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Little Drawings!

So I'm pretty known since after I drew wild xD vvv upload_2018-2-3_22-56-18.png
And ever since I'm getting pretty little attention but proud my mommy C:
And then here's my gang char/ bAsicALlY whAt I loOK lIKE iRL upload_2018-2-3_22-56-26.png
chooby little girl xD
And then yEAH! BAsically what I do, I do draw some requested ones, but if you ask to draw straight up from your char?! yeah... I'mma have trouble so best if you have an image of what you think your char can be so I can do my best xd. If you want to contact me, on discord it's going to be Sorry#9467 , usually 4 hours, well limit would be 4 hours, shortest would be 30minutes (wild's took 30minutes). So yeah, feel free to contact me to draw something for you! All drawings are Free so yeahhhH!!! (I draw irl people better, selfies are much better with good lighting so it will end up better)

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