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What are your biggest regrets on SRP?


Level 146
A big one for me is that I never kept track of what my characters have done, or saved any screenshots of all the weird hijinks I've gotten myself into. Sure, I can think back on some of the big things, but remembering all the smaller details over six years worth of roleplay isn't something I have in me.

I also regret that my former long-term teacher character, Asuka Deguchi, never really connected personally with that many people. It was my own fault for exclusively using her to teach and then either logging or switching accounts immediately after (thus giving myself zero opportunity to develop her); it's a shame because she probably has the most interesting lore out of all of my characters, but I've been burnt out on her for WAYYYY too long and should have switched characters like a year ago.

The only thing (I'm aware of) that you can see for yourself to this day is how much of an asshat I used to be on the forums from like late 2020-2022. Just look at my messages from those years, I was a certified HATER. You'd think it'd be impossible for me to be any more arrogant than I currently am, but I ain't NOTHING compared to my old self; and that's great, I wouldn't want it any other way.


Level 5
Yikes - okay, this is a question and a HALF... frick dude - I got a few.. but here's the biggest two


Getting too attached to a certain character is a big one-;
While it's OKAY to get attached, I can't find myself to move on from this one in specific, making it difficult to move onto another type of rp I wanted to branch out to... (cough Serena Santarossa cough)

Not joining factions sooner;
I've been on SRP for roughly five years now, and the 'sports' faction is the first I've joined. I never thought I'd stand a chance in anything like that - but over the years, I've come to realize even if I don't get into ONE faction, there's something here for everyone - the initial one you apply for just may not be the one for you, and that's OKAY.


Level 81
I’d like to preface this by saying that I don’t think attachment is a weakness, not by any means. However, everything is healthy if it’s dosed just right. I love writing, and I love my characters. They represent a lot of aspects of me; The good and ugly. I wouldn’t have it another way. The more complex they are, the better. Rarely are people truly good or truly evil. Anyhow, in a way, writing and developing them feels like developing myself - just a little. Just a little!

The problem is that escapism, while cool and all, only does so much. Get out there and do more, folks. I promise, you would not regret it. You are the author of your own adventures, too.
It’s okay to let go and move on, too.


Level 119
My biggest regret in SRP is not doing things I wanted to do sooner.
I also have another big regret which goes down pretty deep and involves past few years (from late 2021 to 2024) but thats a story for another day.


Level 217
sheesh my list would go awn forever, I fear I peaked in 2022 and that was my own fault >_<


Level 65
Event Team
learning to tailor (i have currently 93 characters in counting.)

i honestly don't have many regrets besides how i used to act when i didn't know how to do anything on this server sweats.. anywho another big regret might be the amount of characters i make because i drift off from other people within rp; like relationships for example, my character would be in a relationship w someone elses and i'd suddenly stop using the character out of boredom! its a big regret cuz i feel bad >_<


Level 108
I regret that the first thing I decided to invest in was gangrp when I was a newbie (I returned from inactivity and took to gangrp. sucked badly. brokesome rules. long time ago, and I realized I would rather invest myself in other RP. Eventually, I did return to GangRP but with a new... healthier outlook on how things should be.)


Level 113
(i have currently 93 characters in counting.)

get help.

okay but honestly, not trying gangrp in 2021, like people talk about how it was cool and all that and i WISH i could've experienced it at the very least despite the reputation of it back then. like the bonten v kaku kai war, i was playing SRP at the time but never bothered to even try crime bc all my friends would tell me "dont!! too toxic!!" and i kinda regret it. maybe it would've probably changed who i am later on when i came back to SRP / maybe i wouldn't have taken that long ass break but who knows


Level 66
If my 2019 incident isn't being accounted for, I have no regrets. I am quite pleased with my progress after coming back to SRP in the previous year. I am happy with my characters' growth and happy to have found new friends I can completely rely on.


Level 113
If my 2019 incident isn't being accounted for, I have no regrets. I am quite pleased with my progress after coming back to SRP in the previous year. I am happy with my characters' growth and happy to have found new friends I can completely rely on.


Level 113
If my 2019 incident isn't being accounted for, I have no regrets. I am quite pleased with my progress after coming back to SRP in the previous year. I am happy with my characters' growth and happy to have found new friends I can completely rely on.
OKAY BUT IM. how can i get u to reach that status. i thought we were friends :(

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