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Different: A fictional short story.


Level 71
Different: Brianna's story.

I use to see those cliche bullies on movies, thinking that would never,
ever, occur in my life.
Funnily enough, it did.
Unfortunately in my case, I never had a satisfying ending.
I didn't take that glory revenge.
I just hid.

Of course I knew I was different,
yet certain people kept pointing it out, as if it was a crime.
I was completely aware of the people who despised me.
And the people who ignored me.

No one liked me though,
no one cared enough to do so.
I've had a few friends in my life who quote on quote,
but did they really?
Backstabbing, laughing behind your back, leaving you because they didn't want to become a victim, teasing with proper intentions to hurt you,
Also, the people that actually, physically hurt you.
Occasionally, while taking my study books out, a person would slam my locker door shut to hurt my arms.
I had several bruises along with cuts on my weakened wrists.
The more hurt I got, the more strength sipped out of my body.
Sipped out by the evil monstrosities tagged 'normal'.

Crying, sobbing, gasping for air on a daily bases.
Is that what normal teenagers had to go through?
Sinking your face into the basin full of water, to see how long you could last holding your breath.
Sometimes, I didn't want to ever take my face out.
But I do, I had to.
I knew I had a future, but it seemed so far away.

Everyone is different,
but why did they act like I was the only one?
I will never get the answers,
I don't know if I want to hear those answers.

I moved schools, and it was the best decision of my life.
Without that decision, would I be here to write this down?
I really don't think so.

But it's nice to know,
People move on.
People gradually get stronger with the right help.
Search for the tiny hope in yourself.
And make that sprout into something beautiful.

- Brianna.


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