/rules - This command allows you to read the rules which are posted on the servers forum.
/faq - This command will link you to our frequently asked questions thread on the forum.
/discord - This command allows you to join the Official Roleplay Hub Discord
/vote - This command allows you to vote for the server, voting for the server also gives some cool gifts.
/ooc [Talking out of character] - This allows you to talk out of character in a throughout the entire server.

/looc [Talking out of character] - This allows you to talk out of character with other players within a certain radius. [10 block radius]

/findname <Character name> [/fn for short] - This allows you to search for someone's Username with their characters name.

/grade - This command will allow you to check when your character grade up next. The longer you play, the faster you grade up.

/balance [/bal for short] - This allows you to check how much money you have on you.
/payto <amount> - This is a command that lets your character pay others, in order to proceed with this command, you must be facing the person you're trying to pay and confirm the payment.

/playtime - View your own in-game playtime accurately

/suspension - Check how long you have left on your own suspension

/rpname - This is a command in which you use to set the name your character will go by.
/setdesc - This command is used to set a description for your character.
/viewdesc to look at your own description, right click other players to see their character descriptions.
/rpname - This is a command in which you use to set the name your character will go by.
/setdesc - This command is used to set a description for your character.
/viewdesc to look at your own description, right click other players to see their character descriptions.
/sit - This command allows your character to sit anywhere you want.
/lay - This command allows your character to lay down anywhere you want.
/am - This allows your character to put out their arms. In order to perform this action you must hold right click after typing out the command.
/rh - This allows your character to raise their hand. In order to perform this action you must hold right click after typing out the command.
/carry - This allows your character to carry someone on their shoulders. In order to perform this action, you must type in the command while facing the person infront of you.
/clap - This allows your character to clap their hands together. In order to perform this action you must constantly use right click after typing the command.
/stroll [Sprint to unstroll] - This is for when you want your character to walk slower than normal speed.
/sit - This command allows your character to sit anywhere you want.

/lay - This command allows your character to lay down anywhere you want.

/am - This allows your character to put out their arms. In order to perform this action you must hold right click after typing out the command.

/rh - This allows your character to raise their hand. In order to perform this action you must hold right click after typing out the command.

/carry - This allows your character to carry someone on their shoulders. In order to perform this action, you must type in the command while facing the person infront of you.

/clap - This allows your character to clap their hands together. In order to perform this action you must constantly use right click after typing the command.

/stroll [Sprint to unstroll] - This is for when you want your character to walk slower than normal speed.
/me [Your Action] - This command lets you do an action.
/mel [Your Action] - This command lets you do an action with a bigger radius. [25 block radius]
/mec [Your Action] - This command lets you do an action with a smaller radius. [3 block radius]
/whisper <message> [/w for short] - This command allows your character to whisper to your friends in a very small radius. [3 block radius]
/yell <message> [/y for short] - This command allows your character to yell to your friends from a long distance. [25 block radius]
/my [Your Possession] - This command lets you describe your possession.
/it [Third Person Message] - This command lets you describe the surroundings of your character or a roleplay situation.
/itl [Third Person Message] - This command lets you describe the surroundings of your character or a roleplay situation with a bigger radius. [25 block radius]
/itc [Third Person Message] - This command lets you describe the surroundings of your character or a roleplay situation with a smaller radius. [3 block radius]
/me [Your Action] - This command lets you do an action.

/mel [Your Action] - This command lets you do an action with a bigger radius. [25 block radius]
/mec [Your Action] - This command lets you do an action with a smaller radius. [3 block radius]

/whisper <message> [/w for short] - This command allows your character to whisper to your friends in a very small radius. [3 block radius]
/yell <message> [/y for short] - This command allows your character to yell to your friends from a long distance. [25 block radius]
/my [Your Possession] - This command lets you describe your possession.

/it [Third Person Message] - This command lets you describe the surroundings of your character or a roleplay situation.
/itl [Third Person Message] - This command lets you describe the surroundings of your character or a roleplay situation with a bigger radius. [25 block radius]
/itc [Third Person Message] - This command lets you describe the surroundings of your character or a roleplay situation with a smaller radius. [3 block radius]
/phonenumber - This command will display your character's phone number, so they can share it with their friends.

/addcontact [Contacts Number] [Name] - This lets your character save their friends number.

/removecontact [Contacts Name] - This lets your character remove contacts from their phone.

/call <number/contact> [Your Message] - This is the command you must use when starting a phone call. Once in a phone call, you can also use this command to speak.

/callw <number/contact> [Your Message] - This lets your character call their friends, but without everyone being able to hear it. [3 block radius]

/cally <number/contact> [Your Message] - This lets your character yell at their friends through the phone. [25 block radius]

/langcall <language> <number/contact> [Your Message] - This lets your character talk to their friends through the phone using a different language.

/langcallw <language> <number/contact> [Your Message] - This lets your character talk to their friends through the phone using a different language with a small radius. [3 block radius]

/langcally<language> <number/contact> [Your Message] - This lets your character yell at their friends through the phone using a different language. [25 block radius]

/call end - This lets your character end a call.

/contacts [2,3,4, etc] - This command will list all the saved contacts your character has on their phone, once there are too many on one page, you will have to look on a different page.
/block <number/contact> [/unblock <number/contact>] - This command allows your character to block/unblock a certain number from their phone. You can find out everyone you've blocked by using the command /blocked

/text <number/contact> <message> - This command allows your character to send a text message

/lang [To speak in other languages] - This is a command used to communicate with your friends in another language.
/langw [To speak in other languages] - This is a command used to communicate with your friends in another language in a shorter radius. [3 block radius]
/langy [To speak in other languages] - This is a command used to communicate with your friends in another language in a bigger radius. [25 block radius]
/lang [To speak in other languages] - This is a command used to communicate with your friends in another language.
/langw [To speak in other languages] - This is a command used to communicate with your friends in another language in a shorter radius. [3 block radius]

/langy [To speak in other languages] - This is a command used to communicate with your friends in another language in a bigger radius. [25 block radius]

/roll - This is a luck-based command, which is usually used for combat situations. Different ages, can roll differently and so can roles.
(0-6 year old) - /roll 100
(7+ year old) - /roll 75
(0-15 year old) - /roll 75
(17 year old) - /roll 100
(18 year old) - /roll 150
(75+ year old) - /roll 50
e.g Police Officer [roll 200] vs College-Student [roll 150]
/roll - This is a luck-based command, which is usually used for combat situations. Different ages, can roll differently and so can roles.
(0-6 year old) - /roll 100
(7+ year old) - /roll 75
(0-15 year old) - /roll 75
(17 year old) - /roll 100
(18 year old) - /roll 150
(75+ year old) - /roll 50
e.g Police Officer [roll 200] vs College-Student [roll 150]
/advert <message> - This command is reserved for shopkeepers. It will send a server-wide advertisement for your shop openings. It's best to list the products sold, location and keep the adverts friendly and professional.
/advert <message> - This command is reserved for shopkeepers. It will send a server-wide advertisement for your shop openings. It's best to list the products sold, location and keep the adverts friendly and professional.
/class start (room) (students) - Starts a class for Highschool/College depending on your role.
/class end - This will end the current class, teleporting all students who joined outside the classroom.
/class kick (IGN) - This will be the command in which you use to kick a student from your class.
/class close - This will be the command in which you use to close the class, to prevent anymore students from joining.
/intercom - This command is used for In-Character announcements to Highschool Students.
/collegeintercom - This command is used for In-Character announcements to College Students.
/class start (room) (students) - Starts a class for Highschool/College depending on your role.

/class end - This will end the current class, teleporting all students who joined outside the classroom.
/class kick (IGN) - This will be the command in which you use to kick a student from your class.
/class close - This will be the command in which you use to close the class, to prevent anymore students from joining.
/intercom - This command is used for In-Character announcements to Highschool Students.
/collegeintercom - This command is used for In-Character announcements to College Students.

/jail (IGN) (cell) (duration) - This will be the command in which you use to jail a player.
/unjail (IGN) - This will be the command in which you use to unjail a player.
/unstun (IGN) - This will be the command in which you use to unstun a player when tased.
/requestsearch [/rs for short] - This command will allow the officer to send a search request to the player they are facing. Essentially letting them access your inventory temporarily to search for illegal items.
/jail (IGN) (cell) (duration) - This will be the command in which you use to jail a player.
/unjail (IGN) - This will be the command in which you use to unjail a player.
/unstun (IGN) - This will be the command in which you use to unstun a player when tased.
/requestsearch [/rs for short] - This command will allow the officer to send a search request to the player they are facing. Essentially letting them access your inventory temporarily to search for illegal items.

/ticket create - This command accesses the ticket creation menu, through this you can contact online staff for support & receive responses whether you're online or not.
/ticket reply <id> - Respond or send additional messages in your ticket
/ticket messages <id> - List all of the messages sent in your ticket
/ticket create - This command accesses the ticket creation menu, through this you can contact online staff for support & receive responses whether you're online or not.

/ticket reply <id> - Respond or send additional messages in your ticket
/ticket messages <id> - List all of the messages sent in your ticket

This is a network wide command that allows you to add friends throughout our servers. This will easily let you see if you're friends are online or not and which server they are playing on.
To access the list of friends commands simply type in /friends. All the command usage will be visible once you hover over each of them.
This is a network wide command that allows you to add friends throughout our servers. This will easily let you see if you're friends are online or not and which server they are playing on.
To access the list of friends commands simply type in /friends. All the command usage will be visible once you hover over each of them.

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