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Accepted Xangaji's Drama/English Teacher Application


Level 75

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: The account I am applying for is Xangaji2
How old are you?: 14 Years Of Age

Do you have any previous bans?: Yes, I’ve been punished a few months ago for cosmetic abuse and riding my vehicle on school grounds, but I’ve learned my lesson. I’ve also got a few minor /warn’s for ooc-type offenses and when I accidentally talked English on my animal whitelist account. This will probably be the thing that will sink my chances the most.

What Country are you from?: I’m from London, England!

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): Weasel#6704 - You can friend me or directly DM me on the SRP Discord Server.

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?: Yes I do, roleplay documents are mainly for IC Purposes.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Of course as many would like to apply for this, if I went inactive it’d just be plain unfair to all those who are wanting one of these roles.
Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the "Teacher Roster" thread?: Yes. It’s so the staff can understand what’s happened in class, if it’s good and can calculate salary per month depending on people’s activity in classrooms etc.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: On the server I’ve become recently very active. I’ve applied for Languages, most accepted. I’ve applied for college, accepted. Even had a crack at becoming a lore team member on the server, though was denied because I didn’t read a question correctly. On the forums I’m maybe one of the most active there. I try to talk to people on the forums as much as I can and be polite as it’s such a polite, social place.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
[DENIED] - Afrikaans Language Application
[DENIED] - Afrikaans Language Application - Added Prefix By Accident
[ACCEPTED] - Afrikaans Language Application
[DENIED] - Hawaiian Language Application
[ACCEPTED] - Hawaiian Language Application
[ACCEPTED] - Karakura College Application
[DENIED] - Lore Team Application

[ACCEPTED] - Ban Appeal
[ACCEPTED] - Ban Appeal
[DENIED] - Ban Appeal
[ACCEPTED] - Ban Appeal


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: My motivation for becoming a drama teacher is to introduce myself to an experience unlike no other, one where I can really do something and shine as an enthusiastic, kind and great teacher on SRP, as well as feeling I'm ready to take another step.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?: Of course. I’ve been playing actively for 2-3 months, but in total I’ve been playing since roughly 2017. I’ve also been an active player on other roleplay servers to do with harry potter, and played many creative roleplay servers.

Have you read the Faculty Handbook?: No I have not actually. I don’t know where to find it and can’t find it anywhere, so I’m guessing it’s not hugely important, but if it is, let me know.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?: Classroom Logs are the logs of class activity, like what was taught, how students acted and progressed, which people were kicked etc. Logs of your control and ability to teach the students, which is important to know to see progress of school teachers and students.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?: First what I’d do is consult with the person who is the head of school staff or an experienced staff member to see if this would be allowed and find a good location for a trip. At the next period, I would start a class and get all users to sit down quietly, by asking them in a polite manner. If they continue to disobey my orders, they will be kicked with no other warnings. I’d explain to the students that “We will be going on a field trip to [LOCATION] and that we will be in a public space, so be on your best behavior. If you drift off from the group and I catch you, you will be kicked out of the class and sent back to the school grounds. Do I make myself clear?”

After this I would open both doors of the class and escort them out of the front or back gate in an orderly manner. I’d then do a register and log it in a notebook (if you don’t want me to do this, that’s fine) so I know if anyone drifts away from the class. Then we’d make our way to the trip’s location, telling them interesting facts on the way. When we arrived, I would then do my second and final call for names. If I found any students missing, I would immediately kick them from the class and make sure to include it in my class log. We’d then explore the area and I’d make a group task, where groups can go off in a close area and find something depending on the trip, like a leaf or a rock (/it would be used to indicate it). Depending on their progress I would log this after the trip. We would then make our way back to the school near the end of the period to the closest gate, and I would dismiss the class and log the progress of students and what happened in the class.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?: The rules for Harlon Hirrabaya’s classrooms are strict, clear and to the point. Harlon is one of the more strict teachers on the campus.

Rule 1: Voice Levels
Students are to stick to the voice levels given. Failure to abide to the levels will result in a classroom kick. The first level is SILENCE, this is when the teacher is talking or independent work. The next level is QUIET chat, this is when group work occurs or you are permitted. The final level is TALK chat, where you can discuss amongst others on your table what you think a term or question should be.

Rule 2: Items, Food and Drink
Students are not allowed to bring food and drink into the classroom, no matter what the circumstances, let alone eat or drink. If you wish to go for a drink abide by rule 3 correctly and the teacher will allow you to return. You also may not use phones without the teacher's permission. Teachers have the right to confiscate phones, food or drinks.

Rule 3: Leaving and Entering the Classroom
When the class starts, you must arrive on time. If you don’t arrive on time with /class join, Hirrabaya will not let you in even if the class has space. As for leaving, students are not allowed to leave Hirrabaya’s without his permission. If you go for a drink from a fountain or to the toilet, you will be expected to arrive back in 3-5 ooc minutes, failure to arrive within these parameters or close to them, will result in a detention and your name marked down.

Rule 4: Classwork
You are expected to write all notes in the class in your notebooks, and comply with the classwork given to you and work to your full potential. Failure to do so means a kick from the classroom.

Rule 5: Respect and Follow the Teacher’s Instructions

You should make sure you follow all of the teacher’s instructions given to you in the classroom, as it’s to make sure you complete the assignments given correctly and to a full extent.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP): In general I’ve been roleplaying for many years, since 2015 even. I played mainly on creative servers making summer camp, school and city roleplays in my plots. I usually had 10-20 people in the plot at one time with my roleplay. In roughly 2017-2018, I found SRP but couldn’t connect too often due to the Texture Pack crashing my computer. I then got a better PC in 2019 and became an SRP player in July/June. Since then I’ve bought ranks, applied for things, become more and more active and now I’m a full-fledged member who has a good enough, but not extensive understanding of the server’s rules, guidelines and roleplay. Although I've made a fair share of mistakes, now I'm on a road to becoming a great member of the server.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

HD: HD means Head Of The Department. The Head of Department teachers are the highest paid of all of these roles as they are the best qualified and highest ranking teacher of a subject. They check progress sometimes on NQT and QTLS teachers as well.

QTLS: QTLS means Qualified Teacher Learning & Skills. They are teachers who are dedicated to teaching a subject and have had experience for a long time. QTLSs are usually older than NQTs.

NQT: NQT means Newly Qualified Teacher. NQTs are usually younger than the other teachers and newer to the subject, but they are qualified enough to teach it to students and help them learn.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

A teacher's purpose is to educate young people on the world of their subject and open their mind to a large amount of career choices for great futures. Teachers can be paid up to 300k Yen a month depending on their activity and in real life they have a salary of £15,000 to £35,000 depending on their subject's difficulty and the importance of their job.

Teachers have specific ways for the students to learn about the subject. For example, a teacher could use flash-cards or quick-fire answers, they could have a drama excersive or have the students create mindmaps for themselves to use. These specific ways are ways teachers can remember how to educate their students and do the job they are supposed to do, help children learn and become like them, qualified.


Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?: The first reason is obvious, it’s SCHOOL roleplay. The whole point of a school is to teach children and teens in-depth knowledge about specific topics, to educate them about the world. Without teachers to do this, it’s not possible as there’s nobody who knows how to then, and it wouldn’t be a school roleplay without it, it’d be just a city roleplay. The second reason is for the purposes of a unique, immersive experience where people can have classes, teach them and have a realistic setting of a classroom; without dedicated players as teachers it’s not possible.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?: School gates open in the morning at 7:30. At 8:30, Period 1 will start and last 25 minutes (IC). At 8:55, Period 2 will start and last 1hr 40 minutes (IC). At 10:35, Breaktime will start and last 20 minutes (IC). At 10:55, Period 3 will start and last 1hr 40 minutes (IC). At 12:35, Lunch will start and last 45 minutes (IC). At 1:20, Period 4 will start and last 1hr 40 minutes (IC). At 3:00, Hometime will happen.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

Harlon has white and whispy, shiny clean hair that flows down the sides of his head. He has pale-white skin and vibrant brown eyes; he is usually seen wearing clothing that makes him look like a stage performer. He looks at all students like seeds, seeds that need to be watered to grow and be nurtured into a beautiful flower. He respects his fellow teachers and believes they are all highly intelligent and educated on their subjects, he also likes them for their personalities. He's a very happy, energetic man who does have some internal problems which are about the death of his wife, but nobody apart from his family really know this. His plan for the future is to become a professional cameo-actor, to cameo in many films or play major/minor roles in theatre.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?: I would approach the students with an angry face and tell them in a firm, but clear voice: “I never want to hear you say those words in these hallways again, that’s disgusting language I’ve just heard from you, I’m utterly mortified”.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
I would tell the class to get in their seats, to listen to the teacher and be quiet, or they would leave the classroom. People who refuse get kicked. If there’s simply too many, I will /looc Be quiet or I’ll actually kick you, you’re ruining the class now and kick those who still continue.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
He’s very social, kind and interactive with the other teachers, but he can be a bit over the top judging by his love for his subject, Drama. Harlon is usually a fascinating human being to many of the teachers and staff as he has many amazing stories from the past and drama to talk about. He particularly loves broadway theatre and stage performances, though he can go on a bit and some teachers make up an excuse as he loves to talk about this a lot to the point where some people can get a little annoyed. In some of his quiet moments he can look internally taunt.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me &a&o he would put on a very stern look towards [STUDENT] with both his eyebrows, then swiftly turn his head and look over to the empty seat, indicating that the student should sit down.

/me &a&o he would pick up the notebooks, obviously struggling with the weight and slam them down onto the front desk.

/me &a&o a look of confusion would appear upon his face as he struggled to interpret what the student was trying to say.

/me &a&o he’d nod and look impressed by [STUDENT]’s extensive knowledge of the topic.

/me &a&o he’d walk over to [STUDENT], spreading his pale palms and leaning forward over the table.

Backstory (Basic)

Harlon Hirrabaya was born a male in August of 1983. Harlon as a young boy was immersed in books and stories such as classic japanese mangas and fairytales. He later evolved his love of stories into a love of scripts and storytelling on screens and stages, as he one day swore he’d become a professional actor (which did happen),

Harlon always tried to work his hardest on all of his subjects, especially Drama which many teachers saw the passion and love he had for it in his work. He truly shined in those classes and it was the one time people saw his true talents. At 16, he met a woman named Marley Morlo, a member of a small family. After weeks of getting closer and closer, they began dating and they soon were engaged. A little after he turned 17, they had a planned pregnancy and when they found out that it was a boy they were absolutely thrilled.

They decided to name that little boy Tetsu Harlon Hirrabaya, the Middle Name for his father and the first name for his great great grandfather. Though a year later they had another child and Harlon was shocked it was a girl. He neglected her for years and didn't take sides with his wife about the baby, although they gave her a symbolic name; Yukari. He didn't like her at birth and didn't like her when she grew up. He did love her though, as she was his daughter. But it was clear Tetsu was loved more than her. Thankfully, Tetsu was kind and supportive of his sister, and at 15 Yukari ran away from Harlon and Marley to live with Tetsu. Tetsu looked after Yukari while Harlon was partially thankful and distraught. He battled with his emotions over his daughter and realised how cruel he was to her. He decided to cope with the pain of "losing" his daughter by applying for a job in a fellow school just a few miles from Karakura city. He worked there for 4 years before, tragedy struck.

Harlon's wife died in a tragic case of flu - and worse still he lost an expected baby. He was heartbroken and damaged learning this news, although he never let it cancel out his passion for drama, so he continued on and mourned her every single day of his life; you can even see a wreath hanging in his classroom, given as a christmas present in 1991. Harlon then decided to apply for a job in Karakura, his childhood school and he was accepted as a teacher of Drama. Harlon in the end was never perfect, but he's mending his bond with his daughter and son and now they're a proper family.

In-Character Information

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Harlon Shiro Hirrabaya
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Mr. Hirrabaya, Dad, Uncle, Harlon, Hirrabaya.
Preferred Name: Hirrabaya
Age: 37 Years Of Age
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: None, I'm not religious
Marital Status: Married, I don't count death as separation.
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura City

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): 8 Years
Working Experience (# of years): 21 Years
Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Year of Graduation: 2007
Major(s): Drama, English Literature
Minors: Creative Media
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: None

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No, I do not have this.
Preferred Teaching Subject: Drama or English Literature, fine with either.

Additional notes about your application (if any): Yes. Harlon will be on my alt account so I won't be able to play him AS much. But still, I'll be able to host a class 3-4 times a week.

Do you have any questions?: Nope.
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Deleted member 5455

- Wonderfully organized and detailed application, welcome to the team!

Please DM me on Discord to have your roles sorted out - melody#0429.

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