzme#2691

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:

I have a working microphone

List your current and past applications:

Language application's [8x]

Item related application's [6x]

Age requests [3x]

KPD Application [1x]

(Except for one language application which will be listed separately under the denied section amongst other application's below)

School nurse (due to full positions)

German language (lack of detail)

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:

I’ve been roleplaying within the server for about an year now and surely do have plenty of experience when it comes to DetailRP. I roleplay very often in general. I have picked up a lot of DetailRP experience due to me being both in a sports team and being part of the KPD.
It is heavily suggested to DetailRP more often upon joining a sport team or by applying for a job. My experience with DetailRP has improved a lot due to me being in the KPD force. Besides, I really enjoy it.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our medical team?:

I'm highly motivated to become part of the EMS and show activity once getting accepted. I have always been interested in MedicalRP and love to join EMS, Therefore this application. By being part of the team I'm interested in learning more about how to handle life threatening situations as Surgeon being. Also do i think this is a new roleplay experience and wish to be part of, also do i hope to roleplay with other EMS workers to increase more activity since i know sitting at front desk can be a time consuming thing and less motivating which is completely understandable but not going to stop me from being active or so. I believe with the correct training and knowledge I'll be able to treat many individuals within a certain given time and improve my way of roleplay to a shorter detailed action to spare as much time as possible. Yet giving the correct details to save a patient.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Nurse, Psychiatrist):

I wish to apply to become a Surgeon.

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:

I know for a fact that surgeons play an important role, they perform operations on human beings. During the course of an operation, A surgeon must make important decisions about the patient's health, safety, and welfare. Furthermore, a surgeon must work to ensure cooperation among other coworkers which includes good communication.

Surgeon's are able to remove diseased tissue or organs, repair body systems, or replace diseased organs with transplants. Surgeons can be general surgeons and perform all types of surgery, being specialized in multiple ways to perform surgeries in different areas.

Categorise all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:
The positions of EMS are:

Clinical lead:

Each scientific lead is in the rate of their department. They Monitor and supervise their department that they got assigned to. To be certain that their department goes well, in addition they train trainee's that are in need of training. Overall they may be those who're supervising their assigned department


The human body's mechanic is a surgeon.
A surgeon is a doctor who performs operations on the body's internal and external organ
For example;
Performing surgery to extract and/or restore deformities and cure diseases.


Doctors do less procedures than surgeons, but also have an important role in the faction. Doctors diagnose and treat the diseases or conditions people may have, They will prescribe the medications needed for the patient.


A psychiatrist is someone who is specifically trained to provide both life and wellness counseling as well as substance abuse treatment. They assure the patient is happy by the end of the day.

(includes each department in general):

Depending which faction they are in. Trainees are new and have tons to learn about their desired and assigned department. They go to training and assist with not so life threatening situations at first. Also do they watch how life threatening situations go within the hospital walls.

Are you aware of the basic medical emergency colour codes? If so, with their meanings, specify all those you’re aware of:

I believe these are the correct codes:

Code Orange: Hazardous spill of materials

Code Green: Emergency lockdown

Code Brown: Severe weather

Code Pink: Child abduction

Code Violet: Gang activity

Code Blue: Cardiac arrest

Code Black: Bomb threat

Code White: Evacuation

Code red: Fire

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

I acknowledge that I can be demoted at anytime for inactivity and such and will accept those decisions without further questioning

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

I acknowledge and agree to being dedicated to the role given and surely will not let that slide.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?

I'm aware that that can happen and will attend all training unless special occasions occur. I'll make sure to notify the trainer about my absence.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

I fully understand to NOT take IC to OOC when dealing with circumstances.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how they look, what makes them unique?

(Based of hospital clothing/position too)
[TS = Trainee Surgeon]

Kazuki Tao stood at the height of 5,11". He would have a neutral expression.
He'd wear latex gloves along with a badge upon his chest that would read: [EMS## | TS. Tao].

What he's like on and off the job?

Kazuki is focused on his job whilst on duty. Especially when handling a situation. Losing focus could result in him losing his job. He tries his best to help the people in need and surely does not fool around

During off duty he's less focused and more relaxed. A calm guy to be around and means absolutely no harm. However he'd still call for back-up when someone is hurt.

Both on and off duty he is formal and treats everyone with respect no matter what. Its important to maintain a mature era to make sure no mistakes are made during his career

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?

He wishes the best to his co-workers and looks forward to working among them.

He wants to become a great surgeon and hopes to train the ones to become either just as good or better than him in the future. His co-workers are his first priority to take care of. Likewise treating everyone equally with manners.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgement to?

He doens't.


Kazuki Tao was born in China, He lived there for around seven years before moving to Karakura with his family. At home spoke Chinese to maintain his language. His father was a scientist and his mother a vet. Kazuki's interest was quite low when it came to any medical related subjects. Resulting into showing little interest in his parent's jobs.

He preferred to become a teacher or maybe an artist! He never really stopped by to think of health care until he turned 19, getting into college. By getting into college Kazuki realized he had to choose which direction he had to go for.

Therefore he decided to study for health care and Anatomy before anything else. Nothing major happened during his years in college. However he decided to get in contact with the faction lead asking for a meeting to follow instructions on how training's and all info regarding the hospital.

As that day came he made sure to take tons of notes and ask loads of questions. He gained more knowledge of how each department works and what they do. His attention directly forwarded to becoming a Surgeon. After finally graduating from school he had to get a job. With no doubt he went to the site of the Karakura hospital reading through the guidelines and requirements carefully before applying.

After submitting his application he continued to prepare for what was coming and the expectations coming from him.

(Story to be continued in RP when accepted as trainee)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Kazuki Tao

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):

Mr. Tao

Characters Given Name(s):


Characters Preferred Name:

Kazuki or Mr. Tao

Characters Age:


Characters Gender:


Characters Religious Domination:


Characters Marital Status:


Characters Nationality:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

2 year's

Working Experience(s):

4 years

Academic Degree:

Bachelor of surgery degree

Year of Graduation:



Health care & Anatomy


Biology & Physiology

Native Languages:


Other Languages:

Japanese, English
Last edited:


Level 135
We appreciate you applying, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Please refer to the Karakura Emergency discord upon seeing this​

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