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✿✿ニコ・ナスニカギマ/ Niko N. Nikagima✿✿


Level 1
✿✿Niko N. Nikagima✿✿
Basic Information

First Name:
' Nico '

Middle and Surname:
' Nasu Nikagima '

Preferred Name:
' Being a very upper class woman, she believes 'nicknames' were immature and childish. Therefore she goes by her lastname, Nikagima. '

' She was born a cis female. '
' She/Her/Hers '

' A young female at the age of 14. '

' She is an astonishing height of 4'8" or 121.92cm. '

' 73lbs '

' Despite her short stature, she'd be a somewhat lanky looking female. Her slim waist would match the rest of her skinny build. '

Skin Color:
' She'd a a milky white female with rosy cheeks contrasting her pale complexion. '

Eye Color:
' Light brown. '

Hair Style:
' Her hair would sit in neatly combed buns on both sides of her head. A light fringe would almost fall in her eyes. '

Hair Color:
' Jet black. '

Date of Birth:
' December 1st. '

Place of Birth:
' Niko was born in Ashiya, Japan '

' Japanese '

' Asian '

Sexual Orientation:
' Bisexual '

Religious Beliefs:
' Shinto '

Political Beliefs:
' Being such a young age, she'd have no political beliefs. '

General Appearance:
' A short female in stature, with pale, milky skin. Rosy cheeks could be seen pairing her pristine look and large round eyes. Jet black hair in two neat buns could be seen resting on the top of her head. Being quite slim, her waist would be slightly cinched in, and long red nails would look like claws on her hands. '

' The preppy female would only wear the color red, always sporting a Red Beetle Pendant. Her style would consist of private school uniforms and lolita fashion dresses. '
' She'd always be sporting her Red Beetle Earrings and Red Beetle Pendant. '

' Coming from a quite wealthy family, she'd consider herself, 'Upper Class'. This meaning she was quite stuck up and snooty. She'd be very blunt, believing that honesty is the best policy.

Character Voice:
' Her voice would be smooth yet intimidating in a way. A posh and upper tone could be heard in every word she spoke. '

' One of her few hobbies would be ballet. '

' She'd a quite a greedy girl with many small imperfections. Most would see her greediness as a 'flaw'. '

' Ballet, dance, poetry, Art, etc. '


Random Info

Favorite Song:
' Her favorite song, despite being so classy, is Vermillon by Slipknot. '

Favorite Show:
' The Walking Dead '

Celeb Crush:
' Anne Hathaway '

Thank you for reading.
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