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My Experience at SchoolRP

Martin jr

Level 20
Well my time on SchoolRP had been short but I had a marvellous time there, I met new people and I tried so hard for one year trying to find a server which included School RolePlay, one year ago I got interested in MineCraft I had an illegal version of it in other ways I had a cracked version where you could play on cracked servers and what not, then in February 2016 I watched a YouTuber that did a Middle School Roleplay and this gave me passion to find a server which has the option to be in a school and roleplay with people but I couldn't find one. In June 2016 my father bought me a Minecraft account, I really enjoyed playing with my friends and what not but I didn't have my goal achieved to find a school roleplay server so then exactly one year and 3 days later I found SchoolRP it was scary but I was surely excited I watched all their YouTube videos and read all their rules on the forums before joining the server, I was happy to join the server and I met so many people that had different ideas and amazing roleplay skills, the staff was always on point with banning and kicking people so I knew I was going to safe. My first Character died and I created a new one and in this character it felt more detailed and more realistic than my other one, I also learnt how to create and edit a skin decently, I met new friends like @FatPandaBooty, @Beeisreallybusy, @Donnie79, @Raspberry18 etc.. they taught me how to RP, and it's sad but I met them in my last week of RolePlay. I just want to thank all the people who were great and amazing in the RolePlay community, this server will be a loving memory in my heart although it was short but yet it was amazing. I cannot explain all my thoughts out in this one thread I hope tried to explain why this server is very important to me and why it will remain in me. Thank you for reading and thank you the SchoolRP Community for being amazing people. I hope I get unbanned soon but this thread isn't about that it is about my story on how I got on the server and the great people I met during my time on the server.
Summer is going and My Holiday is almost over so thank you for being part of my holiday.
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Damn, this is actually really sad, it was nice getting to know you though, even if it was short I had a blast, I'm sure Alli also did. Praying you get unbanned soon so we can create more memories together. I suck at writing sentimental paragraphs so I'm gonna leave it like this.
Let's hope we meet again soon! (can this get anymore cringe??)
shit man.. bee just called me and sent this too me and i may or may not have gotten emotional ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ ) even though it was rp i have to admit i had a really fun time and i, idk what to say tbh I'm hoping you get unbanned because it will get lonely in the server without you, you brought fun to roleplaying in many ways,

like bee said, i hope to see you online and unbanned soon ♡c: c:

Martin jr

Level 20
Thread starter
Guys even though its minecraft it is still realistic RP which can sometimes get emotions to your hurt I have emotions when I am writing this at the moment. Thanks for wishing me in my luck to get unbanned but there are chances that I might not be, I will miss you guys so much you don't understand how much I really had fun with you all, you guys/girls were like my first thought when I got on to the server and the first thought when I woke up. I can't do anything but thank all of you even Chad A.K.A @Rednightmare (Idk if your characeter died xD) for the great moments. I hope to see you all again but it depends on what happens with Banter :P. I hope we can make more moments instead of think of the past moments that have happened.
yeah ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ ) I'm sad again dammit, my eyes are sore and red.. i really hope you do come back tho, we have emotions as well and really miss you too, i really freaking wish you get unbanned.. its gonna suck without you ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ )♡♡ and yeah i agree i just rlly hope you get unbanned and we can make new memories with bee, chad and everyone (damn it I'm not good with sad paragraphs and getting really .. well you know) me and bee are both wishing for the best and as time goes by i guess we can only hope banter unbans you
won't be as fun as it was without you and your too nice honestly ♡ IM SAD AGAIN DAMMIT MARTIN YOUR TOO NICE ( ب_ب ) ( ب_ب )
ughh this is so depressing!! I know its just RP but its still pretty sad. Me and Alli talked, and we was wondering if u maybe have discord or skype, then atleast we can keep in touch (only if u want to ofc!) Even if you can't play on the server, there are other things/servers to play on! We are gonna miss u on the server, even if there might not be a chance u will be unbanned, we still keep a small hope just incase *wink wonk* (dang we gotta stop being such wussies aaah)

Martin jr

Level 20
Thread starter
I'm sorry for being nice but it's just the truth from mi heart and don't worry about your sad paragraphs it still means alot to me that you care about me and you try to respond in a kind way to me. It really does mean a lot to me that you are my friends both in game and out of character. That's what is important to me that you guys are my friends.
it means a lot to us and I'm glad that what me and bee said means something to you, we feel the same your our friend in game and out of game
;v; also do you have Skype or maybe discord? you can message me or bee privately to say it if you prefer

Martin jr

Level 20
Thread starter
Thanks for reading it was short but I hope I got my message through to all of ya in the SchoolRP Community :D

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