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Yamagashira Unverified Gang Application | Glapho & MidFizzy


Level 7
Glapho & Ynnix

Previous bans/warns/kicks:
To be honest, I don't know how many times I've been banned. I know it sounds bad, but recently I received a permanent ban and was banned for for six months, I cannot remember the exact number of previous bans. I understand that being permanently banned isn't a good look, but during the time of my ban, I have worked on making changes and proving that I am ready to be a part of the community once again. If this is a problem you can check my previous bans using the command.

List any applications that you have created on the forums:
All Applications

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been an active participant on the server for approximately a year and a half, and I am determined to grow my level of activity each day. Over the course of my time on the server, I have accumulated approximately five weeks of playtime, demonstrating my commitment. I make a conscious effort to be present on the server almost every day, engaging with the community and contributing to its growth.

Regrettably, since the ban was imposed, my ability to actively participate has been hindered, as it is an obvious consequence of the ban. However, I am eager to regain access and resume my active involvement on the server.

Specify your Discord name and discriminator (USER#????):

Specify the link to your gang's Discord: (This link must be permanent and have unlimited uses) - Yamagashira Discord Server

Specify the number of members currently in your gang:
There is currently 22 members in the gang.

Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:

The event we are suggesting to do is called “The Tower’s Demis; A Symbolic Act of Chaos." It is an immersive and captivating event that aims to provide participants with a unique and transformative experience. Drawing inspiration from psychology, and the human desire for catharsis, this event combines elements of performance art and symbolic rituals to create a truly memorable and thought-provoking experience.

1. Planning the Operation: The Yamagashira's top members and higher-ups meticulously plan the operation to ensure its success. They strategize every aspect, from the timing of the explosion to the number of explosives required to bring down the light tower. They gather resources and members necessary for the mission, including skilled engineers to plant the explosives and members to watch out for authorities. They also acquire specialized equipment to evade surveillance and detection.

2. Preparation: Yamagashira's members gather around the light tower and piers in strategic positions to watch out for authorities, while a very few members sneak into the tower's vicinity, discreetly planting explosives and setting up the necessary triggers. They use specialized tools and techniques to avoid detection, including disguises, encrypted communication devices, and diversionary tactics to mislead authorities.

3. The Countdown Begins: As night falls and the area quiets down, the members meet up on the piers and start the countdown to the tower's destruction. They send warning messages to rival organizations, government officials, and media outlets, ensuring that their intentions are known and their act of defiance cannot be ignored. They use encrypted communication channels and anonymous messaging platforms to avoid detection.

4. Chaotic Display: At the stroke of midnight, the explosives detonate with a thunderous blast, engulfing the light tower in a fire. The explosion sends shockwaves through the city, shattering windows, and causing chaos. The tower crumbles, collapsing in a spectacular display of destruction. The explosion is carefully planned to minimize casualties and avoid harm to innocent bystanders.

5. Lawlessness and Abandonment: With the light tower reduced to ruins, a Yamagashira member sprays a warning on the ruins before the group leaves the area through the nearby sewers, deliberately allowing it to become a visual representation of lawlessness and abandonment. They leave behind a symbol of their power and defiance.

6. Consequences and Repercussions: The blowing up of the light tower sparks outrage and fear among rival criminal organizations, government officials, and the public. The media covers the event extensively, exposing the Yamagashira Yakuza's audacious act and the implications it carries for the city's security. The authorities launch a massive investigation to apprehend the perpetrators and prevent further acts of violence.

The blowing up of the light tower serves as a pivotal moment in Yamagashira's new rise to power, establishing them as a fearless and uncompromising criminal organization. It sends a clear message to all those who dare to challenge their authority and acts as a catalyst for further lawlessness and criminal activities in the area, emboldening Yamagashira's members to carry out more daring and dangerous missions.

What is the name of your gang?:

What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:
Our gang operates within a complex web of themes, morals, beliefs, and motives that define our association. While I can not speak on behalf of all Yakuza gangs, I can partake some common rudiments that are frequently associated with our culture.

Loyalty isn't simply a supplemental aspect within the yakuza, but rather a central and deeply hardwired principle that defines the substance of the gangand its members. It's a foundation valuethat permeates every position of the association and shapes the dynamics between the gang, its leaders, and its members.

In the realm of the yakuza, fidelity transcends individual interests and extends to the collaborative well- being of the gang as a whole. The conception of the family holds consummate significance, wherein the gang members forge a bond akin to that of blood cousins. This sense of domestic connection is fostered through collaborative trust, participated gestures, and unvarying commitment to one another.

Another central moral law within the Yakuza is honor. We cleave to a strict law of conduct known as" giri," which emphasizes the significance of honor, respect, and maintaining one's word. We take pride in upholding traditional Japanese values and seeking for excellence in our conduct and geste .

also, the Yakuza is frequently motivated by a sense of protection and responsibility towards all members of the gang. Despite our lawless conditioning, numerous Yakuza gangs see themselves as guardians or enforcers, working to maintain order. This provocation can be traced back to the literal roots of the Yakuza as societal rejects who set up their purpose in defending the weak and marginalized.

Unlike most yakuza clans, which cleave to the traditional oyabun system, Yamagashira clan has precipitously evolved its own distinct ranking structure over time. In an interestingdeparture from strict adherence to tradition, the Yamagashira clan has successfully established a modernized and adaptable scale to suit their evolving requirements.

Yamagashira clan's organizational structure stands the supreme authority, the Yamagashira, or clan leader. This influential statuettepossesses expansive power and controlover all aspects of the clan's operations. They're the ultimate decision- maker and hold the loftiest position of respect and fidelity from their inferiors.

It's important to note that the Yakuza's conditioning also involve illegal enterprises, similar as organized crime and highway robbery. still, within the frame of our gang, these conditioning are frequently accounted as means to an end — supporting the gang's operations, fulfilling scores, and furnishing for our members and their families.

While this description provides a general overview, it's essential to understand that each Yakuza gang may have its own specific nuances, rituals, and localized beliefs. The complexity and artistic significance of the Yakuza can not be fluently reprised in a many words, but these themes, morals, beliefs, and motives form the foundation of our association.

What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:
Our Yakuza gang stands apart from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants due to several key differentiating factors. These factors include our strong adherence to traditional Japanese values, our commitment to maintaining honor and loyalty, and our focus on community protection and responsibility.

Firstly, our gang deeply respects and upholds traditional Japanese values, but also their very own traditions. We recognize the importance of cultural heritage and strive to preserve and promote these values within our organization. This commitment sets us apart from gangs that may have deviated from the roots of Yakuza culture, ensuring that we remain true to our historical legacy

Secondly, our unwavering dedication to honor and loyalty distinguishes us. We hold ourselves to a high standard of conduct, guided by a strict code of ethics and a sense of personal responsibility. Loyalty to our gang, its leaders, and fellow members is a core principle that sets us apart from those who prioritize self-interest or engage in disloyal behavior.

Furthermore, our gang's focus on the affiliates protection and responsibility is a distinctive feature. We believe in the idea of the Yakuza as guardians of eachother, working to maintain order, protect the weak, and support the interests of those we serve with. This sense of duty and responsibility towards our associates differentiates us from gangs solely focused on personal gain or disruptive activities.

We recognise the importance of authority and respect for senior members, ensuring a disciplined and organized approach to our operations. This structure fosters unity, discipline, and a sense of purpose within our gang.

Lastly, our dedication to professionalism and excellence sets us apart from other applicants. We strive for continuous improvement, both individually and as a collective, through rigorous training, skill development, and the pursuit of excellence in our chosen endeavors. This commitment to professionalism ensures that our gang operates with efficiency and effectiveness, setting us apart from less focused or inexperienced groups.

By embodying these principles, our gang differentiates itself from others in terms of cultural preservation, ethical conduct, community focus, hierarchical structure, and professional excellence. These factors combine to create a unique identity for our gang within the Yakuza landscape, one that reflects our commitment to tradition, honor, and the betterment of our community.

What reputation does the gang uphold in-character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:
At the power plant, we operate with a vigilant eye, employing our expansive network and surveillance capabilities to keep a close tab on the conditioning of gang members. We understand that the power plant holds strategic significance, potentially serving as a mecca for lawless conditioning or rival gang operations. thus, we stand as a redoubtable interference, ready to fleetly intermediate and neutralize any pitfalls that may arise.

Our members are largely trained and equipped to handle colorful situations. They retain a keen sense of observation and suspicion, enabling them to identify suspicious geste or unusual patterns among individualities with gang confederations. Through our scrupulous monitoring, we strive to insure the safety and well- being of our community members, working lifelessly to maintain peace and harmony.

Beyond our surveillance sweats, we establish strong connections within the community around power plant. We engage in dialogue and make fellowship with law- abiding citizens, earning their trust and respect. By doing so, we foster an terrain where people feel comfortable reporting any concerning conditioning they may substantiation, allowing us to fleetly address implicit pitfalls and maintain the safety of all residers.

Yamagashira takes great pride in our part as defenders and enforcers within our home. We forcefully believe in upholding the principles of the Yakuza, similar as fidelity, honor, and responsibility. Our charge extends beyond particular gain, as we strive to produce an terrain where citizens can go about their diurnal lives without fear of felonious influence or detriment.

Through our active presence at the power plant and our unvarying commitment to securing our community, Yamagashira stands as a redoubtable force. We're admired and stressed for our fidelity to maintaining order, guarding innocent lives, and upholding the values that define our Yakuza heritage. It's through these sweats that we establish ourselves as a distinguished and influential gang within the Yakuza geography.

Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of:
Yamagashira, our outstanding Yakuza gang, commands respect and instills fear as our redoubtable presence permeates every corner of our home. We're famed for our unvarying commitment to upholding not only the traditions of the Yakuza but also the profound artistic values of Japan. With a deep- confirmed heritage and an unyielding adherence to a strict law of conduct, we transcend the realm of ordinary gangs, embodying the true substance of the Yakuza spirit.

At the core of Yamagashira's capabilities lies our imperturbable fidelity to justice. We relentlessly pursue righteousness, icing that the balance is maintained within our community. Our members, culled for their exceptional chops and unwavering discipline, retain a wealth of knowledge and moxie that enables us to navigate complex situations with finesse.

To cover our community, we employ a multifaceted approach that combines scrupulous surveillance, advanced ways, and strategic alliances. Our expansive network allows us to gather intelligence fleetly and effectively, staying one step ahead of implicit pitfalls. Through slice- edge surveillance technologies, we maintain a vigilant eye over our home, relating and negativing any suspicious conditioning that may compromise the safety and well- being of our community.

Yamagashira's capabilities extend beyond our grim pursuit of justice. We stand as the guard that defends innocent citizens from detriment, interdicting rival gang operations with unwavering resoluteness.

Likewise, our commitment to excellence drives us to constantly upgrade our chops and expand our capabilities. We engage in rigorous training programs, honing our physical prowess, politic wit, and strategic thinking. By forging strong alliances with like- inclined individualities and associations, we enhance our collaborative strength, amplifying our impact in maintaining a harmonious society.

Yamagashira's exceptional capabilities are a testament to our unvarying commitment to the preservation of traditional values, the protection of our community, and the pursuit of justice. As we navigate the intricate shade of the Yakuza world, we leave an unforgettable mark, a testament to our heritage of honor, fidelity, and the unvarying spirit of the Yamagashira gang.
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Level 259
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead


Thank you for applying. However, I've decided to deny this application for the following reasons:

- Though explosions are allowed, we'd prefer to see events that use explosions
as a way to achieve a specific task (eg. blowing up part of a building to get to
something inside) instead of using it as a way to make the public fear you
- At the moment, there are quite a few concerns about member behavior. Before reapplying
make sure all members are following server rules and having relatively few altercations
with staff
- However, I do really like the parts about your gang's morals and what makes you different from
others. Personally, I think it'd be unique to see a Yakuza-themed event or something that ties
closely to the values of your gang​
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