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[Infighting] Rage: Chapter 5


Level 45
Surprising enough, just upon being put down on the bed, Wild had already made an attempt to get back up and go at Orisis, much to MJ's annoyance and Andre's worry.
MJ immediately started yelling: "Are you stupid!?"
"Fucks sake, MJ. Calm down, it's just his shoulder."
MJ turned her attention to Jodie, who was taking a stab at calming her best friend down.
"If this is a joke, it isn't funny. You were on the rooftop. Did you see the size of that blade? Look at his shoulder!"
Jodie quickly began to fire back. "You always overrea--"
"Move aside."
Both girls quickly whipped around to see an unknown person there, unmasked. He had tanned skin, black hair, and black eyes. Andre immediately got ready to fight the unknown person.
"And you are?"
"None of your business. I'm treating Wild, you're in my way."
Upon hearing the unknown person utter WIld's name, Andre dashed towards him with great speed, throwing a punch that knocked him off of his balance almost instantly.
"I'll gladly be in your way, fucker."
The anonymous person who invited theirself into Wild's house sat back up, getting on his feet in less than a second.
"Try that again, I dare you."
Andre did as instructed, but this time, the fighter caught his fist, and threw him, sending him crashing into the door and breaking it. Celene rushed through the opening and at the attacker, and made an attempt at kicking him in the face, only catching MJ, who had already lunged at him. He then threw Celene into Jodie before she got a chance to attack. Calmly walking over to Wild, he gave him a shot, directly in the neck. Wild uttered 1 word.
The tranquilizer in the shot put him to sleep. The shot was intended to boost his recuperating rate.
"You should actually try not to attack random people.
Andre sat up, groaning in pain. "Not my fault, now what did you drug him with?"
"It's a recuperation accelerator. I'm a personal friend of his. Has he ever mentioned a Brett?"
Jodie's eyes sparked with shock and anger, as she piped up.
"You're the one that caused him so much pain, because he thought you were dead!"
"I survived, clearly. He saw me already, and he'll see me again once he's awake, just let him sleep for now. You all are really good fighters, but..."
Andre then inquired him.|
"Here are your flaws. You with the white hair, you rush into fights before reading your opponent, which is sure to leave you flat on your ass in almost all your fights. Light brown haired girl, you shouldn't be rushing in before checking to make sure no one's in your way, otherwise you get kicked in the face."
Brett smirked to MJ, which sparked massive annoyance in her.
"Thanks. You with the blonde hair, you need to move out of the way of things hurtling towards you."
Jodie then rolled her eyes, knowing he was right in that scenario. Brett then turned to Celene.
"And you...."
"Don't do high kicks while wearing a skirt."
Celene then turned a bright red, keeping quiet for several seconds. She then tried to turn it around on him, albeit fruitlessly.
"You liked it."
"Fuck off."
Suddenly, a swarm of bullets came at the six, one piercing Andre's leg. The 5 that were awake began looking around, to see Orisis and his gang on the rooftops around them.
He and the gang member jumped off of the buildings, landing on their feet and running at the six

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