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School Uniform Suggestion


Level 102
IGN: PolarLoLs
DATE: 12/25/2021
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Require school attires to be worn on school grounds during school time. This rule can go deeper than you think, of course, players can re shade the attire to their fitting or style if they want to, they could also add modifications but cannot change the original look or colors. For example, This is an example of school unis (by me) modified to fit the style of the wearer along with additions.

I suggested this once before but it was denied due to wardrobe still being a problem, but now that the resetting issue has been fixed (hopefully) for good so it wouldn't be a problem to change in time, this is not only limited to the provided attire but can be official sports team approved once as well.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Karakur is based in Japan, and in Japan, school attire is a must wear a uniform to school, since the server is based around School Roleplay I don't see why this wouldn't be a thing in the first place and would just make it a bit more satisfying to see on the server too..

Not: I do have more to add to this I think, I am writing this at 11 pm and need to refresh my brain for a bit before I add anything else.


Level 87

people will cause an uproar even if it’s realistic to how Japan school is and it’s also hard to moderate what peoples skins are. So I’m neutral on this

Wrath ⛥

Level 99
not gonna lie homie, but it's a -1 from me.
People will complain and it will cause a lot more trouble for staff than the chaos they already have. It's realistic, yes, and I would definitely agree for the sake of also being aesthetically pleasing within the school grounds, but seeing the trouble it would cause for faculty, as well as the wardrobe command experiencing issues, no. You, as a tailor as well, should know how much people love the individuality in their outfits as well, and enjoy wearing them around. plus it would probably confuse greenies lmfao, I'm sure some of them wouldn't appreciate it.

i think I've seen similar ones be denied


Level 102
Thread starter
not gonna lie homie, but it's a -1 from me.
People will complain and it will cause a lot more trouble for staff than the chaos they already have. It's realistic, yes, and I would definitely agree for the sake of also being aesthetically pleasing within the school grounds, but seeing the trouble it would cause for faculty, as well as the wardrobe command experiencing issues, no. You, as a tailor as well, should know how much people love the individuality in their outfits as well, and enjoy wearing them around. plus it would probably confuse greenies lmfao, I'm sure some of them wouldn't appreciate it.

i think I've seen similar ones be denied
Could say the same for forcing people to stay on school grounds, everyone complains, and new players get confused, hard to moderate sure, but staff still manage to don't they?.

Wrath ⛥

Level 99
Could say the same for forcing people to stay on school grounds, everyone complains, and new players get confused, hard to moderate sure, but staff still manage to don't they?.
sure, but why unnecessarily add on to that?


Level 15
The difference with keeping them on campus and forcing them to wear uniforms is that staff is able to control who stays in school. There is a command after all with teleporting people back in.

Ontop of that having to enforce that rule will be incredibly hard to manage, there will be complications with having to warn them and no one wants to deal with that with dozens of people. There’s also the fact that not everyone knows how to combine skins as well.


Level 72

it's been denied a few times, this will be no different. Yes, normal Japanese high schools/colleges wear uniforms, however, when it comes to a Minecraft server with 200+ players on every day; there is no real way to moderate and enforce it.

Also, why would I get warned just for not having a certain skin on, its minecraft.

also also, this would probably only work if SRP was whitelist only (which it's not) and didn't have the same amount of players as it does.


Level 279
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

Don’t get me wrong, I think those uniforms look amazing but there’s already Highschool and College uniforms in the Academics discord for those who want it.

And yeah, like everyone else has already said it’d be too hard to enforce that level of realism on the server, since after all it is just Minecraft.


Level 31
Neutral / Disagree

Japan is well known for their stylish mandatory uniforms which could possibly bring a more realistic traditional feel of Japan in Karakura. However upon enforcing this rule, there are many factors we must go over.
Firstly, New players or players that do not use discord will most likely not follow this rule. Not everyone knows how to edit skins or add an outfit to a base. If this rule was implemented, it would most likely exempt high school students as their time spent on the server is less, and skin making is, and shouldn't be a requirement upon players. You can not expect a player to already have a skin ready or their uniform on if it's their first day on the server during school hours.
My next point would be, if you wanted to make this actually possible, only apply it to those that are more experienced or spend more time on the server. Meaning college students, as rules on school grounds are more strict towards them. For example mandatory classes, as well as them already knowing the rules fully as they've been through quite a lot to get to where they are currently.
However I believe there will be a good amount of negative feedback regarding this possible newly implemented rule. As number one, people don't want to keep on re-logging to change their skin. Yes, wardrobe is a thing however people with lower ranks only have 3 closet spots available meaning they may not want to keep one of them as a 'uniform'. Number two, I believe people will have a hard time finding tailors to put the uniform onto their skins or bases if they do not know how to. You'd have to have a proper informatory direction on how to combine skins or else you will have a lot of 'rule breakers'.
Another issue would be sports teams attire. When would we be allowed to wear our sports uniforms? For examples the cheerleaders may want to wear their uniforms throughout the day, or my character would want to wear her basketball jacket. All of the sports teams jackets and outfits would go to waste if wearing a simple school uniform is mandatory, as not everyone's 'go-to' weekend outfit is their cheer outfit or football jacket. Wearing sports colors and attire brings more school spirit as well.
Moving onto roleplay wise, if this rule were to be implemented there would need to be situations where it's okay to change out of your uniform. For example, my character as a basketball captain wouldn't make the whole team wear skirts and jump around on the court while shooting balls. She'd want them to wear something comfortable during gym hours.

To summarise my ideas, if this rule were to be implemented it shouldn't be mandatory. Make it a heavily encouraged or recommended thing as creating a new rule likes this would require a lot of work, and isn't that necessary in my opinion. Some people don't know how to make skins, and some are new to the server.


Level 130
Sure it's accurate to Japan and stuff

But it would mean that every single new player would have to be warned, and would be stupidly difficult to police

Yes, staff can tp a player into school, but no staff feasibly cannot create a skin for a player and apply it to them



Level 47
+1 -1
I admit that this is a good thing, but it means a series of problems. For myself, I agree this.
However, everything has two sides. I will quote the statement above.


But it would mean that every single new player would have to be warned, and would be stupidly difficult to police
Yes, staff can tp a player into school, but no staff feasibly cannot create a skin for a player and apply it to them


Level 34
+1/-1: I think it should be required for college but not HS as it could be really hard to get new players to follow.


Level 238
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
I am going to remain neutral on this suggestion, though I will give my opinion.

The fact the current uniforms are optional is enough. I'll have to agree with many of the posts in here, it'd be way too hard to manage. Let people choose what they want to wear if anything.

I also suggest that if this does get implemented, instead of getting staff to enforce it, get the school faculty. It'd make way more sense, and it'd add more RP interaction in the case we do get forced to wear the uniforms.

Detentions (IC) > Warning (OOC)


Level 121

While teachers are allowed to know your name based on school records and other factors (especially if you're on a team), this rule just creates more problems. Apart from the cosmetic reasons for adding uniforms, there doesn't seem to be a bigger use for it other than making the school look good. This rule would make things harder, especially from what a lot of other people have suggested.

If someone does something wrong and a name is not necessarily know, especially if students were to want to report something, saying that they were . . a highschool student with brown hair and brown eyes isn't exactly useful. We can use the /me describes (Rp name) but with uniforms, its not like there is many other things you can identify a person by. Might just cause for people to be annoyed that theyre able to be identified based on simple characteristics instead of their clothes as well.

Some people come online at specific times, meaning they may run into school time a lot more than when its after school hours/weekend. Therefore, any outfits they may have got made are essentially going to waste as they are unable to wear them during school. Uniforms are used to represent a school and mainly to make everyone wear the same but there isn't another school in Karakura for ours to be differentiated from and it's not like adults outside of the school aren't gonna recognise a school trip when theres a bunch of kids outside school during school hours. Maybe if we have more than one school then uniforms would be a good idea, but until then it's not like it's benefit is anything more than cosmetic.

It doesn't impact the school in any way and it allows people to be able to express their character more through school. The uniforms you've showed look amazing but if your character wants to wear them then that should be down to choice. People aren't going to want to come online then have to go and change their skin and then change it straight away once school is over.


Level 11

As everyone else is stressing there opinion on this, I will add on myself.

In this case scenario trying to regulate uniforms is like trying to get people to stay on school grounds/campus. We all run off campus at times, even when we are not suppose to. Try adding uniforms being a regular thing, that could be much harder to manage.

Take into consideration that some people don't have great devices, and it does take a great deal of time to log in. That being myself, and not myself. It can take up to 30 minutes to log into srp, just for a change of skin. Let me add onto this, as this is one of the main parts. Changing a skin, back and forth, can get annoying. Especially when wardrobe is reset a lot. The only way you could come close to pulling this off is by having wardrobe somewhat fixed. Requirements to wear uniforms isn't really necessary. Consider the people that have the bad internet, and the people who struggle to get online.

For the New comers to SRP, they probably lack the information on school roleplay shaded skins, therefore the most likely dont know how to do skin transfers. Leaving them unable to follow this, in almost any way. Unless you are going to offer them a skin reshade which could end up to be 15-25 skin reshades a day.

Keeping School Roleplays way on campus, without the requirement for a uniform should stay that way, in my opinion. As staff do announcement for certain events when they need a proper uniform.

In a case scenario where someone is in trouble, and being snaked on, it makes it harder to describe them because everyone will look a like. In this case bad for some people, getting introuble for others mistakes. Good for the person who did the mistake, cause they will stay nearly unknown.

Being a tailor myself, I make outfits for school grounds, as well as for outside of school. Gangrp, romancerp, and so forth. Putting this to effect, people would have wasted their time, and/or money on a outfit, properly fit for school.

I do think this could've been a cool idea, but in the long run take into consideration what others would have to go through to get to this point. Uniforms should stay how they are, open for any students use.
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