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GoldenFox166 / Sean's Shop 2 App.

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Level 12
IGN: GoldenFox166
Previous applications: None
Previous warns/kicks/bans: None within the past Month. No Bans Within 1 Year. No Kicks within 6 months. 1 Warn for arguing with staff. 3 months ago. 2 for PG in OOC. - 4 Months ago.

Shop wanted: Shop 2 / Happy Pills
Why do you want to own a shop?: I want to get ownership of Happy Pills because it is an non owned shop and feel as if I'd be a good shop owner. I am highly active and have had lots of experience with the supervisory of shops. I have lots of jobs. The Current OC I am applying with this for has Four Jobs and is being very successful. I am very responsible when I have high power, I tend to attempt to keep it as low as possible with overdoing powers. I am also highly productive and useless with money usage and keeping it great for more customers. I would like to have the shop so I can also keep customers happy with what they get and make sure the store isn't horrible. One last thing I would love to do is make sure people have a great time and make sure nothing is broken or destroyed or screwed up.

What do you plan to do with the shop?: I plan to make it as active as possible and keep it safe for customers and make it manageable to be an official shop. I would also like to keep people healthy with medications and medical supplies. Due to this being the only place that has medications I would like to have it open atleast 3 - 5 Days a week. I am also great at socializing and taking interviews for whatever is needed. If I need to do interviews for jobs then, Those can be done as fast as possible. I do sometimes rush with things but mostly I love to take my time and be responsible with what I do for people and things in general. I also plan to make great renovations and make the shop look brand new! I want the area to look like an entire new shop was made from scratch! I would attempt to help the store with how dead it has been even with active owners.

How will your shop be unique?: I will make it unique by having lots of events as possible and possible rush days meaning there will be high sales to keep the shop up, active, and running at all times! I would also like to keep the store safe so customers will have high customer satisfaction and service! I can also be able to be on and make sure the shop is safe in general so we have no attacks of anything or anyone. Lastly, I would attempt to make it one of the most active shops in Karakura. I can be on daily if needed so I can easily be able to keep the store clean and great! I would also make sure the staff are as active as possible to make sure I am not solo working at a shop. The reason people work is for money and to help the place they work at. But most times it is just for the title of what they are. I would make sure nobody is highly inactive.

How many employees are you planning to have?: 2 Managers - 3 Cashiers - 2 Security - 1 Janitor - 1 Staff Supervisor - 1 Co-Owner. I would make sure all of these positions make sure they do what they are supposed to do and not another spots job!
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Level 119
-I like your ideas, but they maybe aren't fitting for a pharmacy.
-Application is too short word-wise. A good application will have 1100+ words. Yours has 600.
-More detail needs to be provided.
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