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九陽 // Joyoung


Level 14


»»————- ★ ————-««


ohsiidos - This is my second account but I use it just as much as I use my main Lutaze :)


Previous applications:

For this Account- - Gaelic Application [Accepted]
These are all for my alt (lutaze) - College application [Accepted] - Epilepsy application [Accepted] - Gaelic Application [Accepted] - Korean Application [Accepted] Tourette's application [Accepted]

These 2 applications I realized I submitted them for the wrong thing but have learned from my mistakes: - Medical id [Denied] Medical id [Denied]


Previous warns/kicks/bans:


Shop wanted:
Unowned shop Two :))


Why do you want to own a shop?:

Well, I see a gap in the market for a gaming shop on SRP. I have always been passionate about wanting to own a shop and create and bring more joy to people through owning a shop. As well as bring more to the RP itself. Some of the items I would like to sell would also bring more to people roleplay and add more to the server itself possibly interesting more players!

I would also like to give other people the opportunity to work and add to there own roleplaying experience and create a fun and enjoyable experience for all! I am also quite active on the server meaning I can provide more people with the experience to buy and go int the shop.


What do you plan to do with the shop?:

I plan to open a gaming theme shop- In which we sell unique and original gaming items providing people with the best gaming in-game experience! I want to create a surreal experience and enjoyable for all as well!
By doing this I would have a so-called Live lounge Where through the discord server music would play creating a real like atmosphere and bringing a unique feel to the shop as well along with this, I hope that the store can become a hangout for students after school, leaving an area open to the public so when the store in itself isn't open they can hang out there instead. Next, I desire to make the shop fun, and turn it into an arcade of sorts, which is free to play on entering.

I would try to keep the uniforms professional but casual- To make sure the workers look presentable but to also show the fun and lightness to the shop!


For the security uniforms, I would keep them color-coordinated with the other employee uniforms creating a sense of equality and show that we are a team


Shop Items:

As well as selling items that are already in the game- That is game-related like:
  • Cat Headphones
  • Nintendo DS
  • VR headset
  • Gaming PC
  • Air Pods
  • 3x Phones
  • Nintendo Switches

I would also want to sell shop customs- To attract more people to Joyoung! Some of my custom item ideas that could be included in the shop are:

The adventure time Night sword Toy

Spirited Away No face Mask

Animal Crossing Earrings

Snorlax Plushie
Pokemon Toy ball


Food-related Customs

In Joyoung there could also be food-related customs, As whilst in the middle of gaming I would either grab a pot noddle or a large drink or whatever and would love to bring that into the game as well

Pot noodles

Drink cup!


Shop Layout:

I would want to keep a Japanese feel to the interior and exterior of the shop itself but give it a clean and modern feel. This is because gaming itself is more of a modern thing and is always changing and adapting

Here is a brief plan of what i would like the floor layout to look like !



I would work out the cost of items fairly and make sure that no items are heavily overpriced or underpriced. I would make sure that some profit is created to keep the shop up and working and to be able to pay workers-
Workers' pay would be generated by the money they have made during the shift and 50% would go back to Me as the shop owner. I would edit this if I eventually felt like it was too much but as of the shop just starting off I feel like it would be fair.


I would make sure every customer feels satisfied with there purchase and welcome to the store and that every worker feels appreciated and happy when working!

A Discord will be created if this application gets accepted were I will make sure to pass on information to shop workers and customers. I would also hold a channel for when the store is open to playing music so that when in the store the customer can get a surreal experience.


How will your shop be unique?:

The store environment will bring more joy to people's roleplaying experience and will add to the game itself. The customs in the store and unique themselves and some of the ideas that I have based them of are from others who enjoy the same sort of thing. As SRP being a game itself everyone has one thing in common of enjoying video games- Or else why would you really play the game? So Joyoung would be there to bring more people together with the things they have in common! Joyoung is here to provide a full-on gaming experience to SRP :))


How many employees are you planning to have?:

I would want to have around 6-7 Workers around during a single shift, But in total, I would want to have around 16 employees as I understand not everyone can be able to get online and help during a shift:

The store owner would be in charge of the store itself as well as hiring employees and stock and managing the team.

The co-manager would be there to help assist staff when the owner may not be available. They would also be there to help new employees find their feet in their store and help them get to know the place and feel comfortable working there!

During a shift, I would realistically want 4-5 workers on the till as I understand and have witnessed the rush of people when a store is open. The reasons I would like a large amount of till staff as well as to keep the ques down and for people to be more satisfied when they enter and leave the shop And continue to keep a calm environment. I also would hire a large amount as I know that not everyone can be online at one time and to make sure I am guaranteed workers when the shop may open.

During a shift, I would like 1-2 on a shift. This would be to make sure no illegal or prohibited actions happen in the store whilst it is open or whenever.

Thanks for reading my application, I am sorry if it was short but I hope it shows the potential in the shop and myself!
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Level 192
Thank you for your patience!
Great application! We'll discuss further through DMS on discord, MikeShotZ#0960

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