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Accepted Z0mbi3chan's Professor Applicaton

sir meow

Level 39

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have any previous bans/warnings?:

What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g. Tippie#6666):

Link all previous applications you made on the server: [Accepted] [Accepted]

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I’m available whenever, usually between the times of either 9am-10am or 12pm-3am, on a scale of 1-10 I’d have to say a 9-10 as I rarely take breaks or go on vacations.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I've had a nearly lifelong interest in roleplaying, and almost as soon as I eventually got my own phone, I started to be sucked into the never-ending world of Roblox roleplay games. A long time ago I got my own laptop and would spend countless days writing out little stories and such but none of it ever felt true or good enough to satisfy my endless hunger to go off into this little world where I could pretend to be whoever and have this cute little story line go out with another human and not just me on a piece of paper. Soon enough, my sibling bought me a minecraft account for my own usages once they found out how interested I was in other people just playing the game, but as time went on just playing survival was boring and I wanted to do something funner. I began to search up parkour servers, stuff like that and eventually I was able to stumble into SchoolRP and I was hooked ever since then. I’ve now really gotten into the server as I now have 3 accounts and many many characters. I love SRP and almost every interaction I’ve had on it so far. My motivation for being a criminology professor is easy! I’ve always found myself fascinated by criminal documentaries and watch them in my free time quite often.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

(main) Z0mbiechan [Grade-12]
(alt) memerchan [College][B]
(alt) Soudachan [Cat]

What is the subject you want to teach?:


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

Since I've been playing SchoolRP for over a year, I've only been able to earn college bachelor's.. Every time I enroll in a college class, I am inspired by the work the professor does and eager to participate. I always take the opportunity to spend time with some of my other friends who are in faction. Because of how busy school is and how much time I spend there, I think attempting to become someone greater in SRP, Professor is a wonderful place to start. It will help me get used to having to work more and learn how to handle certain relationships. One of the reasons why I and perhaps others aspire to become professors is because it seems to be a manageable and less frustrating career path compared to being a teacher. In the role of a teacher you often have to deal with individuals who may not be very receptive, to your lessons. Many people lack the patience required for dealing with individuals and hence opt for either becoming a professor or taking on a demanding position within the school staff. Lately I've noticed a decrease, in the number of professors conducting classes so my goal is to become a professor who can prevent college students from succumbing to boredom by making their classes more enjoyable.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

One of my ideas would be an easy game with a simple premise, to find out whether or not someone is guilty or innocent. How this game would go, is everyone gets up while I read out a short description of someone supposedly doing something bad or even against the law. I'd then have everyone go to one side of the room to decide if this person was guilty or not guilty. The side with the door would be yes, the side with the windows would be no, and if anyone cannot figure it out they are allowed to stand in the middle. After everyone has decided which side they believe is the truth I will pick on someone from each side, but if there is someone in the middle I will ask them to please explain why they chose not to choose. Once I've listened to both sides and let the other students hear 1 opinion from 1 side I will explain on which side was correct and or incorrect.

Another interactive learning idea for class is very simple, and very fun! First, I'd pass out a card to half of the class with with sentences explaining term used in criminology, then I'd pass out different cards to the rest of the class which would have terms on them. After everyone has gotten a card I will make all of the students stand up and go around the room to find out who has what. To make sure that the students picked the right ones, the students who had matched up their cards will sit down together. Once everyone has found their matches, I will go around the room and question pairs and see if they gotten the correct answer. For whoever got the correct matches I will give both pairs a reward token.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
The field trip I'd host for a class would be a trip to the KPD Station. On this trip there would be at least 1 other professor to come and help me out with the students while we head over to KPD to get a grand tour of the station and have students go in as pairs, depending on the size of the class there can be pairs up to 4 students or maybe 6. After the tours have been given and depending on the time left for the two period's we have, maybe we'd hopefully be able to have all students be able to ask whichever officer, detective or just any KPD employee in general questions I think many people are wondering. Even if no one asks anything, I'll always be there to help be a voice for some who might be scared to ask questions.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Mr.Nimith would be walking down the hallways with papers in his hands, trying to go to his classroom before he noticed out of the corner of his eye three college jocks surrounding one bobcat jock. Thinking back on how intense one would call these schools riverally between College teams and bobcat teams this would be something to approach and make sure everything is crystal clear. Nimith Would began walking over to the students before neatly holding onto his papers with one hand, staring down at the four. "Heyy guys! Mind tellin' me what's goin' on over here? Looks like things 'bout to get rowdy." He kept a calm smile on his face, not wanting to make the students aggressive if they weren't already. He shot the bobcat jock one look before glancing down at his watch, clicking his tongue. "Y'know what, how about this. You guys," He motioned towards the college jocks. "Take a step back from them and give them a lil' space, yeah? We don't want anyone gettin' any detentions right?" He stuffed his free hand back into his pocket for a moment, staring at the college kids. "Class is gonna start soon, might wanna go get ready for that before one of yall get yelled at for not being there on time. Remember kids, college classes are in fact mandatory!" He motioned with his head to the bobcat jock that he was free to go, watching the bobcat walk away before looking back to the college jocks. "Now, let's all continue on with our day and if I see yall surrounding that kid again then I will have to give y'all a detention slip." Once he made sure all the jocks had gone separate ways, he lifted his wrist to stare at his watch before continuing on his walk to his classroom, situation handled.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Mr. Nimith, who was in charge of supervising detention, glanced away from his papers, which contained information about the class, and fixed his attention on a kid who was disobeying orders and upsetting the other students. Nimith looked at his watch and then at the student. “Hey, how about we calm down and complete the assignment that you were given, yeah? You are only here to do the assigned duty. This ain' a gathering of the troublemakers in the school.” Kids these days, he sighed as he returned his focus to his papers. He heard the same student speak and ask some unrelated questions, which again interrupted his work. He looked at his watch one more before giving the child a harsh look. “Ay, I instructed you to start working. These people ain't here to talk to you; rather, they are performing their duty as a form of retribution for doing something improper. Second warning: Zip it and start working." Before returning his attention to his own work, he gave the pupil a brief moment of silent attention to ensure that it was quiet. The majority of the students finished their assignments as the clock ran out, turned them in, and continued on their merry way. The last person left in the classroom was the disruptive student who had a penchant for causing a commotion. He was grinning to himself as the classroom fell silent after the student finished his assignment and turned it in. Nimith picked it up and glanced over the pages before setting the book down on his desk. "All right, you can leave now. Stay out of trouble next time so we won't have to re-meet in this place. He looked up at the student, who nodded, and then moved to open the door for him. After allowing the student to leave for home, he returned to the front desk. After stacking all of the confinement materials and gathering his paperwork, he put them all into his bag and left for home in peace.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and call out other students in the class, what would your character do?
As Mr Nimith read over his notes he twisted his body around to head over to his closet before he swung open the doors, looking into his chests as he brought out the assignments for today's lesson. He walked back over to his desk before setting the books down, examining the class as his eyes caught the attention of some cheerleaders, taking note of how loud they were being. He raised his tone so as to be heard more clearer to the class. “ALRIGHT! Who’s ready for today's assignment?!” He stared at the group of cheerleaders, keeping a calm smile on his face. “You! Have any of you been paying attention to the lesson so far? Looks like you're having quite a blast playing that music!” He grabbed half a stack of books as he made his way over to the group, placing down books in front of each of the cheerleaders before taking a step back, nodding at them. “This is a college class, right? And what kinda students does college host? Adults! You four are all adults and should know the basic courtesy of being quiet when a class is being held. You should also know that phones ain’ allowed during class! Soo, how about you turn that off or let me hold onto it while class is held?” He held out his free hand for the phones, scanning all of the cheerleaders' faces as they all looked rather annoyed. One cheerleader placed a turned off phone into his hand, in which he turned to another cheerleader who still had their phone out which was still blasting music. It was obvious to Nimith he wasn't going to be getting that phone. He reeled his hand back, holding onto the confiscated phone as he looked down to the student. “I see so ya don’t want to gimme that phone, correct? Well then, better keep it turned off before I give ya detention for disobeying professors orders.” He walked back to the front of the class, placing the phone down onto the desk before staring at the class. “Alright, I’ma hand out these books and I expect everyone to get started on em pronto! I better see you cheerleaders workin’ hard! Don’t wanna get detentions now y’all!” He gleamed a smile before walking around the room, handing the books out to the rest of the students. He strutted back over to his desk before checking his watch, taking one final glance at the cheerleaders who had listened and were working hard on their work.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
As Mr Nimith realized he wouldn't be able to break this fight up he took a step back and sighed, bringing out his radio before clicking it on. “Hey, is anyone free to come and help me out with this fight? It’s gettin’ a lil’ too intense for just me to handle it.” He released the button on the radio before listening as a co-worker spoke. “I’ll come over there now!” He waited for the radio to make the indicator they were done speaking as he held down on the button once more. “Appreciate it!” He then shoved his radio into his pocket before going back to the fight, trying to settle everyone down. “Ay ay! Keep those hands to yourself!” He managed to get one student away before he heard the rushing footsteps of another professor. Once Nimith caught the eye of the other professor he felt a weight lifted off his shoulders as he looked back at the kids, trying to get them away from each other right as the extra aid came in for some help. With both of the professors working to defuse the fight it ended up being a success. Nimith got out a detention slip and handed it to every single one of the members involved in the fight. “Alright, since this was a fight and it took more than me to stop it all of you are gettin’ a detention slip! Y’all better be in that room at the end of class.” He shoved the rest of the detention letters into his pocket before looking at his watch. “It’s lunch time, how ‘bout y’all go cool off and grab a bite to eat.” He gave the students one more glance before walking up the steps of the school, sighing as he went to go on his lunch break.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Khean Sathea Nimith is a 31 year old male born in Portarican with his family. He has thin, medium long dreadlocks all along his head with a ponytail in the back holding them together. Khean had strong features, plump lips and bushy eyebrows–along with a sharp yet smooth jawline. He's a pretty laid back guy and doesn't ever get into arguments and takes the simple way in life. Currently he stood at the height of 6’5, always dealing with back problems from how much he had to kneel over to get things. He wasn't too social per say, but he did love making friends. He just seems a little shy at first, though he’ll always come around when he sees someone that look cool! He loves dogs and even had his own german shepherd when he lived with his mothers.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Khean Nimith was born in Puerto Rico with his mother, father, and his two siblings being one a baby brother and the other an older sister. Khean was a middle child but unlike all of the talk about middle childs being left out Khean was very cherished by his family, in fact all the siblings were cherished. His father however was his favorite family member, and with his father being a detective he’d sometimes let Nimith join him to the police station. Ever since then Nimith was infatuated with crime and criminology, but Nimith never aspired to be a police officer like his father as he was always scared of the professor, and decided to go a more safer route. Khean had decided to become a professor! While he was in college and culinary school, he met a beautiful woman who would soon change his life, having an adorable son and marrying the lady. Although this was soon to end, their marriage only lasted 6 years before his wife divorced Khean and took his beloved child. Left alone with his heart shattered as the two top people he loved had left him. Nimith pushed through his life and got his PHD in criminology and decided it’d be best to move to another state to create a better life, leaving his family as he soon found himself a comfortable place to live in his new found home–Karakura. His love for children and love for teaching made him apply for the school nearby, although he decided it was best to go for a position for a professor as he seemed it’d be better fit for the subject he wanted to teach.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)

Fill in your answers on the lines ( _____________ )
To tick an 0 cross it or replace it with an X


Title: Mr. Legal Name: Khean Sathea Nimith Birth Date: 10 / 27 / 91
Preferred Name: Mr. K
Phone Number: (030)-836-0837
Gender: X - Male
0 - Female
0 - Other, namely _________

Religious Domination: Atheist.
Martial Status: Divorced.
Nationality: American.
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.


Preferred teaching subject:
1st choice: Criminology 2nd choice: Physical Education 3rd choice: Art
List other subjects you are qualified to teach: Culinary Arts
List any activities you are willing to supervise; i.e., clubs, groups, drama, etc.:
Journalist Club


Place of study (School, University, College, etc)​
Date From​
Date To​
Fulltime / Partime​
Qualification with Grade, Class / Division​
Subject Specialism(s)​
Age Range​
Columbia University​
Columbia University​
Part time​
Monroe College​
Bachelor's degree​
Culinary Arts​
Karakura High​
Highschool Diploma​
12 - 18​

4 - PROFESSIONAL CAREER - PRESENT SCHOOL (or another place of work, leave empty if not applicable)

Name of School: ___________________ School Type: _____________ Ages: ____________
Address of School: __________________
Date of Appointment: __ / __ / __
Post subjects taught and special responsibilities in the present post (where appropriate):
Reason for leaving:

5 - PREVIOUS TEACHING EXPERIENCE (leave empty if not applicable)

Post ( Name and type of school): Anderson Elementary, Public.
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): Anderson Elementary, Public.
Date from: 09 / 07 / 19 Date to: 08 / 12 / 2000
Ages Taught: 4-13
Fulltime or Partime : X - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Art & Beginners art
Reason for leaving:
Transferred to Townsend Harris Highschool.

Post ( Name and type of school): Townsend Harris
Date from: 09 / 29 / 20 Date to: 06 / 03 / 2010
Ages Taught: 14-18
Fulltime or Partime : X - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Culinary Arts & teaching Culinary basics.
Reason for leaving:
Moved somewhere out of the school range.

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:


Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): Culinary Arts Minors
Obtained on: 05 / 11 / 2016
Instution where obtained: Monroe college.

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): Art Masters
Obtained on: 06 / 06 / 2015
Instution where obtained: Columbia University.

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): Criminology Certification
Obtained on: 07 / 06 / 2016
Instution where obtained: Columbia University.

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): Art History Major
Obtained on: 06 / 06 / 2015
Instution where obtained: Columbia University

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): Forensic Science minors.
Obtained on: 05 / 28 / 2016
Institution where obtained: Columbia University.


Any extra notes about you or your application (if applicable):


Date: 07 / 28 / 2023​


Level 78
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord. You may request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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