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Accepted Sea's Teacher Application

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Level 3
IGN (In Game Name): SeaOfArt
Previous bans: None, 0

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?:
Yes, I understand.
Describe your activity on the server:
I join everyday and play for at least 3 hours.
Do you have TeamSpeak3?
No, I do not.
Do you have a microphone?
No, I do not.
List your current and past applications:
The only past application I have is my Teaching Assistant application.
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying to be a teacher for YHS is set on a foundation of creativity and knowledge. I would like to be a teacher because I want to educate students. I want to surround the YHS community with a positive influential teacher. I want to help all students get a better understanding of certain topics. I wish to be a role model for the students and show them they can achieve anything and to set goals for themselves if they work hard in school. I would like to know I have taught students something they did not know when they came in to my class. I want to know an impact on their learning experience and helped them grow and thrive as a student.
Have you read the megathread for Teachers? Yes.
Have you read ? Yes.
Have you read ? Yes.

You want to start a school field trip, what would you do?
To start a school field trip, I would set notes of the topics we are learning in class at that current time and try to look for a place that could match the things we are learning at that time so students get an even better understanding of the topics we are covering in class. As soon as that has been done, I must check in with the principal to see if permission is allowed to leave the school campus. I also need to make sure, the field trip cost for busses, lunches, and the prices for entering the field trip destination meet the school budget amount. After that is done, I must check with the place we are planning on going to and make sure they approve of our class entering. As soon as dates and everything else are set, I will announce to the class, 4 weeks in advance and give them papers to get approval from their parents. They would have 2 weeks to turn in the slips before I, myself, the teacher would give them to the principal.
As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class:
1) No yelling in class
2) No talking when the teacher or other adults are talking
3) No food or drinks in class
4) No cussing
5) Raise your hand to be called on
7) Never disrespect others, especially the teacher
Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise):
I have worked as a Teaching Assistant and its very warming to see a student grow their mindset and be happy after they have learned a new topic. After all, I was a student, sometimes doing school work can be frustrating when you do not understand something but in the end when you do understand, it just makes you feel like you really accomplished something and it makes you realize how setting your mind to things is worth it. I have always liked learning in general, I personally like learning new topics because it gives you more intelligence and creates more life skills you can use.
List the ranks of teachers, starting from the bottom leading to the top:
1) Trainee
2) NQT - Newly Qualified Teacher
3) QTLS = Qualified Teacher And Learning Skills
4) HD - Head Of Department

Have you read & understood the megathread that is in Roleplay Documents > Teachers?
Yes and I understand it completely.
From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that?
The only thing I would slightly change is the tardy system, don't get me wrong, I agree students that are tardy can't come in, but when the teacher had all the seats taken, they wouldn't let anyone in even though other classes were still allowing students in, so it kind of makes the scheduling of allowing kids in unorganized. However, not many teachers do that, but there is that small percentage that do. (Other subject classes that are open and are of different subjects might replace the full class but not if you want to go to learn a specific subject like English and the teacher's class is full, maybe 2 teachers for each subject could probably solve that, but again, its a very small issue I would change, I really don't have one so this was the only one that came to mind) Other than this, I wouldn't change anything.


Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose to they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
Teachers serve a very important part in not only school but the community we live in. Without teachers, most people would not know basic things like writing, spelling, reading, and even counting. Teachers teach most of the things we have come to know today. They feed our brains knowledge to succeed in life and teach us and help our fundamentality grow. Teachers have a salary of about 250,000 yen. The way teachers teach can be a rather hard question since everyone has their own way of teaching because not all teachers are the same. However, I happen to think most teachers want to get a certain topic across to the class, so I would think they make projects and fun games that can approach the students in a different way to understand things. I think creating fun games or projects are way better than just reading out of a book because it shows students' brains different styles of learning. This is important for them to knw because they need to know how to process different concepts in different ways.
Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server:
SchoolRP is the only server that has real classes and a realistic roleplay style. Teachers are a big portion of that because they teach the classes, they are the ones who work at the school and teach students what they are supposed to know for college or working experience. Teachers are iconic in SchoolRP, they are known as the knowledgeable people in the community that teach and have lessons prepared. SchoolRP would not be the same without them.
Describe the ranking system of teachers:
Trainees - Not quite ready to be teaching. They do not do other teacher's work, their only duty is fairly simple and is to ask teachers to observe their classes to learn tips to teach.
NQT - Able to start lessons, but can not start classes whenever they please, must ask a higher up for permission. They also can not allow trainees to view their classes.
QTLS - Able to let trainees watch their classes but not teach or train them. They are also able to teach whenever they please but should still discuss with other fellow teachers how they organized their teaching plan.
HD - Able to control all of teachers and are able to train trainees. Are the leader of the teacher group. You also organize lesson plans for fellow teacher peers.
What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
First, you must smoothly introduce the lesson to the class, and then assign class activities about it like group projects, then plan an ending to the lesson timeline by finishing it off with a possible exam, quiz, etc.

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

Sea is a black haired male who absolutely loves education. He loves bright, neon colors and dislikes dark colors due to their plain and boring style. He dislikes violence and tries to solve fights even off the school campus. He thinks every student has a great personality and an amazing future if they set their minds to it. He believes every student can succeed at what they want in life and pushes students outside their comfort zone to try new things. He loves meeting other teachers and socializing with them. Sea loves learning about their teaching styles so he could learn from them. Sea's personality is the bubbliest person ever, its very rare to catch him in a bad mood because he likes being positive always. He wishes to be the best teacher he can be for all students at YHS, he also thinks he will apply to be a professor at the Takamashi College Institute by the age of 40.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I try to approach them in a calm way and give a brief lecture about using foul language like that and why they are not good vocabulary to learn because using language like that makes bad impressions on people about you and lessens the respect you earn. "Hey guys, that language is not appropriate, and trust me, growing up and using that language, your boss at work or just people in general will not have good impressions on you. If you have a job and say something like that, chances are you will be fired."
No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?
"Looks like you guys seem to understand the lesson very well since you guys are all talking, maybe this means I can triple the amount of homework you were getting before."
"If I get interrupted again, you will be spending your lunch time in my room, and I'll teach the lesson straight out of the book with no special games about the topic that would usually be very fun."
When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act?
I would get a drink like coffee and socialize with other teachers and talk about how their class is doing and about how the development and growth of the class is doing.
Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.
Sits in his chair, leaned back with his hands on his stomach, not acting amused of the class's behavioral state.

Watches over the student as she does his test, reading a small part of his answer and then proceeding to walk back to his desk.

Prepares a stack of worksheets and starts passing them out row by row, making sure each student has gotten one and is starting on it.

Smiles at the class and starts to applaud them, showing gratitude towards their improvements in the class, "All of you have showed big growth improvement and it will be shown on your next report card!"

Smiles, showing his bright yellow teeth as he sees about half of the class raising their hands to answer the question, "Wow! A lot of you have really been studying!"


Sea was born in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar, his parents were both professors at a local college. He was influenced by his parents, he always thought his parents' jobs were so awesome! By the age of 5, Sea was enrolled to Ulaan Elementary and always liked learning and school in general. When he culminated from Elementary, he was enrolled to Baakatar Middle School in which he got straight A's passing all his classes with a 4.0 GPA. Sea was learning 8th grade math in 6th grade. He was always very social but did not let friends get in the way of his studies. By grade 8, Sea moved to Beijing with his parents, going to Bei High School. Sea was very focused on his studies in High School, he knew this was his final chapter before he applied for college. His freshman year at Bei High School was not the best, he did not have many friends and felt lonely. However, by grade 10, he had his own study group that he would always hang out with. When he was in grade 12, his mother got offered to be principal of a high school in Japan, while his father stayed in Beijing being a vice principal at his college, taking Sea with her. It hurt Sea because he only saw his father about 2 times a year. After that year had passed, Sea applied for Bolong College Institute. He was accepted after 2 months of his application entry, he was the happiest he could have ever been knowing he is going to college. He studied Science, History, and Botany, getting degrees for all. Then, in 2014, Sea graduated and that same year in December, got his first teacher job in Tokyo, living in a dorm, a few blocks away from his mother's home. Now, Sea is planning on landing a job in Takamashi.

Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Luke Sea Smith
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss)
: Mr Smith
Given Name(s): Luke
Preferred Name: Sea

Age: 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheism
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: 50% Mongolian 50% English
Current Location: Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 3
Working Experience (# of years): 4

Academic Degree: Doctorate

Year of Graduation: 2014
Major(s): Science, Theater, Botany, History
Minors: Language Arts

Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Mongolian, French, Spanish, Portuguese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes.
Preferred Teaching Subject: Theater, Science, History, Botany

Additional notes about your application (if any):
I can teach any subject that is left in the school. It does NOT have to be any of the ones at the top, any free slots are great.
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