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Accepted Application for Student Council ✔

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Level 45
IGN: WildSense
Role in School Council: Council President
Expected activity (out of ten): 7.6
RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): Fourteen years old.
Previous Applications: None, unless the suggestions in Bugs/Suggestions count as applications.
Motivation for joining: I've seen how hard Council members work to help the school grow, and I've finally decided that I want to do what I can to enhance the school as well. I've also been trying to learn more self control, and I feel like being part of Council is the perfect way to do so. Another reason is that I noticed that Council is having trouble operating without a president, seemingly at a standstill. I want to fix this problem and help out in any way I can.
What is the School Council?: A School Council is a representative group of students who have been proposed and elected by their peers to represent their views and raise issues with the Senior Managers and Governors of their school. Their main job is making sure that the school atmosphere is healthy and organized, and the elected members are to do a good job at doing so.
What happens in the School Council?: Councilors are to provide advice to the principal and school board. Every school must have a school council, and members include parents, a teacher, a high school student, a non-teaching staff member, a community representative, and even the principal. However, the principal doesn't vote on school Council decisions. This may be different for Taketatsu, but in the state I'm in, meetings are open to all, so you don't need to be a student to attend.


You are a councillor, the chairman submits a awful idea, what do you do?:
Politely give a few good ways to improve the idea, but keep it in range and rationality.
You submit a idea, everyone hates it, how do you react?:
It would depend on how much I care about the idea. Let's use a scale of 1 to 10. If it were a 1 - 3, I would brush it off and move on with my life. A 4 - 6 would result in my contemplating it for a few minutes to a half hour, and then deciding it isn't worth it to keep at it. a 7 - 10 would result in my not bringing up the idea at said meeting, but thinking of ways to improve the idea when I first get the chance.
You have become the school president, what is your first speech:
Hello, fellow students, it's a pleasure to meet you all. A lot of you may know me, and it's lovely to see you all again. I've decided that Council would suit me, and I hope that I can help each of you as best as I can.
You fail to attend 5 meetings with the school council, how do you apologize?
I'd like to apologize for my recent absence, I am quite busy, but I will attempt to attend meetings in Council more often.
You are being removed from your position, how do you react?
I would ask why, and regardless of whether I'm given one or not, I would accept that I'm being removed.


You are writing a letter to the school principal, how do you convince him to let you be his role?
Dear Principal...
I am writing this letter to you in hopes that you will add me to the student council. I've witnessed the work that Council has put into keeping this school in the condition that it is, and I want to lend my own helping hand for the school. I've also seen how hard Greci, the ex Council President, had worked when no one else was around. Now that she's gone, someone is needed to fill her post, and I'm willing to do so. Due to my past actions, I find it reasonable if I don't get accepted, however. I do wish to help the school in anyway I can, from enhancing the aesthetic features of the building to enhancing the personal experience for each student, and overall atmosphere. If I do manage to get accepted, that would be great news, due to my initial abilities of helping the school being greatly enhanced. I'll also be able to get ideas from others, and see different points of view. Thank you for reading this letter.

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Level 124
You are in the school council, but not as a president, just a councilor.
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