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Permission System


Level 35
What's your Minecraft Username?: __jeremylobo
What's the title of your suggestion?: Permission System

What's your suggestion?:
Minor Permissions (Knock out)
Major Permissions (Stab, Breaking Limbs)
Severe Permissions (Removing Limbs) (Possibly just gangs in general, or (UVG/VG)
Critical Permissions (Internal Injury) (UVG/VG)
Kill Permissions (UVG/VG)

How will this benefit the server and community?:
As many people know, removing limbs is now a Kill permissions thing, which into my eyes doesn't make sense. At all, this suggestion will benefit the server by adding a lengthier process to permissions, which would for one, make less people complain in tickets about losing limbs, if they are to continue the line, then complain, that would be their own fault​
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Level 46
can you go more into detail about what the permissions would provide besides stab, knock out, etc. + How you'd gain these new permissions


Level 35
Thread starter
can you go more into detail about what the permissions would provide besides stab, knock out, etc. + How you'd gain these new permissions
from using the past permissions :3 Minors, knocking someone out would give you majors, if they used said majors you would get severe permissions, if they used those, it'd be dependent if they are in a UVG/VG gang to continue


Level 169
Community Team
Lore Team

I don't believe our perms system on how to get them and what you can do within them is something that we need to change. I understand that most people dislike the idea Taking Limbs is a ooc consented things, but you have to understand that MOST situations aren't limb taking worthy... It wouldn't make sense for someone being knocked out would result in your limb being removed? It doesn't make sense, even in real life it doesn't happen often.

! salty

Level 36
It wouldn't make sense for someone being knocked out would result in your limb being removed?
you would get your limb removed if you were to stab or fracture someone, not a knockout, as clearly referenced by jeremy.. if someone were to harm me in a way that might just affect my daily life, I would go extreme too

from using the past permissions :3 Minors, knocking someone out would give you majors, if they used said majors you would get severe permissions, if they used those, it'd be dependent if they are in a UVG/VG gang to continue

but plus one
you might just need to suspend disbelief a little bit but this can actually be fun


Level 142
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
People already don’t read the rules, this will just ensure they don’t.

I don’t think complicating the permissions any further is necessary or a good idea in the long run


Level 137
I do agree there’s a vast jump between breaking bones and then killing someone. For example breaking someone’s arm can allow the other player to just kill them (with motive of course)

Remove the bit about critical permissions and just have Minor, Major, Severe, KPS and it’ll be a +1 from me. If executed properly it could work


Level 7
+1 i believe that adding this will actually make weapons with the limb taking ability useful again considering KPS is really rare to come by and basically gate kept to UVG and VG without consented perms. Adding on to this i also think it will make the progression of perms make more sense considering you can't just jump from someone knocking you out to taking their limb in the middle of the street like old perms. And limb taking isn't even a thing with the new perms in my opinion. Due to the fact that when people DO get KPS they aren't gonna be using it to take limbs.


Level 7
People already don’t read the rules, this will just ensure they don’t.

I don’t think complicating the permissions any further is necessary or a good idea in the long run
I mean, i get that yeah. A lot of people gangrpers especially like to make up their own rules depending on the situation (Before people say that I'm blaming the whole gangrp community. I'm not)

But why should the rest of us miss out on something that could possibly benefit us just because a select few don't want to read the rules?


Level 142
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
I mean, i get that yeah. A lot of people gangrpers especially like to make up their own rules depending on the situation (Before people say that I'm blaming the whole gangrp community. I'm not)

But why should the rest of us miss out on something that could possibly benefit us just because a select few don't want to read the rules?
Because the “select few” is 90% of the community


Level 8

The system is already complicated, and any further change will continue to hinder the faction as every change has despite its efficiency.


Level 51
Minor Permissions (Knock out)
Major Permissions (Stab, Breaking Limbs)
Severe Permissions (Removing Limbs) (Possibly just gangs in general, or (UVG/VG)
Critical Permissions (Internal Injury) (UVG/VG)
Kill Permissions (UVG/VG)
Neutral. I am not necessarily against this, yet the idea of adding more permissions may complicate it even more than it already is for some people. If anything, you should merge severe & critical permissions into one.

I doubt this will be added but I respect your ambitions nevertheless.


Level 195
I’ve looked through the combat permissions and rules a lot and am still trying to get the hang of it, despite the fact that I rarely even encounter CombatRP situations initially. I do have to agree with Customable on this one, though, I think the permissions we currently have is fine as it is and further complicating it will just make everything much harder considering a lot of people just don’t read the CombatRP permissions…
Many people have, however that's the issue is, people don't read the rules fully-through.
It’s definitely going to stay that way, we’re always going to have at least a very large portion of people who don’t read the rules or better yet try to find roundabouts to them.


Level 47
It wouldn't make sense for someone being knocked out would result in your limb being removed? It doesn't make sense, even in real life it doesn't happen often.
There could be worse. Getting knocked out brings heavy embarrassment to a person. You don't know what they could do. People get killed for even just resisting a robbing IRL. The whole point of the major system with removing a limb was to send a message over to the person.

Its a sad reality that it actually happens to people, but the system will not be changing at all anytime soon. Doesn't matter what suggestion pops up, but am i still going to yap? HECK YEAH!

I agree that permissions should only be confined to the GangRP space, not the public community, which it already is, but the permissions are very minor. Sure, breaking a bone after ko'ing someone is cool and all, but its not fun as it used to be. The old permissions attached people to it, made them have a passion for it. Some people will backfire and say this and that, but at the end of the day, its a server, people are meant to have fun. If things keep dwindling, it makes using permissions not as fun, which mostly reduces part of that community.

My vision that im seeing is: Permissions that cause severe damage to a character, should only be confined into the uvg/vg space (e.g removing limbs.) People outside of it can just receive a bone break, like usual. For example, a rule example would go as follows:

- If the person who minorly assaulted you is involved in gang activity (uvg/vg), you are permitted to remove 1 limb off the offender. However, if they are not involved in gang activity, you are only permitted to break 1 bone.

Could be worded better/formatted better, but you get the point. This rule probably seem confusing, but in reality, its really not. It's just like KPS. With people outside of gang activity, you have to get OOC consent to kill their character, but if they're in a gang, you don't need OOC consent. Basically the same idea, but with a different permission and concept(?). However, a lot of the time, new ideas that could work are shot down, unfortunately.

Many people have, however that's the issue is, people don't read the rules fully-through.
Some people are lazy and don't want to read the rules because of how long it is. To be honest, I was and PROBABLY still the same way.

True, I don't get why people use a 'select few' when its' just basically the 90% of the community. I wonder if anyone has been falsely kpsed or limb taken.. :eyes:

Once a person tried using minor permissions because they thought they could just do it. It was like 2-3 years ago, but it was still funny.

People already don’t read the rules, this will just ensure they don’t.

I don’t think complicating the permissions any further is necessary or a good idea in the long run
Its a sad reality that permissions has been complicated more and more the past years :(. At least it's not as toxic as it was before, though. Competition was REAL THOUGH!!
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Level 51
I want to add onto this: The way I see it is that there has been a drastic decline in GangRP recently, and the size of the faction has gotten much smaller ever since the change to the permission rules (and also because of the recent ban waves). I think it's a bad thing, but a lot of people are still dependent on permissions for their entertainment.

Unfortunately, that's not what most of the community wants. A lot don't want to lose their limbs for knocking someone out, the fact is that this suggestion is unlikely to be added due to the original change happening because of a unanimous agreement by staff members and the community alike.


Level 47
I want to add onto this: The way I see it is that there has been a drastic decline in GangRP recently, and the size of the faction has gotten much smaller ever since the change to the permission rules (and also because of the recent ban waves). I think it's a bad thing, but a lot of people are still dependent on permissions for their entertainment.

Unfortunately, that's not what most of the community wants. A lot don't want to lose their limbs for knocking someone out, the fact is that this suggestion is unlikely to be added due to the original change happening because of a unanimous agreement by staff members and the community alike.
I honestly like a nice roleplay in combatrp


Level 104
Community Team
Lore Team

removing limbs is now a Kill permissions thing, which into my eyes doesn't make sense.
If a limb is violently cut off, you will most likely die from blood loss. So it fits under KPS since it starts a 10-minute bleed-out timer, rather than the 10-minute permanent knockout timer Majors has, which is more fitting for regular stabs since they're not as severe or fatal.

From a gameplay perspective, it also makes sense since well... There are 3 permissions. Majors weren't fit for it seeing as that would be more PVP gangRP (From KO --> Limb cut off) and PVP gangRP was kind of being put down and killed off.

Critical Permissions (Internal Injury) (UVG/VG)
If you are referring to internal injury to internal bleeding then... why? Internal bleedings occur when you are stabbed and if you have severe internal bleeding it can lead to death so... this would just be KPS? The same could also be said about brain damage. So I don't get this one since it kind of feels like bootleg KPS.

Overall I'm still in favour of cutting off limbs falling under KPS, not only because it makes more sense progression-wise in permissions and with the bleeding out, but also because cutting off someone's limb is, in my opinion, a lot more traumatizing--for the attacker--and gruesome than stabbing someone and them dying that way. Which in and of itself already is terrible. Cutting off someone's limbs should cost a great effort of adrenaline and really some 'in the heat' impulse decisions, but if it's planned it should be like a really tough mental battle in character.

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