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Zane's Biography


Level 0
First Name: Zane
Surname: Izak

Preferred Name: Zane

Aliases: The Black Rose

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 5'4

Weight: 120

Build: Medium

Skin Color: white

Eye Color: Amber

Hair Style: Short and spiked a little bit at the top left.

Hair Color: Black with white highlights

Fashion: Likes to wear white T-shirts with either long jeans or black sweat pants. And some times wears a black cloak without the shirt.

Abnormalities: short scars all across his body.

Date of Birth: 7/15/1997

Place of Birth: Dallas, TX

Nationality: Half American half Dutch

Race: White

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religious Beliefs: Never been apart of a religious group

Political Beliefs: Doesn't care about them or care for people who discuss it while he's in the room

Personality: Zane is very Anti-social and doesn't talk much unless you get to know him, which is hard to do.

Character Voice: Deep, Soft but firm.

Equipment: Wear's a small blue backpack, and carries a few different few lock picks for certain situations.

Hobbies: Enjoys laying down in the grass while he watches birds and think about his past, and practices throwing knives when he's alone.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Has general distrust of most people even when he knows them.

Skills: Good at lock picking, and makes a killer waffle Sunday.

Querks: Sarcastic, loves a thrill, quickly adapts.

Family: All known family are dead

Backstory: After Zane was born his parents didn't pay much attention to him, as his mom fell into depression, while his dad worked almost twenty four seven. when he turned two years of age his mother committed suicide leaving him with his father. A year later his father was killed during a bad business meeting gone bad. Afterwards he drifted from foster home to foster home for the next few years. being kicked out of each and every home for being a "Trouble-maker" as some of the more PG parents put it. he used to self inflict cuts on his arms and torso to be kicked of a home. Everyone called him disturbed for doing such a thing, But he wasn't. He did it as a way to escape, no where he went he felt wanted, wasn't wanted. Just there because he had no where else to go. By the time he was nine he had enough and ran away from the orphanage he was dumbed off at, figuring he was better off on his own. Going to place to place, being taught things kids his age shouldn't know, he never stayed long anywhere. Around a year after he ran away his grandfather had found him strangely enough. four weeks later his grandfather sent him off to school. He got bullied and picked on a lot for being an orphan and the child of people like his dead parents. He didn't mind that all, it gave him a purpose, a disconnect he desperately craved. During one summer his grandparents decided to send him away, to a new school in a different country. Zane for the first time in many years was shocked, shocked that he was being sent away out of love, that someone genuinely cared about him enough to do such a thing. And again for the first moment in his life, his emotions were torn and in a constant battle with each other that continues to this day. A few hours after boarded the plane, his grandfather passed away due to a heart attack, leaving Zane none the wiser even after he landed... only until he moved into his new house and his grandfather's funeral did he receive word that his grandfather was dead, and closed off the part in his heart where he had someone care for him, making him all alone again and returning him to his former state....

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