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Your Lover | MykeShotz


Level 135

To Valencia Sylvestri,
The day I entered this town, Karakura, I had no friends, only family. When I attended college here, I then caught the first glance of you. Our eyes met each other and something inside of me knew you could be the one I loved. Though there was a problem, I didn’t know if you felt the same as me. We had some close bonding time together, you met one of my relatives which you were awkward around with. My relative thought you caused the problems in my life, she thought you were a mess. Though, that did not stop me from the feelings inside of me. I wish I could tell you this in person and just hug you, but that won’t happen and I don’t know if it ever will. I’m sorry that I’ve missed your calls and texts. I’m sorry that you aren’t able to hear my voice. I’m sorry that I left without telling you. I’m sorry for not saying goodbye. The only reason I can give you right now is, an emergency came up and I had to go back to my hometown. I wish I wasn’t here alone. I’d rather have you here with me. I don’t want to feel these emotions. I love you very much Valencia Sylvestri, because you’ll be the only person I can love.
Your Lover

Yuh I was bored so like why not write an anonymous love letter basically. Some of you might know who "Your Lover" is and some might. If you do know good for you! Anywho have a great day!

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