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Ibuki Koharu | A Revisioned Biography


Level 5
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I know I've been like.. REALLY inactive. This was very time consuming and so is being a parent.. and being a student. I did promise a lot of people who love Ibuki that this was going to happen and I procrastinated for an entire year. The backstory IS coming I promise it is, I just need some time to get everything in order as well as get some inspiration. But, to those who love Ibuki, here ya go. (Chiwa's is coming soon.. pls stop breathing down my neck...)


Level 5
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oh btw.. I will be editing ibuki into images that blue diamond are in... cause yes... its an early birthday gift


Level 5
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Ibuki has been aged up to 51, she will be turning 52 on November 12th.
Another child has been revealed: Marlen Mersett
Update on the status of her current spouse, Khonsu Zawadi. His life status right now is, UNKNOWN, same as her son Sefu Tanaka.
Henry M. Hamilton has been adopted/viewed as on of Ibuki's children as well.

Personal Updates Regarding Ibuki:
I will be reworking Ibuki's biography, probably in canva or something similar.
I will make a text version on the forums that will be accessible to everyone, I love the image one, but it is hard to edit everything when it's in a text!
I will be adding a friends section as well, but, there will be the requirement of Ibuki interacting with the character daily or as frequently as possible.
Something that I want to try getting is a blue diamond outfit made for her as well, since I'm personifying her as that character.


Level 62

Ibuki has been aged up to 51, she will be turning 52 on November 12th.
Another child has been revealed: Marlen Mersett
Update on the status of her current spouse, Khonsu Zawadi. His life status right now is, UNKNOWN, same as her son Sefu Tanaka.
Henry M. Hamilton has been adopted/viewed as on of Ibuki's children as well.

Personal Updates Regarding Ibuki:
I will be reworking Ibuki's biography, probably in canva or something similar.
I will make a text version on the forums that will be accessible to everyone, I love the image one, but it is hard to edit everything when it's in a text!
I will be adding a friends section as well, but, there will be the requirement of Ibuki interacting with the character daily or as frequently as possible.
Something that I want to try getting is a blue diamond outfit made for her as well, since I'm personifying her as that character.
she old now


Level 5
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hey y'all. I decided I'd put the document in here and also in the text version, which means this version is getting edited and completely changed! so uh. here's the link to the document. I have comments enabled as well.
sooo uh nvm I'll just leave this up and make a separate version cause this is giving me the ICK
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Level 5
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GUESS WHOS GETTING A COMPLETE AND MORE DETAILED REWORK? Ibuki is. I know that we all love this current version, but, I have some things coming up and I need to make sure that Ibuki's biography is FINISHED and a finalized things. So, I promise everything that I'm working on is really worth it! I also have my writing commissions open at all times if you're interested in a super cool backstory or biography.


Level 97
GUESS WHOS GETTING A COMPLETE AND MORE DETAILED REWORK? Ibuki is. I know that we all love this current version, but, I have some things coming up and I need to make sure that Ibuki's biography is FINISHED and a finalized things. So, I promise everything that I'm working on is really worth it! I also have my writing commissions open at all times if you're interested in a super cool backstory or biography.
Ibuki with her kids fanart?!

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